High Yield Tomato Varieties in India: A Farmer Guide for Good Profits

Tomato cultivation is one of the most lucrative agribusinesses. Tomato farming is a great option for those who want to harvest a commercially important crop four times a year. The highest-yielding Tomato plants are usually hybrids rather than heirloom plants. Let’s check out the high yield Tomato varieties in India.

High Yield Tomato Varieties in India

Scientists cross plants to make sure they have large crops. Take a look at the characteristics of each plant. Heirloom Tomatoes give high yields, but this type of plant will not produce consistently. You will grow ten of the same plant, producing a different amount of Tomato. It is normal, yet it makes it difficult to plan your harvest. High crop yields are obtained on freely drained lands where water and nutrients are not limited.

Plant density and spacing are important to ensure that crops make the best use of environmental, especially light conditions, to maximize yield potential. Maintaining the maximum pH of the soil ensures that nutrients are readily available. The use of herbicides or cultivars will eliminate any weed competition. Nitrogen and potassium are the key to achieving high market yields.

The correct form of nitrogen is important – ammonium can inhibit growth and adversely affect quality. Growing Tomatoes outside – if done rationally and on an expandable basis – can be a good source of income. Most Tomato varieties can be harvested 7-10 weeks after grafting. The time from planting to harvesting depends on the variety, climatic conditions, and age of the plants planted. Producers usually cut Tomatoes with hand scissors or knives in 2-3 sessions a week. 

Tomato plants can be classified into determinate and indeterminate varieties. Determinate Tomato plants are more stocky and bushy than indeterminate varieties, which rotate and spread like vines. Determined Tomato plants also produce almost all of their fruits at the same time, while unspecified plants will continue to produce new shoots and fruits until the plant dies of frost.

Due to their growth method, indefinite Tomato plants can grow vines up to 10 to 15 feet tall and bear good fruit in November, depending on the local climate. For these reasons, unspecified varieties of Tomatoes are the most productive. Tomato plants benefit from growing on support systems, such as staking or trellis, as it gives the plant greater access to sunlight and reduces the risk of soil-borne diseases.

In general, trellis or cages lead to more productive plants than stocking. Expect about 8 lb of fruit per plant from your burnt Tomato plant. Tomato plants trained to grow on trails or in cages produce 12 to 20 pounds of fruit. However, it does not consider what kind of Tomato plant you grow.

In case you missed it: Top 24 Steps to Boost Tomato Yield: How to Increase Production, Quality, and Size

Tomato Varieties

Specific production types 

Among the classic varieties of Tomato, many varieties are prolific producers. For example, “Carmello” is one of the largest fruit producers ever produced. Other high-yields include “Beauty,” “Cherokee Purple,” “Chocolate Stripes,” “Japanese Oxheart,” “Early Wonder,” and “Stupice.” Fruits weigh up to 2 pounds. The larger varieties of beefsteak Tomatoes are more popular than their produce because of their size.

However, the varieties of “Black Krim,” “Tangerine,” and “Virginia Sweets” are the most productive. Two varieties of the paste – “Jersey Devil” and “Russian Big Roma” – These are plum-shaped Tomato-producing plants. Of the popular varieties of cherry Tomato varieties, “Blondkopfchen,” “Grape Tomato,” “Ildi,” “Juane Flamme” and “Sun Gold” are the most fruitful plants. 

High yield Tomato varieties in India

Arka Rakshak 

The Arka Rakshak was developed by crossing the high yielding F1 Hybrid IIHR-2834 X IIHR-2833. The first F1 hybrid with ToLCV against triple disease, BW, and early blight. Fruits are round, large (90-100 grams), dark red, and strong. Suitable for fresh market and processing. Arka Rakshak is popular for its high yield quality and its resistance to three diseases of Tomatoes – leaf curl virus, bacterial wilt, and early burns. Yield – 75-80 tonnes / hectares in 140 days. 


It is a determinate hybrid variety of Tomato that bears medium size (100 grams) of quality fruit. It is suitable for growing in hot and humid climates. The Tomato variety is resistant to Fusarium and Verticillium wilts. Suitable for making Tomato juice. It is suitable for processing purposes, especially in the juice industry. 


It is a determined, compact-growing, early Tomato hybrid with good plant cover that produces medium-sized (100 grams) round, strong, smooth, and good quality fruit. The fruits are dark red. 

Arka Shrestha

Arka Shrestha is a high-yielding hybrid variety of Tomatoes developed by IIHR Bangalore. It is semi-determinate with light green plants, and the fruit weighs about 70-75 grams. The fruits are strong, have a long shelf life (17 days), and are easy to transport. The crop is sown in Kharif / Rabi season and ripens after Rabi season. The average output is 76 tonnes/hectare.

