Equipment Needed for Poultry Farming: Tools, and PDF

The choice of good equipment is very important for a successful poultry farm. Poultry farming businesses will use different types of equipment depending on the size and type of poultry house. Perches, feed containers, watering gadgets, heaters, foggers, baby chicken guards, laying houses, and brooding hover are important examples of chicken house equipment. Let’s check out a few types of equipment needed for poultry farming.

Equipment Needed for Poultry Farming

Whether it is early-stage or later-stage, equipment is an integral part of the production. If you are thinking of starting a poultry farm, equipment is also needed for each stage of the cycle. There are many poultry tools available that are essential for successful poultry farming. Having all these tools will help you to run your farm easily. Today, general or unemployed educated people from many different countries are increasingly turning to poultry farming as it is one of the best sources of income. 

Why do you need equipment for a poultry farm? 

In this dispensation, it would be out of the thought that most of the farm work would be done by manual labor. However, with the introduction of machine tools and equipment on the farm, it is easier to work around the farm. below are some other reasons why you need poultry equipment. 

  • The equipment makes work easier and faster. 
  • For large-scale farming, the use of agricultural implements will help increase productivity. That means more sales. 
  • In addition, by using these add-ons, you can reduce labor for you as a farmer. 

Importance of poultry equipment for raising healthy chickens 

Quality poultry equipment is essential for raising healthy chickens and other chickens. Investing in poultry equipment is essential to running a successful poultry business that can deliver consistently high-quality products. 

Proper storage of feed

To properly store your poultry feed, you should make sure that the feed is kept at some distance from the poultry house. This way you can make sure that your chickens, and/or insects, are not coming into the feed without your knowledge. The use of feed storage silos is the most cost-effective way to ensure that poultry feed is kept clean, dry, and pest-free.

Pan feeding systems

Pan feeding systems are innovative systems that weigh as much as gold when considering poultry feeder options and prices. When using a pan feeding system on your poultry farm you make sure;

  • Use the latest design for better animal welfare
  • Best feed conversion 
  • Easy feed access from starts to finish 
  • Using a feeding system that is accurate by providing clean, fresh feed in quantity is an invaluable tool for obtaining poultry farms. 

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Poultry Feeding System

Adequate poultry drinkers

First, decide if the nipple or bell poultry drinker will work best for you. Benefits of Nipple Poultry Drinkers;

  • Heavy and healthy birds 
  • Improved feed conversion
  • Reduced mortality of birds
  • Fewer condemnations
  • The dry floor in the poultry house 
  • Significant savings of labor and overall higher profit 

Advanced poultry farming equipment 

The process of equipment and facilities in poultry production is required between the processing of layer, broiler, and baby chickens. In our modern-day, farmers can enjoy the latest farming tools;

Climate controllers – The temperature in poultry houses can vary according to the weather conditions outside. Climate controllers send data to the farmer’s mobile device, which provides him with important data about changes taking place inside the house. 

C02 sensors – High levels of C02 can damage chickens and slow down their metabolism. The sensor monitors Co2 levels and lowers them to normal. 

Lighting system – LED Lighting is designed specifically for poultry houses: the right amount of light can reduce costs and improve productivity. 

Weighing scales – Weighing scales provide farmers with important data on the weight of birds. That way, farmers can follow the chickens, as they become broilers. 

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Weighing scale

Feeding Systems – Automated systems send the right amount of food through feeding scales, so birds are fed on time whether it’s restricted feeding or free feeding. 

Egg counter – Egg counting has never been easier. Fortunately, the counting tool can accurately count eggs without damaging them.

Equipment needed for poultry farming

Housing equipment

Housing depends on the type of poultry farming. Layers are kept in battery cages, while broilers are kept in deep litter rooms. Some coup boxes use the barn free-range system. It requires heating, ventilation, and space. 

