Brinjal farming cost, profits for 1 acre cultivation:
Growing brinjal or eggplant for profit is one of the best ideas as the yield of brinjal is excellent and there many hybrid seeds available for commercial cultivation of brinjal. Today, we discuss the topic of profit of brinjal farming, the cost involved for brinjal cultivation and actual yield of brinjal in 1 acre of farming. As you read through, you can find the project report for brinjal cultivation with all the economics.

Briefly about Brinjal Farming:
The Brinjal vegetables are considered as the King of vegetables. Brinjal is one of the most common vegetable crops grown in tropical to the subtropical type of climatic conditions. Based on the climatic conditions and regions, various varieties of Brinjal are grown across the country. A large number of Brinjal varieties are available in the market based on the size, shape, color, and variant of the vegetables. It is one of the vegetables having wide characters of quality. Brinjal is a moderate source of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients like phosphorous, calcium, iron and other important vitamins. Various types of dishes can be prepared from Brinjal. However, it depends on the variety chosen for curry preparation. Brinjal is one of the top vegetable crops grown in the country. Many of the farmers choose this Brinjal crop farming as it gives high yield and profits that depend from variety to variety. Brinjal crop can be cultivated in open land as well as in greenhouses or poly houses too. In this post, we will let you know the cost of Brinjal farming in 1 acre and profits of Brinjal farming in 1 acre.

Brinjal crop can be cultivated for a period of 4 months or 160 days to get maximum yields. The yielding in Brinjal crop starts after 40 to 55 days of sowing and continues up to last 160 days. The yield in Brinjal crop varies from 7 tons to 17 tons which completely depends on the variety of hybrid chosen.

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Brinjal varieties for high yield:
The selection of Brinjal variety varies from region to region and soil to soil. However, it is better to get suggestions from the local and regional government agriculture officer to go selecting a suitable variety for Brinjal crop cultivation for high yield. Even though, there are many private companies selling high yield hybrid Brinjal varieties suitable for a wide range of climatic conditions. Some of the varieties are listed below
- Round Purple varieties: ArkaNavaneeth, Pusa hybrid 6, Mahyco hybrid 2, No. 54, Utkarsha, Mohini, Agora, Manju, and Sanju.
- Cluster purple varieties: Mahycoravayya, and mahyco hybrid no 3
- Purple long varieties: Gulabi, Pusa hybrid 5, and MS – 172
- Green long cultivars: Mahyco hybrid no 9, green long, haritha, harshitha, BH – 0028, 1311, and 1444.
- Green round variety: Mahyco hybrid no. 56, and Green mothi.
- Patched purple variety: Kalpatharu, Mahyco hybrid no. 11, 16, and Vijay
- Bagyamathi
- Shyamala
- Gulabi
- Pusa purple cluster
- Pusa purple long
- Pusakranthi
- Other private hybrid Brinjal varieties
Typical Types of Brinjal.
Cost of cultivation of Brinjal crop in 1 Acre
Cost of Brinjal seed:
Cost of Brinjal seed varies from region to region and variety to variety. However, on an average, we require 160 g to 200 g Brinjal seed to cultivate 1 acre. On average it costs Rs. 1500 for 200 gm of Brinjal seeds requires for sowing one acre area.
Cost of seed treatment for Brinjal:
For seed treatment, we should teat the seed of Brinjal with 3 grams thiaram or mancozeb and 4 grams Trichodermaviridi, it costs less than Rs. 100 for 200 gm Brinjal seed.
Cost of ploughing:
for ploughing and making ridges and furrows in 1 acre, it costs about Rs.1500 for 1 acre.
Cost of transplanting:
Cost of transplanting in Brinjal crop incurs about Rs. 500 for two men labors for 1 acre area.
Cost of labour in Brinjal farming 1 acre:
For Brinjal Farming, we need 2 labor for every 15 days and therefore we require 16 labors of 8 male and 8 females. The cost of male labor is Rs. 250 whereas, female labor is Rs. 200. Therefore, we require Rs. 3,600 for labors.
Labor cost for sowing: Rs. 450.
Labor cost for transplanting: Rs. 450.
Labor cost for intercultural operations for every 15 days i.e., Rs. 3600.
Cost of labor for spraying for 2 times: Rs. 500.
Labor cost for harvesting: Rs. 500 X 6 = Rs. 3000.
You may check this Watermelon Profits, Yield Per Acre.
Cost of fertilizers:
Fertilizers cost for 1 acre Brinjal farming may take up to Rs. 1500 only.
Cost of harvesting of Brinjal:
Harvesting is done for every 15 days after 1st picking, it means a total of 4 harvestings are done where we require 6 labors for picking or harvesting Brinjals from plants and incurs Rs. 3,000 as mentioned above.
Cost of pesticides:
Cost of pesticides includes the cost of insecticides and the cost of fungicides namely methyl dematon, copper oxychloride, imidacloprid, etc. as Brinjal is more susceptible to various insect pests and disease. On average, the costs of pesticides range around Rs. 6500 per acre.
Miscellaneous cost in 1 acre Brinjal farming:
These include various costs like rental cost of agriculture implements, extra labor during high sunshine hours, marketing cost for long distance traveling and others which may be up to Rs. 10,900.

