Brinjal Varieties and Diseases Information:
The following is all about Brinjal varieties and Diseases in India.
Brinjal Varieties List:
Pusa Purple of Brinjal Varieties:
It’s an early maturing and long fruited type sort. Fruits are glossy, light purple in color, 25 to 30 cm long, tender and smooth. The fruits are ready for picking in 100 to 110 days after planting. Suitable for spring and autumn plantings, the average yield is about 27 to 28 tonnes/ha. This variety is moderately tolerant to take borer and little leaf disease.
Pusa Purple Cluster of Brinjal Varieties:
It is an early maturing and long fruited type sort. Fruits under this variety are small, dark purple in color, and borne in clusters. The crop is ready for harvesting in approximately 75 to 80 days after transplanting. This variety is resistant to small leaf disease under normal conditions.
Pusa Kranti of Brinjal Varieties:
This variety has a dwarf and spreading growth habit. Fruits of this cultivar are oblong and stocky than slender with attractive dark purple color. This variety is good for both spring and autumn plantings beneath North Indian states. Normally, the crop grows in 140 to 150 days. The normal return is about 15 to 16 tonnes/ha.
Pusa Barsati of Brinjal Varieties:
This cultivar/variety includes a dwarf and vertical growth habit devoid of thorns. Fruits are medium, long, and purple with an average yield of about 36 tonnes/ha.
Manjri Gota of Brinjal Varieties:
This variety has a dwarf and spreading growth habit. The fruits are medium-large, purple, and round colored with white stripes. Upon maturity, the fruits reach a golden yellow color. The normal return is roughly 16 to 20 tonnes/ha.
Vaishali of Brinjal Varieties:
This variety includes a stunt and dispersing type of growth habit. Normally, the fruits are oval in shape purple in color with white stripes. The stalks of these fruits bear spines. Brinjal harvest is ready for first choosing within two months after transplanting in the field. The average yield is about 28 to 30 tonnes/ha.
Arka Navneet of Brinjal Varieties:
This is high yielding hybrid cultivar. Fruits are large oval to oblong with deep purple luminous skin with each fruit 450 grams in weight. Purple blossoms with a solitary posture custom. Free from bitter principles with very excellent cooking qualities. The crop is ready for picking in 150 to160 days after planting. One can obtain an average return is 65 to 70 tonnes/ha.
Arka Sheel of Brinjal Varieties:
These variety fruits are moderate with profound shining purple skin. Calyx is fleshy and green. Purple flower with all the solitary bearing habit. The harvest is ready for picking in 145 to 160 days after transplanting the crop. Normal crop yield is approximately 37 to 38 tonnes/ha.
Arka Kusmukar of Brinjal Varieties:
This variety has to spread plant dependency with green stems and green leaves. Flowers white green small fruits are borne in the cluster. Soft texture with good cooking quality. The fruit crop is ready for picking in 140 to150 days after sowing in the field. The average return is 40 tonnes/ha.
Arka Nidhi of Brinjal Varieties:
This cultivar is a top-yielding type with resistance to bacterial vaginosis. Fruits are borne in the bunch. Calyx purplish green. Fruits are free from bitter principles with slow seed growth and good cooking quality. This brinjal crop is ready for picking in 145 to 150 days after transplanting in the field. The average yield is about 48 to 50 tonnes/ha.
Arka Keshav of Brinjal Varieties:
This variety is high producing bacterial wilt resistant. Fruits are tender and Free of bitter fundamentals with seed maturity. This brinjal crop is ready for picking in 145 to 150 days. The average return is about 45 to 50 tonnes/ha.
Arka Neelkanth of Brinjal Varieties:
This cultivar is a top-yielding type with bacterial wilt resistance. Normally, fruits are tender and free from bitter fundamentals with seed maturity. The harvest is ready for picking in 145 to 150 days after plantation. The normal yield is about 43 to 45 tonnes/ha.
Pusa Ankur of Brinjal Varieties:
These variety fruits are oval-round, small-sized (about 70 to 80 grams), dark purple, appealing fruits. This variety is an early bearing one and becomes prepared for the very first harvest within 45 to 50 days after transplanting. These Variety fruits don’t shed colour and tenderness even on delayed harvesting.
Exotic Brinjal Varieties:
- UK Table Purpose Black Beauty.
- Florence Purple.
- Blacknite.
- Caspar.
- Long Purple.
- Black Beauty.
Note: For commercial high-yielding Brinjal Varieties in your local region, contact the horticulture department. These Brinjal Varieties and yield may vary from region to region.
Brinjal Diseases or Egg Plant Diseases :
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Damping Off: The disease causes acute damage in the nursery. High soil, moisture, and medium temperature along with high humidity especially in the rainy season caused the growth of the disease. Two types of symptoms have been observed.
- Pre-emergence damping-off: The Pre-emergence damping-off effects in seed and seedling rot before these emerge from the soil.
- Post-emergence damping-off: The post-emergence damping-off phase is characterized by infection of the Young, juvenile tissues of the collar in the bottom level. The infected tissues Become tender and become water-soaked. The collar portion rots and ultimately the Seedlings collapse and die.
Control Measures: Healthy seeds should be chosen for sowing. The seed should be treated with Thiram @ 2 grams/kg of seed before sowing. The constant raising of the nursery at the same plot ought to be avoided. The topsoil 2 of the nursery should be treated with Thiram @ 5 grams/m areas of the dirt and toddlers should be drenched with the identical chemical @ 2 grams/liter of water in a fortnightly interval. Soil solarization by dispersing 250 gauge polythene sheet above the bed for 30 days before sowing and application of bio-control representative Trichoderma Viride in soil @ 1.2 kg/ha is also found successful to control damping-off to some substantial extent.