In case you miss this: Top 50 Poultry Farming Tips, Ideas, and Techniques

Poultry Housing
  • Battery cages
  • Deep litter room
  • Coup boxes
  • Barns
  • Free-range system
  • Heating system
  • Ventilation system


This is a device used to maintain a proper temperature around the baby chickens. It helps to equalize the humidity and bend for the first 19 days of the cycle. This helps to provide a comfortable environment for the baby birds to settle. You can buy different types of setters from the market depending on your location and price. This is a machine that provides adequate temperature, humidity, and turning for the first 19 days of chicken eggs. 

Brooder Machine 

Brooder machines provide heat and electricity to the baby chickens. 

Charcoal stove brooder/kerosene stove brooder

This type of brooder machine is used where there is no electricity and is preferred by those who use cheap poultry equipment. There is a charcoal stove covered with a lid that provides heat near the stove and the baby chickens to enjoy the heat. 

Gas brooder

This type of brooder is associated with natural gas, methane, and LPG. The brooders are 3-5 feet above the baby chickens, providing them with both warmth and light. 

Infrared bulbs

These are self-reflecting bulbs with unique red lights. This light attracts birds, and they gather beneath it to experience the heat. One of the differences between these bulbs is that they have no reflectors. These infrared bulbs are the most popular these days, not only because of their affordability but also because they are amazingly effective. Industrial chicken factories use large 250-watt bulbs to heat about 200 chickens. But even small ones work to heat the flock. 

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Infrared bulbs for poultry farm

Hatching equipment 

Hatching equipment is essential when you prefer layers for egg production. They are used to care for eggs after hatching. 

Hatching egg tray

This is a tray that can hold 90-180 eggs at a time. This helps in storing the eggs properly, where they are stored. 

Hatching transfer machine

This machine helps to transfer eggs from the breeder farm to the hatching tray. This helps in breaking the egg. And when the eggs are transferred to the tray, they are safe and ready for market.

Watering equipment

Pan and jar

This is a very budget-friendly option and very easy for chickens to drink. All you need to do is put a jug of water on top of a pan, and that’s it. The water in the jar should reach the pan. Although it is not the most reliable option, the smallest move or effect can take it down. If you have tons of chickens, you may want to go for an alternative. 

Bell waterer

Using a bell-shaped piece of plastic hanging along the pipeline, water will fall on the pan. The great thing about this watercolor is the very low investment. With just a few bucks you can build a self-contained watering system that is reliable and very efficient. You will need a piece of plastic, a spring mount valve, and a plastic drinker. It takes a while to collect, but it’s worth the investment. 

Nipple drinkers

You can use it for almost any type of housing, including cages and coops. It is also quite easy to assemble but may require a larger investment than previous options. It’s just a nipple that lets water out permanently in small portions throughout the day. This water falls on a cup or jar so that the chickens can drink from it. People use it on all kinds of birds and other animals, but it is most effective in small places like chicken coops. 

Manual drinker

It is very similar to the jar and pan drinker, but it is fully assembled and ready for the baby chickens to drink. All you have to do is keep the drinker in place and do nothing but come and drink. The best thing about this piece is that you can choose bright colors like red, blue, or yellow which the hens like nearby. You can also find them in many sizes, so you can get more than one or just one depending on your needs. Above all, giving vitamins and medicine to chickens is a piece of cake with this piece.

Poultry feeding equipment 

It is very important to feed the chickens regularly with the right number of gains. Some of the feeders are;

Circular feeders

They are circular and carry 5-7 kg of grain at a time. The unique pop colors attract baby chickens.

In case you miss this: Poultry Housing – Types, Equipment, And Construction

Poultry circular feeders
Automatic feeders

They are designed in auger type or chains that feed the birds directly into their nests or sites. 

Linear feeders

They are linear in shape with a length of 2 meters made of Galvanized iron or wooden and bamboo material. 

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  1. Hi, please send me a list of equipment that one needs to start a chicken farming with pricelists for 200 chicks.
    the quantity and the their amounts

  2. Please send me a list of equipment that one needs to start a Egg Layer Chicken farm with pricelists, for 1,500 chickens.
    How many of each Item and the approx. Costs

    Can you Help me with Projected Financials for the Egg Layer Business ?
    A Cost and Profit analysis would be a great help.

    Thank you.


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