Arka Vardan

It is a hybrid variety of Tomatoes in India developed by IIHR, Bangalore. It is an indeterminate fruit-bearing plant that weighs about 140 grams with a green shoulder. It is ideal for table purposes. The crop is sown in Kharif / Rabi season and ripens after 160 days. The average output is 75tonnes / hectare. 

In case you missed it: Tomato Farming In Karnataka, Areas, Seasons, Yield

Tomato Farming


It is a determinate, widely adapted hybrid variety. The fruits are round, strong, smooth, and of good color. Rashmi variety is resistant to Fusarium and Verticillium wilts. Suitable for processing. Tomatoes are round, strong, smooth, and bright in color. Rashmi is a determined and widely adapted hybrid variety. The fruit weighs about 90 grams, and the first harvest is about 70 days after planting. This type of Tomato is suitable for processing. 

Arka Vishal 

It is a high-yielding hybrid variety released by IIHR, Bangalore. Plants have indeterminate growth habits. Suitable for fresh bazaar and salads. The crop is sown in Kharif / Rabi season and ripens in 165 days. The average yield of this variety is 75 tons per hectare.

Pusa 120 

Variety released by IARI, New Delhi. Fruits are medium-sized with yellow stems, smooth, attractive, and evenly ripened. It is a heavy producer and resistant to nematodes. 

Co 1 

Variety is released by TNAU, Coimbatore, suitable for growing in South India. The fruits are round, fixed, and evenly ripened with a yellow stem end. 

Sioux (Indian Agricultural Research Institute) 

Variety IARI, New Delhi. Varieties are suitable for growing in hills. Fruits are round with medium to large yellow stems. Suitable for the short-distance market. 


Carmello Tomato is an indeterminate plant known for producing heavy clusters of round fruits on large plants. Fruits are usually 5-7 ounces and are considered medium to large Tomatoes. They have a very rich flavor that is sweet at the same time. Carmello Tomatoes are exceptionally resistant to disease, which is the best feature of any Tomato plant. Make sure you provide enough support for these plants.


Variety is released by IARI, New Delhi. The crop ripens late in the season. The fruits are large, round, smooth, and juicy with a green stem tip. The variety is of indefinite type and is suitable for growing in hills. 


Variety IARI, New Delhi. The fruits are oval with yellow and thick stem ends. Variety is an excellent bearer, with good plant cover suitable for determination and processing. 

In case you missed it: Mulching Tomato Plants, Procedure, and Benefits

Tomato Garden


It is a very fast-growing and determinate variety. The fruits are round with red. It is suitable for long-distance transportation. 

Pusa Early Dwarf 

Variety is released by IARI, New Delhi. It is the default type of early ripening cultivation. The fruits are flattened, medium to large, with rounded, yellow stems. Fruits are ready for harvest 75-80 days after transplanting. The average yield is approximately 35 tons per hectare, and it is suitable for the table and processing purposes. 

Punjab Chuhra 

Variety PAU, Ludhiana has released. This variety is of determinate type. The fruits are oval with yellow tips on the stems. Suitable for processing. 


Variety released by IARI, New Delhi. The fruits are egg-shaped with yellow stems. Different types are determined. Suitable for canning purposes. 

Arka Vikas 

Hybrid variety released by IIHR, Bangalore. Plants are semi-fixed with dark green plants. Fruits are thick, medium-large (80-90 grams) with a light green shoulder. Suitable for table purposes. Tolerant to heat and moisture pressure. In Kharif / Rabi season, the crop is sown and ripens in 140 days. The average yield is 35-40 tons/hectare. 

Arka Saurabh 

Hybrid variety released by IIHR, Bangalore. These plants are semi-determinate with light green foliage. Fruits Medium-large (70-75 grams) round nipples with light green shoulders. Suitable for table purposes and processing. In Kharif / Rabi season, the crop is sown and ripens in 140 days. The average yield is 30-35 tons/hectare. 

Arka Abhijith

It is a high-yielding F1 hybrid Tomato variety developed by IIHR Bangalore. It is designed for the fresh market. The fruit weighs about 65-70 grams. Plants are defined as semi-dark green plants. Fruit round, medium-large (65-70 grams) with a green shoulder. With thick flesh, good fruit quality (17 days), and long transport capacity. Suitable for table purposes. Resistance to bacterial wilt. In Kharif / Rabi season, the crop is sown and ripens in 140 days. The average yield is 65 tons per hectare.


It is a semi-defined plant with broad leaves and excellent foliage cover. It is suitable for long-distance transportation. The color is bright and dark red and yields 60-65 days after planting. This variety of Tomato is grown in Kharif and Rabi seasons. The fruits are strong with good keeping quality and suitable for processing.