Phomopsis Blight: It’s a serious disease of brinjal infecting the foliage and the fruits. The fungus infects the seedlings from the nursery causing damping-off symptoms. In seedling disease, it causes damping-off symptoms. When the leaves are infected little circular spots appear which become grey to brown with irregular blackish margins Lesions may also grow on petiole and stem, inducing blighting of the affected portion of the plant. Symptoms on the infected fruits appear as instant, sunken dull and dusky areas which later merge to form rotten areas. The flesh of severely infected fruits rots.
Control Measures: Adopting good field sanitation, destruction of infected plant material and crop rotation assist to reduce the spread of these diseases. Seeds obtained from disease-free plants should be used for planting. Seed treatment with Thiram (two grams/kg seed) protects the seedling at the nursery phase. Spraying with Dithane Z-78 (0.2%) or Bordeaux mixture (1 percent) effectively controls the disease within the field.
Leaf spot: The disease symptoms are characterized by a chlorotic lesion, angular to irregular in form, later turning greyish-brown. Severely infected leaves fall off prematurely, leading to reduced fruit yield.
Control Measures: Removal and destruction of affected plant parts and spraying the affected plants with Bavistin (0.1 percent) or Chlorothalonil (two grams/liter of water) are helpful for disease management.
Alternaria Leaf Spots: The disease causes characteristic leaf spots with concentric rings. The stains are largely intermittent and coalesce to cover large areas of the leaf blade. Severely affected leaves drop off. The symptoms on the affected fruits are in the form of large deep-seated spots. The infected fruits turn yellow and fall off prematurely.
Control Measures: Removal and destruction of affected plant parts and spraying the plants that are affected with Bavistin (0.1%) are helpful for infection management.
Fruit Rot: High humidity favors the development of the disease. The symptoms first appear as small water-soaked lesions on the fruit, which later enlarges in size substantially. The skin of infected fruit turns brown and develops white cottony growth.
Control Measures: Removal and destruction of the affected fruits and spraying the crop using Difolatan (0.3%) thrice at an interval of 10 days effectively control the disease.
Verticillium Wilt: The disease attacks the young plants in addition to mature plants. Such plants do not flower and fruit. Infection after the flowering stage results in the progression of twisted floral buds and fruits. The affected fruits eventually drop off. The infected leaves reveal the presence of irregularly scattered necrotic pale yellow stains over the leaf lamina. Later on, these spots coalesce leading to complete wilting of the leaves. The roots of the affected plants are split open longitudinally, a feature of dark brown discoloration in the event the xylem vessels are observed.
Control Measures: Crop rotation with ladies finger (okra), tomato, and the potato should be prevented. Soil application and foliar application with Benlate (0.1%) are effective in reducing the wilt disease.
Bacterial Wilt: Bacterial wilt disease causes a serious problem in brinjal growing. The characteristic symptoms of this disease are wilting of the foliage followed by a collapse of the whole plant. The wilting is characterized by slow, sometimes sudden, yellowing, withering, and drying of the whole plant or a number of its branches.
Control Measures: Removal and destruction of the affected plant parts and using disease-resistant varieties help to reduce the disease occurrence. Crop rotation with ladies finger (okra), tomato, and the potato should be avoided. Before sowing the seeds should be dipped in a solution of Streptocycline (1 gram/ 40 liters of water) for 30 to 35 minutes.
Little Leaf of Brinjal: This is a severe viral disease of brinjal cultivation. The disorder is transmitted by the leafhopper. The leaves of the infected plants in the early stages are light yellow in color. The leaves show a reduction in size and therefore are malformed. Infection-affected plants are generally shorter in stature bearing a large number of branches, roots, and leaves compared to healthy plants. The petioles get briefer considerably, many buds show up in the axil of leaves, and internodes become shortened thus providing the plants a bushy appearance. Flower parts are deformed leading the crops to be sterile. Infected plants don’t bear any fruit. However, if any fruit is formed it will become tough and hard and neglects to grow.
Control Measures: Adopting sanitary measures including the eradication of vulnerable volunteer crop plants out of a previous planting can lessen the damage. Use of barriers of trap plants and premature removal and destruction of infected plants is also recommended. The sowing time can be adjusted to prevent the key flights of the beet leafhopper. Spraying Malathion (2ml/liter of water) beginning with the overall look of the leafhoppers regulates their population.
Mosaic: This is a viral disease caused by Potato Virus Y and transmitted by aphids. The important symptoms of this disease are mosaic mottling of the leaves and stunting of plants. The leaves of infected plants are deformed, small, and leathery. Plants show stunted growth when Infected in the early stages.
Control Measures: The disease incidence could be minimized by reducing the population of aphids, removal, and destruction of contaminated plants, and eradication of susceptible weed hosts. In the nursery, aphids can be controlled by means of Carbofuran (1 pound a.i./ha) in the nursery bed in the time of sowing seeds followed by 2 to 3 foliar sprays of Phosphamidon (0.05%) at a period of 9 to 10 days. Spraying Phosphamidon (0.05%) at 10 days intervals starting from 2 weeks to 3 months after transplanting effectively controls the aphids in the area.
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