Chilli Farming Profit, Cost, Project Report (Pepper)

Chilli farming profit per acre, cost of cultivation, yield in India

Today, we are into the discussion of profitable Chilli farming. Commercial growers of Chilli must know the cost of cultivation of Chilli, Chilli farming profit along with other economics. One should go through this Chilli farming project report for their reference. Now let us see the Chilli farming profit and cost.

Chilli can be cultivated for two purposes. One is for Vegetable purpose that is green Chilli, the other is for spice purpose known as red Chilli powder. However, the farmer can earn income from any of the farming as it depends and varies from region to region and season to season. In this post, we will et you know the cost, profits and net profits from 1 acre green Chilli farming.

Green Chilli Field.
Green Chilli Field.

Green Chilli can be cultivated in varied climatic conditions from tropical to the subtropical type of climatic conditions. Chilli is one of the vegetable crops that can give profitable returns to the grower or Chilli farmer. However, Chilli is also one of the vegetable crops that consume high investment than any other vegetable crops. The integrated pest management in Chilli crop that consumes fewer pesticides has been described in the post which we have given earlier. Let us get into the topic of Chilli profit costs for 1 acre.

About Chilli crop:

The green Chilli crops can be sown in the months of July and August as rabi crop and in October and November as Rabi Chilli crop. Sowing is done in transplanting method where the seeds are transplanted from nursery seedbed after 25 days after sowing. The seed rate of green Chilli is 2.5 kg per acre and 800 to 1000 gm for hybrid Chilli varieties.  1st picking or harvesting is done after 90 days of sowing. However, 7 to 10 picking is done from the 1stdstage of harvesting. 1 acre of green Chilli cultivation can yield up to 15 quintals per acre.

Chilli Farming Profits.
Chilli Farming Profits.

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Chilli seed varieties:

There are many Chilli varieties suitable for various type of climatic conditions. Some of the important Chilli varieties which are famous across the country are given below

  • G3: Long, rain-fed, 6 to 7 quintals/ hectare.
  • G4 or Bagyalaxmi Chilli variety: Slender, long, suitable for dry and green Chilli farming, tolerant to insect-transmitted viral diseases, yield 40 – 45 quintals/ hectare.
  • G 5 or AndraJyothi: short pods, swollen 40 – 50 quintals/ hectare yield.
  • CA 960 or Sindhur: Long, suitable for green and red Chilli farming, suitable for summer crop season, low spicy, 50 – 55 quintals/hectare.
  • LCA – 200: Long,rain-fed, 40 – 45 quintals/ hectare yield.
  • CA 1068 or Aparna: long and slender, yield about 35 – 40 quintals/hectare.
  • LCA 235 or Baskar: Small, highly spicy, resistant to viral diseases. Yields about 50 to 60 quintals.
  • Paprika Chilli variety: These are the varieties that are suitable for salad preparation and garnishing various dishes. LCC 424, LCC 436 is the best suitable Paprika Chilli varieties.

Cost of Chilli seeds: For 1 acre, green Chilli crop cultivation, it requires 2.5 kg seed that costs about Rs. 5000.

Green Chilli Yield.
Green Chilli Yield.

Cost of seed treatment: In order to control seed borne viral diseases, the seeds are to be soaked in trisodium or the phosphate at the rate of 150 gm per kg seed. In addition, we also do seed treatment with imidacloprid at the rate of 8 g per kg seed is used and 3 gm mancozeb to control fungal disease and Trichoderma sp as a bio-control agent at the rate of 10 grams per kg seed is used. Therefore all these seed treatments cost around Rs. 700

Plowing cost in 1-acre tomato crop: It incurs around Rs 1000 for plowing 1-acre tomato field along with the rental costs of the equipment and hire charges.

Cost of transplanting: Transplanting is done after 20 to 25 days of sowing on the nursery seedbed. In order to transplant the seeds on to 1 acre, we require two laborers that cost around Rs. 500.

Cost of intercultural operations: Intercultural operations include weeding and other farm activities. It is done for every 15 days intervals from the date of sowing. For every, intercultural operations we require 2 laborers that cost around Rs. 3,000.

Cost of pesticides: As Chilli is prone to many insect pests than fungal diseases, we have to spray many pesticides like insecticides and other fungicides like chlorpyriphos and thiamethoxam, acetamipridetc that costs up to Rs. 3,000.

