How to get Fish Farming License in India: Well, fish farming is a profitable business in India and one should be aware of getting permission or fish farming license and rules before starting commercial fish farming. The following information may be applied to fish farm license in Kerala, fish farm license in Karnatka, fish farm license in Maharashtra, fish farm license in Telangana, fish farm license in Gujarat, fish farm license in Rajasthan, fish farm license in Punjab, fish farm license in West Bengal, fish farm license in Madhya Pradesh, fish farm license in Uttar Pradesh, fish farm license in Andhra Pradesh, fish farm license in in Tamil Nadu, fish farm license in Odhisa, fish farm license in Haryana, fish farm license in Bihar, fish farm license in Chhattisgarh and other states of India.
A guide to fish farming license, guidelines, permission in India
Before going through all the documents or permits or licenses required to start fish farming in India, you have to know all the requirements to start the fish farming business in India. These include-
Construction of fish culture pond
For the construction of fish culture pond, you have to select the land based on the following parameters. These include-
- Select the land which has more water holding capacity.
- The soil pH should not be alkaline or acidic, it should have neutral pH.
- Select the land which is situated in low lying areas.
- Make sure that the selected land should have adequate water supply.
- While constructing the pond it should be provided with proper inlets and outlets.
- The area should be far away from flood affected area.
- The permissible parameters for soil and water includes- sand 40%, slit 20%, clay 40%, organic carbon 0.5-2.0%, nitrogen content should be 20-75 mg and the phosphorous content should be 2-10 mg.
- The water should have the following parameters such as light green colour, and the water temperature should be maintained between 25-30 °C, the transparency should be 30-40cm, the pH should be maintained between 7 to 8.
- The dissolved oxygen levels should be 4-10mg/lt, the carbon dioxide level should be 3 – 7 mg/lt, total alkalinity should be maintained between 60-230 mg/lt, the total nitrogen level should be 0.05-1.5 mg/lt, phosphorous content should be 0.05-7 mg/lt, ammonium content should be 0-0.1 ppm, calcium levels should be 75-150 ppm, chlorine content should be less than 0.003 and the dissolved solids should be less than 80 ppm.
Farming Systems used in Fish farming business
This will be based on the variety of fishes which you select grow for commercial purposes.
The different kinds of farming systems includes the following-
- Cage farming systemThis system avoids the problems like over breeding and the advantage is that the farmers does not own any water body.
- Land-based systemsThese includes the systems like ponds, intensive tanks, where you need to construct them with proper water connection availability along wih proper inlets and outlets.
Matching the guidelines of the Steering Committee of Fisheries Agriculture
These are given based on the Ministry of Agriculture where the thorough inspections will be carries out in every fish farming cultures. For checking the quality and production. Hence it is necessary to follow these guidelines.
Culture Systems and Practices
These includes the procedures and process like registration, location of the farm land, type and culture intensity, area of culture systems, species, size of the seed to be stocked, stocking intensity, and the bio-security levels.
Establishment of Hatcheries
The farmers or the entrepreneurswho are willing to establish thefish hatcheries should get the permission and approval from the steering committee.
Record Keeping
Proper registers should be maintained year wise on day to day management of the farm especially detailing about the farm stocking, inputs, source of seed from where you got, sampling details, health growth of fishes, etc.
Harvesting of fishes
Before harvesting feeding should not be given to the fishes, i.e., you need to stop the feeding for fishes before two days. Harvesting has to be done using drag nets and you can use other harvesting methods.

Evaluation of the Impact Assessment of the harvested fishes
It is important to evaluate and assess by following few steps such as attending the training and awareness programmes of fisheries, impact of escapes on ecosystem and the modifications made by species to get adjusted to the environment and ecosystem.
The other technical suggestions include fertilization of ponds, so as to increase the nutrient status of the soils inside the pond.Improving the feed types such as pellet feed with more than 20% of the protein. Feeds should be stored near the farm in an open space with the wooden flat forms avoiding the mold formations. Make sure that you need to use the feed within 3 months.
Post harvesting of fishes should be immediately iced and transported to other markets. You should not miss the Dairy Farm License in India.

Major requirements to get license for fish farming business
These include the following points-
- Identification of site, where you are planning to start the fish farm.
- Formulation of the project such as plan papers and general estimation, bank loan documents if you have taken any loan on the land.
- You need to get trained in the fish farming business.
