Seed subsidy schemes in India: The Government of India has recently started a National Project on providing subsidies under various schemes for seed production aiming to provide capital investment to the farmers for boosting it in India. Under these schemes, there are various subsidies available which are the credit-linked back-ended capital subsidy, which is provided at the rate of 25% of the total cost of the project which is subjected to an amount of Rs.25.00 lakh per unit. This will be sanctioned on the basis of seed infrastructure development mainly. In this article, we have a look at the list of various schemes available and the subsidies under it.
A guide to Seed subsidy schemes in India
Many seed subsidy schemes are available which includes Rashtriya Krishi Yojana Vikas Yojna, Macro Management Agriculture, Integrated Scheme for oilseeds, pulses, oil palm and maize which is shortly known as ISOPOM; Technological subsidies are also available under the missions especially for cotton seeds, National food security Mission, etc. provides subsidies for seeds. Some of the organizations also provide incentives for the investment in Seed manufacturing infrastructure and upgradations respectively.
There are many seed schemes with subsidy available for farmers in India. These include-
- Macro Management under the mode of agriculture state work plan
This subsidy is for crops such as rice, wheat, Bajra, Jowar, ragi, and barley. The subsidies available under these schemes include the following-
- The subsidy available for certified seeds distribution for the crops such as rice and wheat includes the amount of Rs. 500 per quintal or 50% of the total cost.
- The subsidy available for certified seeds distribution for the crops such as Bajra, Jowar, and barley includes the amount of Rs. 800 per quintal or 50% of the total cost.
- The subsidy is available for certified seeds distribution for the hybrid varieties of crops such as Bajra and Jowar which includes the amount of Rs. 1000 per quintal.
- The subsidy is available for certified seeds production for a hybrid variety of rice seed which includes the amount of Rs. 1000 per quintal or 50% of the total cost.
- The subsidy is available for certified seeds distribution for a hybrid variety of rice seed which includes the amount of Rs. 2000 per quintal or 50% of the total cost.
- Integrated Scheme on Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize shortly spelled as ISOPOM Scheme
This subsidy is for all oilseeds, pulses, maize, oil palm, and sprouts. The subsidies available under these schemes include the following-Â
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- The subsidy available for the purchase of certified breeder seed includes the total cost included for the purchase.
- The subsidy is available for certified seeds production for oilseeds, pulses, and maize which includes the amount of Rs. 1000 per quintal.
- The subsidy available for certified seeds distribution for oilseeds, pulses, and maize includes the amount of Rs. 1200 per quintal or 25% of the total cost.
- The subsidy available for certified seed mini kits for oilseeds, pulses, and maize of high yielding varieties includes the total cost.
- The subsidy available for certified seeds distribution for crops such as oil pal sprouts includes the amount of Rs. 7500 per hectare or 75% of the total cost with a ceiling.
- Technology Mission on Cotton
This includes subsidies for cotton seeds. These are listed below-
- The subsidy available for certified seeds production for crops such as cottonseeds includes the amount of Rs. 50 per Kg or 50% of the total cost for the foundation of seed production.
- The subsidy available for certified seed production for crops such as cottonseeds includes the amount of Rs. 15 per Kg or 25% of the total cost for the foundation of seed production for less seed production.
- The subsidy available is Rs. 20 per Kg for certified seed distribution.
- The subsidy available for certified seeds production for crops such as cottonseeds includes the amount of Rs. 40 per Kg or 50% of the total cost for seed treatment.
- Technology Mission on Jute and Mesta
The subsidies available for crops such as Jute and Mesta includes the following-
- The subsidy available for certified seeds production for crops such as jute and mesta includes the amount of Rs. 3000 per quintal or 50% of the total cost for the foundation of seed production.
- The subsidy available for certified seeds production for crops such as jute and mesta includes the amount of Rs. 700 per quintal or 25% of the total cost.
- The subsidy available for certified seeds distribution for crops such as jute and mesta includes the amount of Rs. 2000 per quintal or 50% of the total cost.Â
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These include subsidies for crops such as rice, wheat, and pulses.
- The subsidy available for certified seeds production for hybrid rice seeds includes the amount of Rs. 1000 per quintal or 50% of the total cost.
- The subsidy available for certified seeds distribution for hybrid rice seeds includes the amount of Rs. 2000 per quintal or 50% of the total cost.
- The subsidy available for certified high yielding varieties of seeds distribution of rice seeds includes the amount of Rs. 5 per Kg or 50% of the total cost.
- The subsidy will be provided on the full cost of seed mini kits on high yielding varieties of rice.
- The subsidy available for certified high yielding varieties of seeds distribution of wheat includes the amount of Rs. 5 per Kg or 50% of the total cost.
- The subsidy will be provided on the full cost of seed mini kits on high yielding varieties of wheat.
- The subsidy available for certified seeds production for foundation and seed production of pulses includes the amount of Rs. 1000 per quintal or 50% of the total cost.
- The subsidy available for certified seeds distribution for pulses includes the amount of Rs. 1200 per quintal or 50% of the total cost.
- The subsidy will be provided on the full cost of seed mini kits on high yielding varieties of pulses.
- Subsidies available under Seed Village Programme
These include subsidies for all the agricultural crops. These are listed below-
- The subsidy available to upgrade the quality of seeds where the farmer saved for future purposes, the seed financial assistance for distribution of foundation of certified seeds includes 50% of the total cost for seed production.
- The subsidy available for providing training to the farmers for recent upgradations in technologies includes Rs. 15000 for a group of 50-150 farmers.
Subsidies available for Hybrid rice seed production
- The subsidy available for hybrid seed production assistance is Rs. 2000 per quintal.
- The subsidy available for hybrid rice seed distribution assistance is Rs. 2500 per quintal.
- Subsidies available on the creation and strengthening of infrastructure facilities
Under this, the subsidies are available for all crops in order to strengthen the maintenance of seed production and distribution which includes processes such as seed cleaning, grading, processing, packaging, and storage. This differs from state to state in India. - Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana scheme
This includes all types of crops and all the activities including seed infrastructure facilities etc. which also differs from state to state in India. - Transport subsidy on the movement of seeds to northeastern states
These include states such as Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Jammu, and Kashmir Uttarakhand, hilly areas in West Bengal too, where the seeds were moved for the subsidy available is Rs. 60 per quintal if it is transported from state capital or district headquarter to sale outlets. This subsidy is available for all the seeds excluding potato.
Conclusion of Seed subsidy schemes in India
This information may be applied to seed subsidy in Karnataka, seed subsidy in Tamilnadu, seed subsidy in Telangana, seed subsidy in Maharashtra, seed subsidy in Andhra Pradesh, seed subsidy in Kerala, seed subsidy in Bihar, seed subsidy in Madhya Pradesh, seed subsidy in Uttar Pradesh, seed subsidy in West Bengal, seed subsidy in Gujarat, seed subsidy in Rajasthan, seed subsidy in Punjab, seed subsidy in Haryana, seed subsidy in Uttarakhand, seed subsidy in Chhattisgarh, seed subsidy in Odisha, seed subsidy in Assam, seed subsidy in Himachal Pradesh, seed subsidy in Nagaland, seed subsidy in Meghalaya, seed subsidy in Tripura, and government subsidy for seed. You may also like the Cucumber Seed Germination Time.