Government Grants for Organic Farming in India: Financial Assitance for Sustainability

Hello chemical-free farmers, today we came up with excellent information related to organic farming grants in India. In recent years, the Indian government started pushing towards healthy, sustainable, and chemical-free food practices. These subsidies allowed farmers to implement environmentally friendly organic farming methods. Due to the diverse climatic conditions in many states, organic growers are increasing every year. In this post, we explore the list of government grants (financial assistance) supporting organic farming in India along with eligibility criteria and application process towards organic agriculture in India. 

Organic Farming

The Need for Government Support

  • The upfront cost to implement organic practices is high.
  • Farmers have to spend some amount for organic certification.
  • Usually, many farmers and growers don’t have awareness about organic crop benefits.
  • Many farmers have very limited access to organic inputs, especially in rural/village areas.
  • The biggest challenge is the marketing of organic crops and produce.

Role of the Indian Government in Promoting 

  • Central and state-level departments will provide organic farming technical support and financial assistance through grants.  
  • These programs also will provide access to domestic and international markets through organic farming certifications and awareness programs for the benefits of organic food.

Objectives of Central and State Government Grants 

  • The main aim is to boost organic farming adoption across all states from rural areas to urban areas.
  • These provisions also ensure chemical-free food, soil health, and the environment.
  • This will also boost exports of organic products from India.

Central Government Grants Schemes 

A. PKVY- Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana  
  • This scheme is to encourage cluster-based organic farming practices.
  • What it Includes:
    • Organic farming grants up to ₹50,000 per hectare.
    • This financial assistance lasts for three years.
    • This scheme supports obtaining organic certification and facilitating the marketing organically grown products.
    • It also provides technical organic farming training for farmers.
  • Apply and Access the Grants
    • You should go through local agricultural offices to process the application.
B. MOVCDNER – Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region  
  • The main goal of the Indian government is to boost organic farming in the Northeastern states in India.
  • What it Includes: This scheme provides assistance for getting organic certification and marketing of organic produce.
    • These grants can be used to build agricultural cold storages and produce packaging units.
  • Who is Eligible: North Eastern region farmers, entrepreneurs, and agribusinesses. 
  • How to Apply: Process your application through agricultural offices across North Eastern states.

In case you missed it: Government Support and Policies for ZBNF in India

Farm Management
C. NMSA – National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture 
  • The main objective is to implement eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture practices.
  • What it Includes: Provides grants for biopesticides, biofertilizers, manure, and vermicompost. It also provides grants support for integrated farming systems (organic farming along with livestock farming).
  • How to Get the Support: Farmers can file an application to Implement the scheme through state agriculture departments.

State-Level Grant Schemes for Organic Farmers

A. TNOFP – Tamil Nadu Organic Farming Policy
  • This policy helps farmers with subsidies and organic farming technical training programs.
  • This scheme provides special grants for women and small-scale farmers who own 1 to 5 acres of land.
B. SIM – Sikkim Organic Mission
  • Due to Indian government support, Sikkim state became the first fully organic state in India.
  • This mission provides free organic certification, subsidies for bio-fertilizers and compost manures.
  • This scheme also helps organic farmers to market their produce in India and other countries.
C. MPOFPP – Madhya Pradesh Organic Farming Promotion Program
  • This scheme supports farmers who are ready to transition to organic farming.
  • Also helps farmers to conduct organic fairs and exhibitions with their produce.
D. RPOF- Rajasthan’s Push for Organic Farming
  • Farmers can use this financial assistance to adopt organic farming practices and technology.
  • Many farmers get the training and organic certifications by the state government.
  • To avail these, farmers can contact local agricultural departments. 
Organic Farming Eligibility for Central and State Government Grants
  • You must be a farmer involved in the agriculture field.
  • You must show interest and be ready to grow crops with organic practices.
  • You must be a resident in the implementing region for financial assistance.
  • You must provide proof of land ownership or land lease agreement.
  • You must enroll in government-recognized organic farming training programs.

In case you missed it: Subsidy for Spirulina Cultivation: How Indian Government Schemes Encouraging Spirulina Farmers

Fresh Farm Harvest

Application Process for Receiving Organic Farming Grants

  • You need to first filter government schemes based on region and crop type.
  • Be ready with various proofs for land ownership, residency, and bank account details.
  • It is better to prepare a business plan which includes every aspect from land to organic inputs.
  • Fill the appropriate forms in local agricultural offices and submit with all required information.
  • You need to attach identity proof like aadhar card, and all other necessary documentation and project business plans.
  • Be present when someone from the agriculture department visits for land verification. 
  • Keep checking the status of application for approval.  
  • Once approved, funds are usually disbursed in installments into your bank account.
  • You must ensure compliance with the organic farming guidelines provided by the Indian government.

Tips to Maximize Benefits  

  • Keep monitoring agricultural offices and official websites for upcoming updates for various grant schemes.
  • Tie up with local farm groups and form a network to share organic farming resources and knowledge.
  • To reach your goals, you must attend organic farming technical training sessions and workshops conducted under various schemes.
  • For better profits, cultivate organic medicinal herbs and, spices like organic saffron. 

In case you missed it: Comprehensive Guide to Organic Farming in Villages

Harvesting Vegetables in the farm

Why it is Difficult to Access and Avail  Organic Farming Grants in India?

  • Many farmers are not aware of government grants and subsidies available for organic farming inputs.
  • Once applied, the approval process will take lots of time.
  • It is a very difficult task for getting organic certification due to high standards..

How Indian Government can Improve the Process

  • By making every scheme application processes simple.
  • Agricultural departments in central and states should bring organic farming benefits awareness by conducting campaigns.
  • Every state should have dedicated helplines to help farmers from the application process to approvals of grants.

What to Expect with Organic Farming in Near Future

  • Many people are getting awareness about chemical-free food.
  • Year by year, the demand for organic products is growing exponentially across India and the globe. 
  • One can expect sustainable development with organic cultivation practices.
  • Expect the future with technology and innovation in improving organic growing practices.

In case you missed it: Organic Farming vs. Natural Farming (ZBNF): Key Principles and Differences

Organic Farm


These Government financial assitance schemes support farmers who are ready to adopt organic farming practices for sustainability and production of healthy food. It is very easy to secure government funding for organic farms in India.

These dedicated organic farming grants not only provide financial support but also growth in the sustainable agricultural sector. Indian farmers should utilize these grants opportunities to improve their livelihoods as well as contribute to a healthy world. Farmers have to go through latest updates on organic farming subsidies from the Indian government for recent changes in these schemes.


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