It is a determinate early maturing hybrid Tomato variety in India. Fruits weigh about 80-90 grams with attractive and bright red color. 

Arka Meghali

Hybrid variety released by IIHR, Bangalore. Plants are semi-determinate with dark green foliage. Fruits thick with light green shoulders, suitable for table purposes. The crop is sown in the Kharif season and ripens in 125 days. The average yield is 16-18 tons/hectare. 

Arka Ahuti

It is a semi-determinate fruit plant with 2-3 long locules. Suitable for processing. In Kharif / Rabi season, the crop is sown and ripens in 140 days. The average yield of this variety is 42 tons per hectare. 

Grape Tomato

These short, tall Tomatoes are also great for snacks and adding to salads. They usually produce abundant fruit and not many leaves. These Tomatoes come in both red and yellow varieties. An advantage of yellow grape Tomatoes – is that birds do not find them as attractive as the bright red fruit. So, you can keep most of your harvest for yourself.

Cherry Tomatoes 

This delicious choice produces abundant, small cherry-like red, dark red, yellow, orange, or dark purple fruits ideal for breakfast and salads. 

In case you missed it: Growing Tomatoes Organically, Cultivation Practices

Tomato Plant

Aunty Ruby’s German Green Tomato 

This indeterminate heirloom Tomato ripens in 80 days. Many people consider large, green fruits to be sweet and spicy. They may occasionally exhibit light red blush. The growing season is long, from the beginning of summer to autumn. Like yellow Tomatoes, green Tomatoes are less attractive to birds. 


This heirloom Tomato is a heavy producer. The powerful plant bears much fruit. Harvesting begins early in the season. It continues in the growing season. 


Terrifically sweet with the abundant early and continuous harvest. Sakura tolerates both cold and hot temperatures. It gives good yields in the field as well as in greenhouse conditions. It is a producer with resistance to rare diseases. 


It is a semi-specified variety of Tomatoes that covers large plants. The seeds produce irregular round fruits with a deep red color. This type of fruit is of good quality and suitable for long-distance transportation. 


Resistant to Verticillium and Fusarium, this variety produces round and strong fruits with smooth texture. This type of seed produces an early crop with a good plant structure. 

Early Wonder 

If you want a Tomato high-yielding plant, Early Wonder is for you. It is a compact Tomato plant that produces crops in 55 days. After planting them in your garden, it only takes two months to get fresh Tomatoes. These are known for producing impressive crops of round, dark pink Tomatoes. Typically, they weigh about six ounces. Early wonder Tomatoes are full of flavor, and they make a name for themselves because they are perfect for gardeners who live in low-growing areas.

Arka Ashish (IIHR-674) 

Hybrid variety released by IIHR, Bangalore. Plants are semi-determinate with dark green plants. The fruits are square round, with very strong thick flesh. Produces dark red with TSS 48%. Pay attention to the ripeness of the fruit with very good vine storage. Powdery mildew is tolerant. Suitable for processing. The crop is sown in Kharif / Rabi season and ripens in 130 days. The average yield is about 38 tons per hectare. 

Arka Abha (BWR 1) 

Hybrid variety released by IIHR, Bangalore. Plants are semi-determinate. Fruits bend with light green shoulders. Fruits are medium to large (75 grams). Suitable for table purposes. Resistant to bacterial wilt. The crop is sown in Kharif / Rabi season and ripens in 140 days with an average yield of 43 tons per hectare. 

Arka Alok (BER-5) 

Hybrid variety released by IIHR, Bangalore. Plants fix. Large (120 grams) square round fruit with a light green shoulder. Suitable for table purposes. Resistant to bacterial wilt. The crop is sown in Kharif / Rabi season and ripens in 130 days. The average yield is 46 tons/hectare. 

In case you missed it: Tomato Seed Germination, Time Period, and Procedure

Tomato Yard

Pusa Ruby

This variety is released by IARI, New Delhi. It is an early growing crop; the fruit has a yellow stem end, slightly furrowed with uniform ripening. It is suitable for sowing in both spring-summer and autumn-winter. The average yield is 32.5 tons/hectare. It is mainly suitable for the table as well as processing purposes.

It is a crop that ripens quickly. The height of the plant is 80-85cms, and it is indefinite. The fruits are flattened to spherical, medium in size, with a slightly acidic pulp. It is mainly suitable for both processing and table types. It is suitable for sowing in both autumn-winter and spring-summer seasons. 

Pusa Gaurav

Plants are dwarf, shrubby, and have a moderate number of leaves. Smooth, elliptical fruits grow in bushes. Raw fruits are strong, with thick flesh (0.6m) and two well-filled locules, making long-distance transit easier. This fruit is suitable for both canning and processing purposes as it has high brick content and keeps quality.


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