Hello friends today we discuss the Coccinia farming income or Kovakkai cultivation profits or Ivy gourd yield per acre. Cocciniagrandis belongs to Cucurbitaceae family. It has an aggressive climbing property and can spread over the trees, supports, shrubs, fences, etc. It is a vegetable plant but its leaves stem and roots have medicinal values, hence they are used in ayurvedic medicines. Coccinia is commonly called as Tindora, Kundru, Tondli in India. It is popularly known as Gentle man’s toes. What are we waiting for let is get into the detailes of Coccinia farming income, profits, cost and econimics.
Coccinia farming income per acre; cost; profit; project report:
Coccinia showed many health benefits where it has an excellent property which normalizes the blood sugar levels; hence it is used for diabetes patients. It is rich in vitamin C, contains laxative properties, its juice helps to maintain the skin in a healthy condition. It has many properties that act as the best medicine for asthma, jaundice, bronchitis, leprosy, psoriasis, rabies, etc. It is rich in potassium. It reduces fat by increasing metabolism. Sometimes due to inadequate pollination, the healthy flowers might suddenly droop, so maintain the correct proportion of male: female ratio, for better production. This might also be due to environmental factors, lack of soil fertility, and irrigation thrips. Hence maintain the soil fertile rich with manures- fully decomposed manure, etc.

Coccinia varieties list:
The improved varieties of coccinia include-
- Indian Kundru-5,
- Indian Kundru-35
- Other hybrid cocciniavarities
Climate conditions required for coccinia farming:
Coccinia grows well at humid and warm climatic conditions. The ideal temperature ranges from 20°C to 32°C, is best for its growth, good yield. The best yielding seasons are rainy and summer. This can be cultivated throughout the year.
Soil conditions:
Loamy soils and well-drained soils are best suitable for its cultivation. Acidic, alkaline, clay soils have to be avoided. Soil pH should be maintained from 6.0 to 6.5 gives the best yield and the best quality of vegetable.
Land Preparation:
Plough the cultivation land until the soil is found to be fine tilth. And mix well with well-decomposed manure along with micronutrients.
You should not miss the Snake Gourd Cultivation Income per Acre.
Planting methods of Coccinia:
It can be propagated in two ways-Stem cuttings and through seeds- but through seeds, it takes more than a year to establish, so the stem cuttings propagation is the best method. The stem cuttings should be semi-hard and 20cm long with 2cm thickness. It should have at least 4 to 6 leaves. A bunch of 2 to 3 stem cutting should be planted about 6 cm deep. The distance between the plantings should be above 2 m. It’s better to grow these plants vertically.
Planting seasons:
The planting should be done before rainy or monsoon starts i.e., June to July. Or in the spring season- February to March. The ratio of the female and male population should be 10: 1. As it is perennial, replanting should be done once in every 4 years. As the plants are vines, it should be supported by 2-2.5 mts bamboo stick.
Manures and Fertilizers for Coccinia:
Add about FYM of about 20 tones, to the land and plantation. The fertilizer N:P:K should be in the ratio of 60: 40: 20 kg/acre. Manures and fertilizers should be applied at the flowering stage.
Pruning of Coccinia vines:
Coccinia fruiting starts from 3 months after planting, after the fruit developed completely then the vines should be pruned leaving about 70cm long vines. For each plant, about 5-6 kg of FYM should be applied after pruning.
Irrigation for Coccinia:
Irrigation is important and has to be done immediately after plantation, and need to irrigate at every 1-week interval. No need to irrigate in the rainy season. Maintain drip irrigation to maintain adequate moisture during the flowering stage. Maintain proper drainage to avoid waterlogging.
Pests and diseases control:
Coccinia is not affected by too many pests and diseases. Proper management has to be followed to avoid such diseases and pests.Pests such as mites, aphids, and caterpillars must be preventing by seed treatment before planting. The fruits must be protected against insects and pests as well. Spraying of pesticides must be done to avoid such attacks. In Sulabha no major pest attacks can be seen.
Weed control:
Coccinia is an invasive vine; it has wide-spreading branches touching the ground can root and start a new plant. Seeds, fallen on the ground from the ripened fruit, can germinate aggressively and immediately. Check keenly to avoid this situation by removing the fallen fruits, and don’t allow the branches to come near the ground and touch the soil, as they start rooting.
Harvesting procedure for Coccinia:
After 3 months of the plantation, the vegetable is ready for harvesting. It is recommended to use a small cutter while harvesting the vegetable.
Yield of Ivy gourd:
Labor costs 500 per person, so at least 10 labors are required to harvest the vegetable. The average yield can be counted up to 9-12 kg/acre.
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As this has a huge demand in the markets, they will be mostly sold in the local markets. They can be transported to distant places by properly packing in cartons.
Costs involved in 1 acre Coccinia farming:
Land preparation cost: Rs. 5000
Cost of seeds or Stem cuttings: Rs. 1500
Fertilizers cost: Rs. 2000
Pesticides cost: Rs. 1000
Labor cost (Rs. 500×10 no.) : Rs. 5000
Miscellaneous cost: Rs. 3000
Marketing costs: Rs. 2000
10% of total costs: Rs. 1925
Total cost of 1 acre coccinia farming: Rs. 19250
Income returns in Coccinia cultivation:Coccinia are sold at the rate of Rs. 10/ kg at the nearest vegetable market. Therefore, income for 10 tones is10000kg xRs. 10=Rs. 1,00,000
Profits in 1 acre coccinia farming in India
  Profit = income – total cost =  Rs. 1,00,000 – Rs. 19250= Rs. 80,750
Therefore, on an average, a farmer can earn up to Rs. 80,750 from 1 acre coccinia farming only if they take proper care and management. The price may also vary that depends on the coccinia price/ kg fluctuations in the market. As, their roots, leaves, and stems are having medicinal values, their income can also be added advantage to the farmer.
Conclusion of Coccinia farming income:
As this vegetable starts yielding from 3rdmonth after planting and has a good demand in markets; one can opt for this immediately without any doubts, which surely put you into profits. This incurs the very little cost and the returns are high. This can also be grown as an intercrop between trees, but care has to be taken accordingly. This is more beneficial as its roots, stems and tender leaves especially are used as a vegetable and in side dishes such as soups, curries, etc.
You may be interested in Growing Hydroponic Bitter Gourd from Seed.
Thank you for this detailed information about coccania…. but, I would like to know how the harvest is done. Is it only picking the leaves or pruned as a harvest; If it’s pruned as a harvest, then are the steam eligible when making “kola kanda” (porridge), or the stems discarded and the leaves only choose.