A step by step guide of cucumber farming profit and cost of cultivationÂ
Today, we learn the cucumber farming profit in 1-acre cultivation along with the cost of cultivation of cucumber production, the economics of cucumber farming, project report for 1-acre cucumber farming. you can find all calculations like net profits in cucumber farming, returns in cucumber cultivation, etc..
Cucumbers are a rich source of proteins and vitamins that are essential for the human diet. India is the origin place for cucumber. It is a climbing plant that is mostly cultivated for summer vegetables. They are a rich source of water that contains about 90 to 96% of water. They are the rich source of Mb and vitamin K among other nutrients and minerals. Cucumbers are mostly cultivated for dual purposes i.e., cumber as a vegetable and as a salad. In addition, cucumbers are used in curing various skin diseases and other heart and kidney diseases.
Cucumber Field. Cucumbers can be cultivated in both the seasons viz., Kharif, and rabi season. Both vegetable purpose and salad purpose cucumber can be cultivated in both the seasons. Cucumber farming in India is a profitable Agri farming business if you undergo proper care and management within the cucumber farm. In this post, we will let you know the costs, income returns, and profits from cucumber farming. We have already given information on a cucumber farming guide for beginners. Â However, in this post, we will let you know only about costs and profits from salad cucumber farming.
As said earlier cucumber can be grown in both Kharif as well as in rabi seasons. The seed rate required is about 1 to 1.5 kg/ac for vegetable cucumber and salad cucumber for Kharif and rabi seasons. Harvesting in cucumber is done after 45 to 60 days of planting. Cucumber yields about 60 to 80 quintals per acre on average. However, it may vary from variety to variety, season to season, and region to region. Why wait, let us go through cucumber farming profit and cost.
Salad cucumber seed varieties:
Local cucumber seed cultivars
- Japanese long green.
- Straight site.
- Poise seeti.
- Pusa kheera
- Co – 1.
- Other local varieties
Hybrids salad cucumber varieties
- Pusa sun yogh
- Solan
- Hybrid – 1
- Mahyco – 4
- Malini
- Gypsy
- Other hybrid cucumber varieties
Cost of cucumber seed per acre:
We require 1 kg to 1.5 kg cucumber seed in order to sow 1-acre cucumber. On average irrespective of company and other characters, the cost of cucumber seed for a 1-acre area is Rs. 2000 per kg seed. Therefore, for a 1.5 kg seed, the cost is Rs. 3000 for 1-acre cucumber seed.
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Cucumber seed treatment cost for 1 acre:
As cucumber is prone to various diseases, insect pests, and nematodes, we have to go for cucumber seed treatment with pesticides like 5 gm imidacloprid to control insect pest, 3 gm thiram to control fungal diseases, 3 gm carbofuran to control soil-borne nematodes and 5% or 5 gm Trichoderma or pseudomonas as a bio seed treatment. All these costs about Rs. 500.
Fertilizers and Pesticides cost in 1-acre cucumber farming:
In 1-acre cucumber farming, we have to apply or give 40 kg N, 40 kg P, and 20 kg K, All these macronutrients or NPK cost approximately about Rs. 2500. We have to spray various types of pesticides like insecticides viz., chlorpyriphos, imidacloprid, etc, and fungicides like metalaxyl and other sulfur fungicides to control severe disease like powdery mildew of cucurbits. All these pesticides cost about Rs. 7000.
Cost of plowing, land preparation, and sowing in 1-acre cucumber farming:
For land preparation like plowing, sowing on raised beds at 1.5 to 2.5 distance, it costs Rs. 3000 which includes the cost of the labor also.
Cost of labor in cucumber farming:
We require 2 laborers for every 15 days in order to carry out all the farm operation. Therefore, for 4 months the labor cost in 1-acre cucumber farm is Rs. 4000.
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Cost of support construction:
Like other climber or vine vegetable crops, cucumber also requires support to grow. It costs around Rs. 10000 for the support wires and stands. The support is durable and can also be used for further vegetable cultivation or in the later seasons.
Cost of miscellaneous activities in 1-acre cucumber farming:
In cucumber farming, miscellaneous activities like irrigation, weeding, and other intercultural operations are done which incurs Rs. 15000 approximately along with the labor charges to carry out intercultural operations. This cost also includes all other farm activities within in the 1-acre cucumber farm.
