Well farmers how about farming Sabja crop for profitable Sabja seeds? yes, there is good income in this crop. We clearly explain here about cost of cultivation of Sabja, Sabja seeds cultivation income, yield per acre along with other economics.
A guide to Sabja seeds cultivation income, cost, project report
Sabja is also called great basil belongs to the family Lamiaceae is an important medicinal crop that is gaining popularity day by day with low capital investment and in areas, with low water facilities, Every year around 1500 tonnes of Sabja seeds are exporting to other countries. Mainly export is confined to Arab countries In market demand for chia seeds is increasing with passing time. In the retail market, Sabja seeds are selling at the rate of Rs.350- 500 per kg. Sabja can be intercropped in red gram fields.

Seeds of Sabja contain antioxidants and flavonoids that help in improving the health of the skin and also stimulate the growth of new cells. Mixing of tablespoon of Sabja seeds and coconut oil and applying on affected areas, helps in treating several skin infections like eczema and psoriasis. Water-soaked seeds increases the fiber content. Seeds of Sabja used along with some beverages to reduce constipation and also it causes cooling effect. It also said to be having quality of reducing fat. It also helps in the functioning of the digestive system. It is also said to be low calories food.
Soil & climate for Sabja seed cultivation:
Sabja cultivation is possible in medium fertile lands with low irrigation facilities, moderately it can tolerate drought conditions. Sandy loam red soils are suitable for Sabja cultivation. Sabja prefers slightly warmer temperatures. Temperature of 16-26 ÌŠ C is optimum for Sabja cultivation. It is sensitive to cold and does best it hot, dry conditions. Irrigation should be provided whenever the soil becomes dry. Waterlogging conditions are not suitable for Sabja cultivation. Under rainfed condition, crop time is 4-5 months. In irrigated conditions crops can be continued up to 7 months.
Sabja seed popular varieties:
- African blue basil
- Lemon basil
- Spice basil
- BHB-3
- HHB-67
Cost of cultivation for 1-acre Sabja cultivation:
Cost of seed material:
The recommended seed rate for Sabja cultivation is 1.5 to 2-kilo grams per acre. If we assume the cost of good quality seed material maximum of Rs. 500, sofor 2-kilogram seeds, it becomes Rs.1,000. The farmer can also procure the seeds from a regional agriculture research station or any private seed dealers or distributors.
Cost of land preparation:
The soil is prepared by plouging and harrowing to get a fine tilth. Farmyard manure should be added during last plouging. Land preparation requires a maximum of 3 labor along with tractor. Labor cost Rs.600, Rs.200 per head, tractor ploughing charges Rs. 1,600 per acre.
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Cost of sowing in Sabja seed farming:
For cultivating Kharif crop June-July months are suitable for sowing. September to October months is suitable for sowing to get rabi season crop. We require 4 labor for sowing, it cost up to Rs.800.
Cost of weeding in Sabja seed farming:
Weed incidence is very less in this crop. However, weeding should be carried at regular intervals. The crop should be kept weed-free in the first 45 days after sowing. Pendimithalin @ 1.3 to 1.6 liter per acre can be sprayed as pre-emergence herbicide at after 1 or 2 days of sowing. There is only a need of 1-2 weedings in Sabja. Weeding incurs around up to a cost of Rs.1,200.
Fertilizer cost for 1 acre Sabja cultivation:
Sabja cultivation requires 4 tonnes for farmyard manure per acre along with 36:16:16 kilograms nitrogen, phosphorous, and potash (NPK) under irrigated conditions, nitrogen need to be applied in split doses, first dose should be applied during last ploughing and the second one should be after 30 days after sowing which cost up to Rs.6,000 along with farmyard manure.
Pesticides costs in 1 acre Sabja seed cultivation:
Sabja may be attacked by different types of diseases like fusarium wilt, damping off, downy mildew and black spot, etc. and pests like aphids, flea beetles and leaf miners, management of all these pest and diseases need up to Rs.2,800
Cost of miscellaneous activities:
Miscellaneous costs will be around Rs. 3,600 per one acre Sabja cultivation. Irrigation cost, land rent, land revenue and electricity charges are includes under miscellaneous costs.
Cost of harvesting and transportation:
Harvesting can be done 4 months after sowing, however, we can take ratoon crop in Sabja which comes to harvest after three and half months after first harvesting. Farmer can get good quality crop in rabi. All parts of Sabja plants are useful in various cosmetic and pharma industries. Harvesting can be done with the help of a maximum of 10 labor. So, it costs up to Rs.2,000. The expected yield is 6-8 quintals per acre.
Transportation cost:
Farmer has to spend Rs.1,000 for the transportation of produce to market.
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Total cost of 1 acre Sabja farming:
Cost of seed material:Â Rs. 1,000
Cost of land preparation:Â Rs. 1,600+Rs. 600
Cost of sowing: Rs. 800
Cost of weeding: Rs. 1,200
Cost of pesticides: Rs. 2,800
Fertilizer cost:Â Rs. 6,000
Cost of miscellaneous activities: Rs. 3,600
Cost of harvesting and loading: Rs. 2,000
Cost of transportation:Â Rs. 1,000
Total cost of 1 acre Sabja farming – Rs. 19,800.
Total cost incurred in 1-acre Sabja cultivation:
The total cost of cultivation involved in Sabja cultivation was Rs. 19,800 besides this if we assume an extra 10 percent additional cost to the various activities total cost of cultivation will be around Rs.21,780.
Total income from 1-acre Sabja cultivation:
Income will change from variety to variety and from region to region. Mostly Sabja is cultivated with a buy-back agreement. According to the agreement they will pay Rs.10000-12000 per quintal. The average yield is 7 quintals per acre. So total gross income from 1 acre Sabja cultivation is Rs.70,000 if farmer gets Rs. 10,000 per quintal by selling to the processing units.
Net profit from 1-acre Sabja farming:
It is the result of the difference between total returns and the total cost incurred in Sabja cultivation. Then it will be like this
Rs. 70,000 – Rs. 21,780 = Rs. 48,220.
Therefore, the farmer can get a net income of Rs. 48,220 from 1-acre Sabja cultivation, if crop was maintained properly. There might be little differences in costs depending upon the various factors like variety, market, labor demand, climatic conditions, and incidence of various pests and diseases, etc.
In this article, we have seen the cost involved in 1 acre Sabja cultivation, Sabja cultivation can be taken up in low fertile and soils with poor irrigation facilities to get remunerative profits. So friends, Sabja seeds cultivation income is high incase of proper production practices.
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I need to grow this basil sabja in my 1 acre plot ..please help me out with suggestions.