A step by step guide to Coriander farming in polyhouse
If you are thinking for farming coriander in polyhouse, you are in right place. Coriander is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae and its scientific name is Coriandrum sativum L. Coriander is mainly cultivated for its fruits as well as for the tender green leaves. Coriander green leaves are a good source of Vitamin C and are used for making chutney, soups, and sauces, etc. Coriander also has good medicinal value. Coriander is native of the Mediterranean region. Its leaves and fruits have a recognizable and pleasant aroma and are normally used raw or dried for culinary applications.
The popular Coriander growing states in India are Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh. Coriander is also called Cilantro or Chinese parsley and it is an indispensable spice in the Indian kitchen.
Coriander or Cilantro can be grown anywhere and is easy to grow. It is widely grown and farmed all across India. Coriander can easily be grown in a farm, in a pot, a container, a poly house, etc.
Some popular varieties of Coriander are Co-1, Co-2, Co-3, CS-2, CS-287, Gujarat Coriander-1, Gujarat Coriander-1, Rajendra Swati, Swati, Sadhana and Karan.

Coriander cultivation in polyhouse:
Here we discuss requirements about coriander farming in polyhouse;
Polyhouse is a house or a structure made of translucent material like polyethylene or glass where the plants grow under controlled climatic conditions. The size of the polyhouse structure can differ from small shacks to big-size buildings as per the need. In developing countries like India, polyhouse farming is a popular greenhouse technology due to its low cost of construction and very easy maintenance.
Climate and soil requirements for Coriander farming:
Coriander is a tropical crop and can be grown throughout the year (except very hot season i.e. March-May) for leaf purpose, but for higher grain yield it has to be developed in a specific season.
The Coriander plant requires a frost-free climate, particularly at the time of flowering and seed formation. Dry and moderately cool climate increases yield as well as increases the quality of the produce.
The Coriander plant prefers partially shady conditions in extremely hot climates but otherwise, it is highly adaptable. It needs well-drained sandy, loam soil and mulching of the soil is essential to prevent weed growth. Land retaining manure residue from a crop grown earlier is ideal for the cultivation of Coriander.
Dhaniya or Coriander Seed spacing:
Coriander seeds stored for 15 – 30 days record better and early germination than freshly harvested seeds. Seeds that are soaked in water for 12 to 24 hours before sowing also enhance better germination. Whole seeds do not germinate and they are split into two halves before sowing. The split seeds are put in rows spaced at 30 to 40 cm apart with 15 cm. Soil depth must not exceed 3.0 cm. About 3 to 5 seeds are sown in seeds are broadcast and covered with a country plow.
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Coriander seed germination:
Germination of Coriander takes up to three weeks. Coriander seeds are generally the easiest to germinate. Thin young plants to 20cm apart to allow them to develop to their full size. Water them in dry periods and make sure the soil never dries out. If flowers develop remove them immediately and this ensures the plants focus their energy on growing new leaves. Re-sow Coriander every 3 weeks to ensure you have a continual supply during the summer.
Plant Coriander seeds in spring when soil temperatures range between 55 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The seeds will germinate within 2 or 3 weeks and quickly produce leafy growth.
Maintain the soil moist and expect to see seed germination around 7 days after the seeds were planted. After 7 days or less, under the soil, the Coriander should have a white sprout coming out of the seed.
Water for Coriander cultivation in polyhouse:
Coriander seeds require plenty of moisture to germinate, so make sure to water them frequently. Watering should be given according to soil moisture present in the soil. First irrigation must be given immediately after sowing of seeds. Subsequent irrigations must be given at 10 to 12days interval.
Water the Coriander seedlings regularly throughout the growing season. They need about 1 inch of water per week for the best growth. Once the plants are established, they do not require as much water per week.
Seed rate of Dhaniya for Coriander farming in polyhouse:
In polyhouse, the seed rate of Coriander is 8-10kg per acre.
How to treat corainder seeds before sowing
For quick germination, before sowing crushed, break Coriander seeds into 2 parts. Before sowing, soak seeds in water for 8-12 hours. To prevent the crop from wilt, root rot and damping-off disease, treat seeds with Trichoderma viride or Pseudomonas fluorescens @4gm/kg of the seeds before sowing.
Tips and tricks for growing Coriander in a polyhouse:
- Coriander plant is a dry climate herb, which means you do not need to keep the soil soggy after the plants germinate.
- The herb grows quickly especially inside polyhouses so if you want fresh supply the entire growing season, you should plant fresh batches every two to three weeks.
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Advantages of Coriander polyhouse farming:
Polyhouse farming is better than open land farming,
- The yield can be 2 to 10 times higher than that open cultivation.
- Reduction of lobar cost.
- Water, compost, chemicals, and pesticides requirements are less.
- Easy to operate, maintenance and
- Pest and diseases control fast and easy.
- Crop favorable and controllable ecological system.
- Easy adaptable modern technology of farming etc
Coriander Pests and diseases:
Aphids in Coriander plants can be controlled by spraying Methyl demeton 20 EC @ 2 ml/lit or Dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 ml/lit.
Powdery mildew:
Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens or Pf 1 @ 10 g /kg and foliar spray of Pf1 2 g/lit or Spray Wettable sulfur 1 kg/ha at the time of the initial formation of the disease and 2nd spray at 10 days interval.
Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescens @10g /kg and by soil application of Pf1 @ 5 kg/ha
Grain mould
Grain mould disease can be controlled by spraying Carbendazim 0.1%.
Coriander harvesting:
Coriander harvesting has to be done when the fruits are fully ripe and start changing from green to brown color. Delaying of the harvest must be avoided lest shattering during harvest and splitting of the fruits in subsequent processing operations. The Coriander plants are dried and thrashed with sticks, winnowed and cleaned. For the leaf, pull out the plants when they are 30 to 40 days old.
For fresh Coriander leaf, pull out the Coriander plants when they are a month old. The Coriander will be ready for harvest in about 90 to 110 days depending upon the varieties and growing season.
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The Information Provided Is Very Helpful, As It Has Been My Interest In Organic Farming, Now I Am In Corporate Job In Senior Position But Now Need A Change Hence Studying On This Subject. Not A Farmer, But With Help Of Other Farmers Will Venture Into It. Thanks Your Information Is Very Helpful.
Good information sir..Is it possible for net house..??
Yes, why not in shade net?