Plymouth Rock Chicken Information Guide:
Today, Let us talk about Plymouth Rock Chicken breed profile and facts.
Plymouth Rock Chicken Breed Profile:Â
- Name: Plymouth Rock Chicken.
- Other Names: Rock, and Barred Rock.
- Varieties: Most common Plymouth Rock chicken varieties are Barred, White, Buff, Partridge, Silver Penciled, Blue and Columbian.
- Chicken Weight: Male: Standard weighs 3.4 kg (7.5 lb); Bantam male weighs 1.36 kg (3.0 lb); Female: Standard weighs 2.95 kg (6.5 lb); Bantam female weighs 1.13 kg. 5lb).
- Eggs: 4 to 5 eggs per week, depends on the strains of the bird.
- Cost: Plymouth chicks cost 3 to 4 $.
- Rarity: Barred Rocks and White Rock chickens are common. Remaining are rare.
- Purpose: Dual Purpose.
- Egg Laying: Medium.
- Egg Color: Light Brown.
- Egg Size: Large.
- Comb Type: single type.
- Feathered Legs: No.
- Number of Toes: 4.
- Cold Hardiness: Hardy in winter.
- Heat Tolerance: Not especially heat hardy.
- Personality: very strong and active birds.
Introduction To Plymouth Rock Chicken :
The Plymouth Rock is one of the best all-rounder chickens breed originated from America. It’s a good egg-layer, it’s great as a table bird, and it can be the best breed for backyard farming.
The life time of the Plymouth Rock depends on how you rear, and the quality of life you provide them. A standard Barred Plymouth Rock has  a lifetime of 6-8 years, but have been known to reach 10-12 years.
Plymouth Rock’s is a ‘dual purpose’ breed, the eggs are popular for their sweet taste and meat is full of proteins. There are mainly 4 to 5 varieties of Plymouth chicken are available. The Barred Plymouth Rock is a most common breed.
The Plymouth Rock chicken breed is an outstanding farm breed which is most popular for their hardiness, broodiness, docility and excellent production of both meat and eggs. The Barred Plymouth Rock chicken is one of the foundation breeds for the broiler industry.
Read: Kadaknath Chicken Farming Project Report.
Origin of Plymouth Rock Chicken:
The Plymouth Rock is originated in America in the middle of the 19th century and was first exhibited as a breed in 1869.
The first Plymouth Rock chicken variety was barred variety and other varieties developed later. This Breed became popular very rapidly, until World War II, no breed was ever kept and bred as extensively as the Barred Plymouth Rock.
It became popular for its qualities as an outstanding farm chicken: hardiness, docility, broodiness, and excellent production of both eggs and meat.
Most of the Plymouth varieties are crossed, containing some of the same ancestral background as the barred variety.
The name Plymouth Rock was named after the town of its origin – Plymouth. These are most common chicken breeds in America.
Physical Characteristics of Plymouth Rock Chicken:
Plymouth Rock chickens are most common farm chicken. They are very docile, they show some brooddness. They have a long, broad back and deep, full breast.
They have single combs of moderate size. Some strains are good layers while others are reared mainly for meat.
The Plymouth Rock chickens are usually good mothers. Their feathers are loosely held, but not so long as to easily tangle.
Plymouth Rocks are not much more aggressive, and tame quite easily. The males and hens are big and active enough to be quite a problem if they become aggressive.
The Plymouth Rock is a sturdy, heavy breed and their legs and beak are a vivid yellow color, and their lobes and comb is red.
Their coat comes in a variety of beautiful colors, it is most impressive and well known being the barred black and white feathering.
Plymouth Rock chicken’s down/bottom feathers are soft and downy. This chicken breed comes in a variety of colors. They are barred, buff, blue, black, Columbian, partridge, silver penciled, white, light barred, dark barred etc.
The mature male Plymouth Rock chicken weighs 8 lbs and a hen weight about 7.5 lbs. Egg production varies depending on the bird strains t. On average, the hens lay about 4 eggs per week.
The Plymouth Rock has a single comb that has five points; the comb, wattles and ear-lobes are bright red. The legs are yellow and unfeathered.
Read: Broiler Chicken Farming Project Report.
Plymouth Rock Chicken Behavior:Â
- Both the male and female Plymouth Rock chicken are very calm and they will live happily with people and other animals.
- They are very docile and friendly in nature and usually supports well for confinement.
- But they stay happy, if they can roam freely on pasture or in a garden.
- Plymouth Rock hens will go broody in the right environment and they are good mothers.
- They are very friendly birds which are easy to tame and are vigorous and hardy birds which don’t require a lot of space but do appreciate the chance to run free.
- This breed chicken doesn’t fly high, they are not good fliers and you don’t require high fencing. They just roam.
- They lay a good number of cream-colored eggs, around 200 per year.
- Chicks feather up quickly and make good pets for children due to their docile nature.
- The Plymouth Rock chickens are the best choice for incubating and hatching. They have an excellent instinct as mothers, under proper support, they go broody easily.
Varieties Of Plymouth Rock Chicken:
There are many varieties of Plymouth Rock, barred (light/white), white and buff are the classic varieties. Other colors include multiple penciled or triple laced, penciled partridge, multiple penciled silver partridge, Columbian, buff Columbian and blue laced.
Feeding of Plymouth Rock Chickens:
These chickens don’t need any special dietary requirements. It is good to feed them with a calcium boost through incorporating shell-grit into their diet or crush up eggshells into their food.
Housing Requirement for Plymouth Rock Chicken:
The Plymouth Rock chicken needs a safe, secure coop. These chickens need ample, private nesting box room to comfortably lay their eggs. They need a good-sized perch to comfortably roost and for a good sleep. The coop needs to be well ventilated and it should be cool in summer and warm in winter.
Read: Layer Poultry Farming Information.
Advantages of Plymouth Rock Chickens:
- This is best positive breed chicken, which stays active and friendly with humans and animals.
- This is one of the most beautiful chicken breeds.
- This is a highly adaptable breed, they enjoy the good life in and outside the coop.
- This is a very hardy chicken breed, they are tolerant to all the climates.
- These chickens are good layers. They lay good quality eggs in a large size. They lay good number of eggs in winter.
- This can be a good choice for meat production.
- They do well in confinement and free ranging.
- They are very protective and safe birds.
- These chickens are great mothers.
- They are very curious birds.
- Hens seldom go broody under proper environment.
Disadvantages of Plymouth Rock Chicken:
- Can be bullies sometimes. They may angry or furious with newcomers in the flocks.
- Some varieties cannot bear to the too hot climate.Â
Read: Raising Catfish In Tanks, Ponds.
Would like to ask if barred plymouth rock rooster can handle 5 hens if I will make them breeder? Thank you.