Cost of fertilizer: Soil testing is to be done before applying fertilizers. The method and process of soil testing have been given in the previous article which you can refer over there. Based on the soil testing, the fertilizers are applied like micronutrients and macronutrients which incurs around Rs2000 with the subsidy cost for one-acre area.

The rental cost of 1 ac land: Rental costs of 1-acre land varies from area to area and season to season. Approximately for 1-acre area for about 4 months, the rental costs may be up to Rs 10,000. However, it is negligible when the farmer grows green Chilli on his own farm which is commonly practiced.

Cost of harvesting in 1 acre green Chilli farming: the yield in green Chilli starts from 80 to 90 days of sowing. Hand picking is done from 1-acre land which is about 8 to 10 pickings to get a yield about 15 quintals per one acre green Chilli farming. For 7 to hand pickings it costs Rs 2500 for the complete harvesting of green Chilli.

Cost of marketing: marketing is mostly done at the farm gate itself nowadays. However, the farmer can sell the green Chilli produce at the nearest vegetable market for which it is about Rs 3,000 for transportation and marketing.

The total cost of 1 acre green Chilli Farming:

Cost of Green Chilli Cultivation.
Cost of Green Chilli Cultivation.

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The above-mentioned cost details are added

  • Seed cost of 1 acre green Chilli: Rs 5,000
  • Seed treatment cost: Rs. 700
  • Plowing cost: Rs 1000
  • Transplantation cost: Rs. 500
  • Intercultural operations cost: Rs 3,000
  • Pesticides cost: Rs 3,000
  • Fertilizer cost: Rs 2,000
  • Harvesting cost: Rs 2,500
  • Marketing cost: Rs 3,000

The total cost of 1 acre green Chilli farm: Rs 20,700.

Let us consider total cost as “C”.

Profits from 1 acre green Chilli farming:

The farmer can get a yield of about 15 quintals per acre if he does proper management practices within the 1 acre green Chilli farm. As on 29. 6. 19, the green Chillies are sold at an average cost of Rs6000 per quintal. It means for 15 quintals the farmer can get Rs 90,000. Let us consider profit as “B” that is Rs 90,000

Net profit in 1 acre green Chilli farming:

The net profit is the difference of profits and costs in 1 acre green Chilli Farming or B–C.

Therefore, net profits in one acre Chilli farming is Rs 79,800. Hence the farmer can earn Rs. 70,000 to Rs 80,000 from once acre green Chilli Farming only if he undergoes proper care and management within the 1 acre green Chilli farm for about 5 months.

Some facts about Growing Chillies:

Chillie Plantation.
Chillie Plantation.

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  • Green Chillies require full sun though they can tolerate partial shade.
  • Green Chillies usually take 45 to 60 days to reach a maturity stage. However, it all depends on the variety of Chilli and the stage of using.
  • The calcium deficiency may cause the Chilli plant not producing any flowers are fruits. Some times it may be due to climatic conditions when the night temperatures are high.
  • The best fertilizers for growing green Chillies are a compost, good organic manure along with 5-10-10 fertilizer. These should be applied to the soil before transplanting the Chillies.
  • If your Chilli plant leaves are turning yellow because of insufficient water or lack of nutrients in the soil.
  • If your Chilli plants are not growing because of poor watering or over-watering. Constantly check for soil moisture and provide the water accordingly.
  • Green Chillies are propagated mainly from direct seeding or nursery-raised seedlings.
  • Green Chillies can be grown indoors, pots, on the terrace, in the balcony and backyard of the home garden.
  • Green Chillies can be grown easily in the greenhouse, polyhouse or shade net.
  • Growing hydroponic Chillies is easy as conventional growing.
  • If you see the holes on pepper leaves, it is due to the attack of Flea beetles. Eventually, the leaves will turn to yellow and drop.
  • If you observe the Chillie plants are turning black, it is due to either using string fertilIzers or lack of water or too much water. Avoid wetting the foliage when watering.
    It is better to rotate crops annually and it is advised not to apply the compost at the end of season plants.
  • If your Chilli plant is dying, there should be a careful evaluation. Usually, verticillium wilt may cause chili wilt.
  • Because of bacterial spot, your Chilli plant leaves will be turning to brown color.
  • Any commercial Chilli farming profit depends on many factors such as crop management, soil type, variety of the Chilli, and climatic condition.

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