Identifying Sick Rabbits – A Beginners Guide

Identifying Sick Rabbits

Today, we discuss the topic of identifying sick rabbits in your farm.

Introduction to finding a sick rabbit

Rabbits are very small mammals with fluffy, short tails, whiskers and distinctive long ears. There are more than 30 species around the world, and they live in many different environments, they have many things in common.

Some rabbits are about the size of a cat, and several can grow to be as big as a small child. Small rabbits, such as pygmy rabbits, can be as little as eight inches (20 centimeters) in length and weigh less than a pound. Larger species develop to 20 inches (50 cm) and more than 10 lbs. (4.5 kilograms). Rabbits are herbivores. The herbivores mean that they have a plant-based diet and do not eat meat. Their diets consist of grasses, clover and some cruciferous plants, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Rabbits are very social creatures and live in large groups known as colonies. The busiest instance of day for rabbits is at dusk and dawn. Rabbits can be crafty and quick. Rabbis are one of the micro-livestock; its meat is regarded as the best as an effect of its low cholesterol. Rabbit farming is one of the lucrative agribusinesses; it is easy to rear and have an excellent return, provided the market is readily available. One of the factors that affect a livestock farm is the position of the animals’ health.

The difference between a successful farm and a dwindling farm is the health status of the flock; the health status is a function of the management of the farm. A poorly managed farm is more or less like a waste of resources and time. If you are planning on having a farm, spend more time on planning the management structure.

Sickness or disease form in any farm does not come up suddenly; it has stages before it gets to an economic damage level. This stage is a very dreadful one because it can lead a profitable farm to the point of moribund. Any change in livestock behavior must be treated as cogent as possible. Rabbits are meek livestock, they are mild and simple to handle; detecting any changes in their well being is easy.

When you know how to identify a sick rabbit, it will be very easy to know how to treat a sick rabbit. Naturally, rabbits are animated livestock; they are complete of activities. So when you see rabbit lethargic, you must know there something wrong. If your animal displays any of these expressions; you must know a threat beacon, thus, drastic attention is desired to resuscitate the flock. It is very important and one must know about identifying sick rabbits.

Read: How to Find the Age of Farm Animals.

Things you should observe for identifying sick rabbits

Things to observe in rabbits.
Things to observe in rabbits.
Lowered energy and appetite:

Rabbits show two significant signs of illness; they are decreased energy (or lethargy) and decreased appetite for both food and water. These are vague symptoms and can specify any number of illnesses. Keep track of your rabbit’s food and water consumption as it provides a quick approach to spot if your pet is having health issues.

Missing or excessive stools:

Rabbit gastrointestinal stasis (RGIS) is a general rabbit illness sign that occurs when the animal stops eating. This slows everything in the digestive system down and the bunny stops reducing stools. Gastrointestinal stasis might be a result of an inadequate appetite, as a lack of fiber, dental issues, or a secondary problem such as liver disease or cancer. Diarrhea or loose stools can be a sign of a problem, too, indicating a potential parasitic or bacterial disease.

Head tilt:

If your rabbit head is listing to one side, the eye on that side seems to be having issues, or the rabbit has poor coordination, it can be suffering from a sudden onset of head tilt, a dysfunction of the system that manages the rabbit’s balance.

Body heat:

Rabbits control body temperature by their ears. Very cold or hot ears can indicate a fever or a drop in body temperature. This, coupled with other warning signs, can warrant a trip to the vet.

Runny eyes or nose labored breathing:

These can indicate allergies, upper respiratory infection, a blocked tear duct or other problems. See your vet. Runny eyes or nose does not constitute an emergency, but if a rabbit sustains trauma to the eye, you must get veterinary treatment as soon as possible. If you can get to a veterinary emergency clinic, the rabbit eye can be stained to assess the damage, and the emergency vet can administer antibiotic drops or ointment, to tide you over until you can see your own vet. Rabbits are usually very appreciative of this effort, and will often tilt their heads to cooperate with you.

Wet chin or drooling:

Usually a signal of tooth problems, or malocclusion. You may notice a decrease in appetite and ability to eat hard foods such as the whole carrot. Left untreated, tooth problems can lead to infection of the jaw bone, which is difficult to treat. Depending on the severity of the misalignment, the rabbit’s teeth may need to be trimmed regularly. In severe cases, teeth can be pulled.

Excessive itching:

Like other animals, rabbits are vulnerable to infection from pests like mites, fleas, and etc.; that can basis scratching and itching. Once observed, proper medication must be employed to control these pests.

Watch the rabbit sneeze:

It’s normally a rabbit sneeze, particularly when the dust evades their vicinity. However, if rabbits sneeze incessantly, it’s an indication of a disease condition.

Abnormal Noises:

Bunnies or rabbits often grind their teeth when they don’t feel good. Unusual vocalizations, such as screaming, can be indicative of pain.

Respiratory issues:

Coughing, wheezing, or gasping is definitely signs that something is wrong. Flared nostrils, mouth breathing, and the smallness of breath are all symptoms of illness.

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Rabbit parasites:

Rabbit Parasites.
Rabbit Parasites.

Fleas, mites, and internal parasites.

Like other pets, rabbits can obtain fleas. Because rabbits are sensitive to chemicals, be careful about the products you use on your rabbit, as well as the products used to treat your home and yard. If the use of chemicals is absolutely essential, look for products that are safe for kittens. If you treat your yard, do not allow your rabbit in it for at least a week, and after you’ve watered the yard thoroughly to wash off any residual chemicals.

Here are other ordinary parasites that your rabbit might get;

Skin mites live on the skin dander of rabbits and will cause rabbits to scratch. If left untreated, they will finally cause thick crusts to develop on the rabbit’s body. Your vet can administer a drug called Ivermectin to treat this problem.

Ear mites cause rabbits to shake heads frequently and scratch their ears. If left untreated, a middle-ear infection can develop, which can cause a problem with the bunny’s balance. Ivermectin is recommended for ear mites.

If your rabbits are free of any of these parasites, it is unlikely that they will obtain them as long as they are kept inside, their home is kept fresh, and they are not exposed to other animals that can carry these parasites.

Amoxicillin: Dangerous for rabbits

Amoxicillin is very toxic to rabbits, so don’t ever let a veterinarian give rabbit this antibiotic, which is pink in color and smells like bubble gum. Amoxicillin and other forms of penicillin kill the beneficial bacteria in the rabbit’s intestines and cause other organs to malfunction.

There are other antibiotics that can carefully be given to rabbits, such as Chloromycetin, Tetracycline, and Baytril. Occasionally, a rabbit cannot tolerate an antibiotic some signs are a loss of appetite and diarrhea and another could have to be tried instead.

Observe your rabbit droppings:

Rabbits excrete round and even droppings in a regular health condition. However, if observe irregularly shaped droppings or runny droppings with fur embedded in it; it indicates a disease condition.

Lethargic rabbit not eating or loss of appetite:

If you notice rabbit doesn’t eat as it used to eat, without any change in the feed; it means the rabbit is sick.

Knowing all these symptoms is like knowing how to save a rabbit from dying; they need close observation. If any of these is observed or a change in the behavior of the rabbit is noticed, always contact a vet doctor for prescription and medication. Above all, a clean environment deters pests and disease-causing agent. Ensure your farm is clean always to keep a healthy farm, thus, increasing your productivity.

That’s all folks about identifying sick rabbits.

Read: How to Make Liquid Fertilizers at Home.


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