Hello friends are you thinking of how much money can you make from 1 acre ginger plantation? no problem we are here to help you with Ginger farming income per acre along with cost of cultivation, profits, and other economics.
Ginger scientific name is Zingiberofficinaleand belongs to the familyZingiberaceae. It is an herbaceous perennial plant, where its rhizomes are used as a spice. India one of the leading producer of Ginger in the world. Apart from spice it also has many medicinal values, it is considered as the healthiest and delicious spice.It contains many nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain.
The following are the proven health benefits supported by scientific research-
- Gingerol a substance in ginger has powerful medicinal properties.
- Ginger is the best medicine to treat all forms of nausea mainly Morning sickness.
- Ginger helps in reducing muscle pains and soreness.
- It has an excellent anti-inflammatory effects hence can be used in treating Osteoarthritis.
- Recent studies proves that ginger is effective in lowering the blood sugar levels.
- Ginger helps well in treating the chronic indigestion.
- Ginger powder helps in reducing the menstrual pains.
- Ginger lowers the cholesterol levels.
- Ginger also helps in preventing cancer.
- Ginger is effective in brain function and hence helps in protecting against Alzheimer’s.
- It also effective in fighting against the infectious diseases.
What are we waiting for? let us see the cost and ginger farming income per acre.
Ginger Farming Income; Cost; Profit; Project Report
Ginger is cultivated in many of the states in India however states namely Karnataka, Orissa, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Gujarat, and Meghalaya contributes about 65% in India’s total production.
Climate and Soil conditions required for production of Ginger:
Ginger grows well in warm and humid climates. It can be cultivated in rain fed and irrigated conditions. But it requires a moderate rainfall at sowing time until the rhizome sprouts, during dry weather and growing seasons well distributed showers are required, and also a month before harvesting. Ginger grows well in drained soils like sandy loams, clay loams, and red loams. It grows best in soil rich in humus.

Ginger varieties:
These are the prominent high yielding varieties of Ginger- Maran, Kuruppampadi, Erad, Wayanand, Himchal and Nadia, exotic variety Rio-de-Janeiro is the most popular variety among cultivators. The IISR Varada variety is used for fresh ginger, dry ginger and also in making candy, whereas IISR Rejatha is rich in essential oil.
Planting season:
It can be planted under well irrigated conditions; hence it can be planted during the months of February or early March. This planting has given more yield and also showed resistance towards diseases. The other type of planting used in West coast India is during the first fortnight of May with the receipt of pre-monsoon showers.
Land preparation:
The land has to be ploughed thoroughly and deeply nearly 4 to 5 times with receipt of showers to bring the fine tilth to soil. Beds of 1 m width, 30 cm height with minimum length are prepared and an interspacing of 60 cm in between the beds; this has to be maintained for plantation during May, whereas for the irrigated land 50cm ridges are formed.
Note: If the land is prone to rhizome rot disease or nematode infestation solarization of beds for about 40-45 days using transparent polythene sheets is the best method.
Planting of Ginger:
Ginger is propagated through seed rhizomes, which are cut into small pieces 2.5-5.0 cm length and weight of 22-25g each, whereas every piece should have two or more good buds. The cost of rhizome seed varies from place to place along with the method of cultivation adopted. The seed rate varies from 600-750/Kg/acre. Ginger yields better if the seed rhizomes are treated with 0.3% mancozeb for 30 min and dried in shade for 4hrs. These treated seedlings have to be planted with a spacing of 20-25cms along the roads and the same in b between the rows; and has to be covered with well decomposed farmyard manure along with a thin layer of soil.
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Manures and fertilizers:
Well decomposed cow dung or cattle manure or compost has to be applied at the time of planting at a rate of 10-12tonnes/acre. Application of neem cake helps to reduce Rhizome rot disease or nematode and also increases the yield. Recommended dosage of N:P:K is 200:75:100. Zinc Fertilizer of 2 kg per acre gives good yield if the soil is deficient in Zinc Micronutrient.
Ginger can be cultivated as rain fed crop in high rainfall areas where as irrigated crop in low rainfall areas. The first irrigation has to be done immediately after planting. From then irrigation is given once in 10 days based ion the weather and soil type. Drip system and Sprinklers can also be used for better efficiency and to increase the yield.
Ginger plant protection:
Diseases such as soft rot, bacterial wilt, leave spot and nematode pest can be controlled by using neem cake, Bordeaux mixture, Mancozeb, Copper oxychloride.
Insect pests such as Shoot borer, rhizome scale, minor pest can be controlled by spraying Mallathion, Quinalphos, and Chloropyriphos.
How and when to harvest Ginger:
Ginger takes 210-240 days to mature completely (dry ginger) after planting. But based on the demand it can be harvested after 180 days. For making dry ginger the rhizomes are harvested after full maturity that is when the leaves turn yellow and start drying. Irrigation has to be stopped before 1 month of harvesting. In wide space cultivation, tractor or power tilter harvesters are used. Soil adhering the manure has to be separated manually. Based on the demand, late harvesting is also under practice but in India fresh green ginger is mostly preferred and the bleached and unbleached dried ginger are in demand to export to other countries.
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The yield of ginger per acre:
The average yield of green ginger is 6-10 tonnes/acre whereas the dry ginger varies from 16-25%.
Cost for Cultivation of Ginger herb:
Cost of Seedlings: Rs.35,000 per acre
Cost of FYM: Rs. 6,000 per acres
Cost of Fertilizers: Rs. 5,000 per acre
Irrigation charges:Â Rs. 8,000 per acre
Plant Protection charges: Rs. 3,000 per acre
Labour Charges:Â Rs. 3,500 per acre
Transporting charges: Rs. 1,500
Miscellaneous charges: Rs. 1,000
10% of total cost :Rs. 12,150
Total cost incurred : Rs.1,33,650
Income returns:
Cost per Kg =Rs. 35 as on September 5th 2019.
Note:Â This rate differs region to region and place to place
So, income for 8 tonnes = 8,000 x 32= Rs. 2,56,000
Profit = Income – Total cost= Rs. 2,56,000- Rs. 1,33,650= Rs. 1,22,350.
Conclusion of Ginger farming income:
The net income for cultivation of ginger in 1 acre is Rs. 1,22,350.
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Dear Mr. Reddy. We are about to plant ginger rhizomes in a day or two in dehradun (uttarakhand). Monsoon pre showers are upon us. Can you pls help us?
Thanking you in advance.
Best regards,
This is very nice information!
Sir, how much ginger we can grow in 1 acre polyhouse
Canu grow ginger in a net house
How is its yield compared to open field in punjab
Where would u get good seed for it
Thank you