Dairy Farm Business Questions and Answers:-
Let us discuss about some questions about dairy farm business in the following write-up.
Introduction of Dairy Farming Business:- Well, anyone who wants to go for commercial dairy farming business in India will certainly have some basic questions. Let us discuss different type of questions related to starting a dairy farm in India.
Dairy Farm Business – What should I start with cows or buffaloes in my farm?
Well, there is no direct or easy answer for this and It depends on many factors. Generally, you can expect more milk from cows when compared to buffaloes. However, buffalo milk fat content is twice as much as cow milk because of this reason, buffalo milk gets better price in local markets. When it comes to daily milking, milking a cow can be done by automated machines where as it would be difficult task for buffaloes. Buffaloes are hardy animals and more disease resistant when compared to cows. When it comes to price, cows are cheaper than buffaloes. Heat cycle detection is easy in cows when compared to buffaloes. So ultimately it is your decision to choose one of them. I have personally heard from many dairy farmers they like buffaloes than cows. However, final call is yours, of course you can have both them and test yourself..
Dairy Farm Business – What types of buffaloes can we choose from?
Well, there are quite a few to select from. However, the popular dairy breeds in India are; Hariyana, Jaffarabadi, Murrah, Nili Ravi, Mehsana, Surti and other local breeds.
Dairy Farm Business – Which buffalo is suitable for dairy farming?
Most of the breeds are suitable and it’s up to you choose from based on price, milk yield and other management factors. Most of the dairy farmers showing interest in Murrah buffalo..
Dairy Farm Business – How much milk does Murrah give per day?
Milk yield depends on feed input and maintenance. On an average milk yield of any Murrah buffalo ranges from 8 to 18 liters per day (morning and evening).
Dairy Farm Business – What is the cost of Murrah buffalo?
It varies from buffalo to buffalo. However, on an average, each Murrah buffalo costs about Rs 60,000 to Rs 90,000 depending on the qualities of the buffalo. In case of high milk yielding, they may cost even 2 to 3 lakhs. These are especially can be bought for breeding.
Dairy Farm Business – What factors determine the price of a Murrah buffalo?
Well, certain factors will decide the price of any buffalo not only Murrah. The following are main points influence the price.
- Size and structure of the animal,
- Milk yield per day
- Hereditary of the buffalo
- Lactation cycle.
Dairy Farm Business – What is lactation cycle in dairy farming?
Lactation cycle is nothing but calving cycle of the buffalo. For example, second lactation means the buffalo has given birth for the second time.
Dairy Farm Business – Why is lactation cycle important in dairy farm business?
In any commercial dairy business, 2nd lactation and 3rd lactation animals are preferred. First lactation buffaloes might not be consistent as the buffaloes tend to adapt to motherhood. However, anything beyond third lactation is considered as old or aged.
Dairy Farm Business – How to identify lactation of a buffalo in dairy farm business?
It comes by experience. It’s usually easy to identify first lactation and over third lactation but it is bit difficult to differentiate between second and third lactation.
Dairy Farm Business – What is the milking period of Murrah buffalo in a year? Â
Basically, it ranges from 250 days to 300 days.
Dairy Farm Business – What is the dry period of Murrah buffalo? (For how many days will the buffalo not give milk?).
Generally, it is between 65 to 100 days. But if you have missed heat cycles then it could be very long.
Dairy Farm Business – What is heat cycle in dairy farm business?
Heat cycle is the period when the buffalo is ready to get pregnant again. Usually, this lasts 12 to 24 hours and during this period, the buffalo has to be mated with a bull  (male) or artificially inseminated.
Dairy Farm Business – How to identify heat cycle in dairy farming?
This comes with experience. Â Blind point is, usually buffaloes make mating noise and urinate frequently when they are in heat.
Dairy Farm Business – When does the buffalo come to heat after calving (after giving birth)?
Well, it could start 6 to 7 weeks after giving birth. Identifying heat cycle and impregnating the buffalo as soon as it comes to heat is one of the factors that determines success in dairy farm business.. This avoids buffalo having long dry (not giving milk between lactation) for long periods.
Dairy Farm Business- What is a dry period?
This is the period between when the buffalo stops giving milk and the next calving. If you have identified heat cycle early and mated the buffalo then this will be short or else it will be very long.
Dairy Farm Business – Does the buffalo yield same amount of milk all through the lactation?
No. overall yield for the entire lactation is more important. Take an example, a buffalo which yielded 12 liters per day at calving might increase to 14 liters per day at third week and from there it slowly comedown to 12 liters and then stay the same way for long way and then it will slowly come down and come to a stop. So the
Dairy Farm Business – How much profit can I make from Murrah buffalo dairy farming?
Well, there is no perfect answer for this. However, it depends on dairy management practices.
Dairy Farm Business – How can make profits and successful in dairy farm business?
- Interest is main factor to be successful in dairy farming. Work with passion to benefit from dairy farming.
- Monitoring the farm is very important to involve and stay connected with daily activities in the farm.
- Never start with huge capital and start with 1 or 2 animals and understand the challenges and get the experience in dairy field. Once you are familiar with the business, go for expansion on large scale.
- Initially, don’t get into dairy farm business with your own money. Once you get the confidence, try for commercial dairy farming.
- For making home grown fodder to avoid feed cost, make sure you have good land where you can cultivate green fodder. Make silage form these green fodders for better milk yield.
- Choosing good quality and structured animals are important before entering to commercial dairy farm business..
- Feed concentrate for animals should be bought at the lowest possible price.
- In order to be successful dairy farmer, good care of the calves in necessary. The female calves can start milking after 3 years which can reduces capital cost.
- Identifying heat cycle early and inseminating the buffalo is important to avoid long dry periods.
- Make sure to have veterinary doctor visit the farm at least once in 2 weeks.
- To make more profits in dairy farming, prepare good marketing plant to sell milk directly to the large consumers. So that milk collection units will be at your farm gate daily for buying in bulk.
How about any subsidy or bank loan to start a dairy farm?
Good question, there are subsidies available in dairy farming from state schemes. There are bank loans available for dairy projects from NABARD in India. For eligibility and procedure to avail the dairy farming benefits, contact your local agriculture bank or any NABARD office.