Marketing cost of 1 acre Brinjal:
In the recent past, most of the corporate companies are procuring the agriculture produce like vegetables such as Brinjal from the farmer field itself where there is no need of marketing cost. However, in the absence of such procuring agencies, the farmer must sell the Brinjal produce at the nearest vegetable market. Therefore for sale of harvested produce for 4 times, it incurs around Rs. 2,000.
Total Cost of Cultivation of Brinjal in 1 acre: Consider it as “C”
- Seed cost and seed treatment cost: 1,600
- Labor cost: 3,600
- Land cost for 4 months: 10,000
- Cost of intercultural operations: 1,400
- Cost of pesticides: 6,500
- Cost of harvesting: 3,000
- Cost of Marketing: 3,000
- Miscellaneous cost: 10,900
The total cost of 1 acre Brinjal farming: 40,000
Therefore, the total cost of 1 acre Brinjal farming (C) is around Rs. 40,000.
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Profit of Brinjal farming or Income returns in 1 acre (B):

Income returns vary from place to place and market to market. On average nowadays, according to NaaPanta, a government website for market prices, Brinjal is sold at Rs. 2000 per quintal by the farmers in the local markets. The farmer can yield up to 100 quintals of Brinjal from 4 to 5 pickings in 1 acre Brinjal cultivation during Kharif or rainy season.
- 10,000 kg X Rs. 20 = Rs. 2,00,000 = C.
Net profit from 1 acre Brinjal farming is B–C:
2,00,000 – 40,000 = Rs. 1,60,000.
Therefore, a farmer can earn up to Rs. 1.6 lakh in Brinjal cultivation in 1 acre if he undergoes proper management of crop cultivation. However, the figures may vary depending on various biotic as well as abiotic factors.
How to increase the profits and yields in 1acre Brinjal farming:

It is, however, easy to increase the profits in 1 acre Brinjal farming if you follow Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) method of farming which we have given in our earlier article.
Facts about Brinjal Plantation:
- Although brinjal is perennial, it is mostly grown as annuals by many farmers.
- The brinjal takes 100 to 130 days from seed, 75 to 90 days from transplants to get matured eggplants. This time is planting to harvesting.
- Usually, one brinjal plant can yield up to 15 eggplants depends on varieties. Can expect more from Hybrid varieties.
- Brinjal plants cannot survive in freezing conditions and less resistant to frost conditions.
If your brinjal plant leaves are turning yellow, it might be due to irregular watering or moisture stress(overwatering or less water). This may also be due to less nitrogen content in the soil or mites/bugs that feed on plant leaves. - If your brinjal plant is not growing indicates that there are nutrient deficiencies in the soil or less watering.
- If your brinjal plant leaves are becoming curly, it might be due to mosaic virus or spotted wilt virus.
- Just like tomatoes, eggplant or brinjal is self-pollinated.
- If the brinjal plant flowers falling off, the main cause of this is not providing enough water.
- If the brinjal plant has flowers but not fruiting means, it is due to lack of pollination.
- Brinjal plants require good amount watering especially in early growth stages and require more in hot and dry climatic conditions.
- Brinjal farming profit depends on many factors such as seed, soil type, cultivation practices, and marketing.
Conclusion: This is all about 1 acre Brinjal farming. Furthermore, if you have any queries, you can comment below for more information.
That’s all folks about profit in brinjal farming in 1 acre cultivation. Good luck and keep growing veggies!.
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The cost seems too less. Sir, From where(which location) i can get labours at least cost.
We usually take a minimum or average labor cost