- Construction of pond with proper inlets and outlets.
- Stocking management which includes liming, growth of plankton, manuring, filling of water, seed stocking etc.
- Water and soil analysis documents.
- Trail netting and partial harvesting,
- Fish feed and management.
- Techniques to improve farm management
- Costs involved in fish farming.
Application to be filled to get the fish farming registration
For getting registered to start the fish farming business, you need to get the culture aspects as per the guidelines of fisheries act. This includes-
- You need to pay Rs.200 per acre of land for applying the application as service charges and as user charges it is Rs. 100/-
- The documents required for this application is-Application form for fishing farm business
2. Land documents, pattadhar pass book
3. FMB of the pond which you selected to start the fish farming business
4. Pond sketch detailing about the construction
5. Village map explaining the distance where the farm is located.
- The other documents required if any.
Application form for farm mechanization
Farm mechanization application request can be applied to the person who is planning to start fish farming business. The documents required for applying this are-
- Application form for fish farming
- Proposal form MAO regarding the fish farming business.
- Proof documents
- The person photo
- Person’s identity proof
These documents have to be submitted compulsorily. This application you can get it from Meeseva centres.
Encumbrance certificate application form
This form you can get it from the MeeSeva centres, and applied through them only. This application forms will be accessed by the SRO and will be processed further.
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Provisional application for fish farming business
Fish farming business should be maintained at controlled conditions and hence need these all permissions and avail the license service according to the guidelines of fisheries act. This includes-
This is the final registration which you need to apply for starting a fish farming business.
These includes –
Service charges for Rs. 200/- per acre and the user charges includes Rs. 35/-
The documents required for this are –
- Application form for fish farming business
- Pattadhar pass book or ROR with land lease deed
- FMB of the proposed pond to start the fish farming business
- Sketch of the pond planning to setup the farm business along with the proper inlets and outlets.
- Village map in which you are planning to setup the fish farm.
- Notice on the GP notice board for particular requirements to start the fish farming business.
- No objection from the neighbouring farm if the place is nearby to other farms.
- Aadhar card scan copy of the ownership right in lease hold.
Final registration of fish farming business
This is based on the type of fish farming whether it is fresh water farming or salt water. This can be decided based on the varieties of fishes you select to farm. This license should be availed because to confirm the culture aspects as per the guidelines of fisheries act. For this you need to apply this form, where you have to submit the following documents to get this registration –
- Application form for fish farming business
- Pattadhar pass book or ROR with land lease deed
- FMB of the proposed pond to start the fish farming business
- Sketch of the pond planning to setup the farm business along with the proper inlets and outlets.
- Village map in which you are planning to setup the fish farm.
- Notice on the GP notice board for particular requirements to start the fish farming business.
- No objection from the neighbouring farm if the place is nearby to other farms.
- Aadhar card scan copy of the ownership right in lease hold.
- Pond certificate of the 80% of the area where you have established the fish farm.
- Walta ACT2002 affidavit should be submitted
These documents indicate the controlled culturing and farming of the fishes.
Submission of proposals to the following boards
You need to submit your proposals to the following departments to avail the permits and licenses to start your fish farming business commercially. These include-
- NFDB- National Fisheries Development Board, in the place where you are planning to setup the business.
- DIFA-Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture
- DMF and IPHO- Development of Marine Fisheries and Infrastructure and Post-Harbest Operations.
- Strengthening of of Database and the geographical information systems in the fisheries sector to start the fish farming business.
- IAFS – Institutional Arrangement for Fisheries Sector in India
- MCS – Monitoring, Control and Surveillance and other need-based interventions in fisheries.
- ‘NSWF – National Scheme of Welfare of Fisherman.
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Can pond be constructed in residential area?
I need a fisheries business license can you help me ?
I want to start an fishfarming business but i do not have proper idea about my business planning.
I want to know how to start theb business
any schemes regarding this business
is it possible to construct pond on paddy land which is not cultivating ?
Yes, Provided you get a No Objection Letter from farmers next door who are cultivating paddy. If they give you NOC letter, you can start a pond. Also register your pond with fisheries dept, You can even get grants to say 1.5 lakh for 1 acre pond. This depends state to state.
I have started fish farming business.
So who are the important documents I need for this business
Can we required permission or licensed for small fish aquarium at home. For decoration purpose (not for business) and how can we get permission. please give us reply thank you