Harvesting and marketing cost in 1-acre cucumber farm:
Harvesting is done by the plucking method which requires manual skilled labor. The harvesting schedules vary from variety to variety of cucumber. It also depends on the yield. The more the yield, more the cost of harvesting. It is around Rs. 7500 in a one-acre cucumber farm. While the marketing cost also depends on the number of harvests. Therefore, let us consider it around Rs. 5000 to market the final cucumber produce.
The total cost of 1-acre cucumber farming (in Indian Rupees):
Cost of cucumber seed per acre: 3,000
Seed treatment cost: 500
Pesticides cost: 7,000
Fertilizers cost: 2,500
Labor cost: 4,000
Support cost: 10,000
Miscellaneous cost: 15,000
Harvesting and Marketing cost: 12,500
Total cost :Â Â Â 54,500
Therefore, the total cost of 1-acre cucumber farming is Rs. 54,500 approximately.
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Income returns in 1-acre cucumber farming:
The farmer or cucumber grower can expect a yield of 60 to 80 quintals per acre or 7000 kg/acre. As of 17.7.19, the selling price of cucumber is Rs. 18 /kg as per the napanta.c0m in the local vegetable market. Therefore, Rs. 18 X 7000 = Rs. 1,20,000 from 1-acre cucumber cultivation with proper care and management practices.
Net profit from one-acre cucumber cultivation in India:
Net profit is the difference in income returns and the 1-acre cucumber cultivation cost i.e., Rs. 1,20,000 – Rs. 54,500 = Rs. 65,500.
Therefore, the farmer can earn up to Rs. 65,500 for growing a 1-acre cucumber farm approximately. The figures may vary from variety to variety and region to region.
Conclusion of commercial cucumber production:
This is all about 1-acre cucumber farming and profits from it. If you have any queries, comment below for more information.
Some facts about growing cucumbers:
- Usually, cucumbers will be ready for the first harvest 2 months after planting. However, this depends on cucumber variety, cultivation practices.
Generally, one cucumber healthy plant can produce 12 to 15 cucumbers per vine, again it depends on the variety. - If your cucumbers are not growing, you must control the different types of wilts and Cucumber beetles.
- Cucumbers grow best between 65°F (19°C) and 75°F (24°C). However, prolonged winters or cold conditions under 12°C will kill your cucumber plants.
- Incase of cucumber plants dying, check the soil moisture. Too much watering or lack of water may cause the cucumber vine to start dying.
- You can identify the cucumber harvesting time when cucumbers turn bright medium to dark green and firm.
- Powdery mildew disease is the main cause of turning cucumber plants to white (white spots on leaves).
- You can control cucumber beetles with the help of sticky traps.
- Anthracnose, blight, and leaf spot are the main cause of turning your cucumber plant into brown color.
- If your cucumbers not growing or not attaining big size, you must check the soil nutrients. It may be due to a deficiency of fertilizers or nutrients.
- Cucumber plants require 1 to 2 inches of water per week depending on soil type.
- If your cucumbers tasting bitter, then it is due to cucurbitacins organic compound presence.
- Cucumber blight can be treated easily with baking soda or some other steps like removing leaves with white spots any fungal spores. You can also replace garden mulch and use any certified fungicide.
That’s all folks about commercial cucumber farming profit and cultivation economics. Keep growing green veggies!.
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Your cost estimate has helped me to draw the cost implication of for cultivating one hectare of cucumbers, thanks
At one place initially you mentioned yield of 350 to 400 quintals . In calculation of profit , you have mentioned 60 to 70 quintals. Which one is correct ?
Hi, Thank you for bringing to our attention, it is corrected now.
Hey Jagdish,
Nice info and literally help me a lot but I would like to know about polyhouse cucumber farming with the all cost including water management and temperature maintenance, because in poly houses we can produce more with same 1 acre land
Please provide your insights on this
Thanks a lot for the analysis. its very helpful. But please is there any on cabbage? Am a young agricultural graduate and it will help me a lot if i should get something like that
Excellent information
HI what about growing cucummbers hydroponically