Yard Long Beans Farming:
Well. today’s topic is yard long beans farming and Planting methods
Yard Long Beans Farming – Introduction To Yard Long Beans:
The scientific name of the snake bean is Asparagus bean. The snake bean is also known by the names of the yardlong bean, bodi, pea bean, and Chinese long bean. The snake bean is believed to have originated from a different genus. Yard Long Beans are native to East and South-East Asia. These are probably found in China also. The plant is mostly habituated to the tropical and subtropical regions. The plant is grown in the warmest area like South Asia, South East Asia, and Southern China. The Yard Long Beans are considered to be annual crops.
These are the tall climbing plants. The life cycle of the snake bean plant completes in less than a year. The plant is attracted by many pollinators such as ants. The Yard Long Beans take a longer time for maturity, but the bush beans get matured faster than that of the Yard Long Beans. Before the advent of the frost, the beans are produced.
Characteristics Of Yard Long Beans:

- The length of immature snake bean pods is 35-75 cm.
- These are similar to the green beans.
- The Yard Long Beans are green in color.
- There are many varieties of Yard Long Beans, each and every variety of Yard Long Beans are indifferent in color.
- The snake bean pods are grown just within 60 days after the sowing process.
Yard Long Beans Farming – Properties And Uses Of Yard Long Beans:
- The Yard Long Beans are a good source of proteins.
- It is enriched with vitamins like A and C.
- They are also enriched with thiamine, riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, and potassium, folate, magnesium, and manganese.
- 100 grams of snake bean contains 47 calories, 0 grams of fat, 4 mg of sodium, 8 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of protein.
Some uses of Yard Long Beans are listed here:
- These are used for consuming purposes. While cooking they need to slightly cook for better taste. These can be steamed so that they are used for salads. They are also used in soups.
- They support decreasing body weight.
- It also improves the digestive system.
- They reduce the risk of cancer cells increase in the body.
- These are sources of antioxidants.
- It also enhances the health and glow of the skin.
- It also improves the vision level as the Yard Long Beans contain Vitamin A.
- It also improves the elasticity of the blood vessel.
- It can control cholesterol levels in the body.
Cultivars Of The Yard Long Beans:
Yardlong black seed bean:
- These are popular in Taiwan, Southern China, and Southern Asia.
- They are round, straight, very meaty, and firm in texture. Also, they have good flavor.
- This variety grows in tropical areas and adapts well to heat and rainfall.
- The weight of this variety is 40 grams.
- They are dark green pods with purple-red at the end tip of the pod. The length is 20-24 inches.
- The maturity of this crop is late, but the yield is high.
Yardlong red seed bean:
- These are popularly spread in the areas of Asia.
- The young pods are thick, meaty with a crispy texture. The seed cavity is also small. It is used for cooking as it tastes fabulous.
- These are very easy to grow.
- These are edible, they are dark green in color and they are tender and delicious in taste.
- This variety grows vigorously, but with a long period of time for production.
- The yield is expected to be high.
Yardlong white seed bean:
- White seed beans are popularly seen in Taiwan.
- They are very crispy and delicious. Also excellent for stir fry.
- They are green in color.
- These are grown in conditions with good heat and rainfall.
- The length of the beans is 30 inches.
- The beans are produced with a high yield over a long period of time.
Yardlong Orient extra-long bean:
- These are popular and they vigorously grow in tropical areas and also in tropical climates.
- They are meaty, crispy, and well flavored.
- These are also adapted to heat and also rain.
- The pod can reach a length of 65-70 cm and the weight of the snake bean is 25 grams.
- They are very productive.
Yardlong 3-feet plus bean:
- The bean is popularly elected in Taiwan.
- It is grown in most tropical and subtropical regions.
- The beans are light green in color, extra-long thick bean.
- They are crispy and tender, excellent for a culinary purpose like soups and stir fry.
- They easily grow both on the farm and at home.
- They are red in color, with 80-90 cm of length and 50 grams of weight.
Yardlong purple pod bean:
- These are mostly grown in subtropical regions.
- The plants grow vigorously and start flowering within 40 days after sowing the seeds.
- These are firm and tender with a delicious taste.
- They are purple in color; they are 50-60 cm in length.
- They grow wonderfully with the support of the sun.
- The yield is high and easy to grow.
Yardlong Taiwan No. 8 beans:
- These are popularly developed in Taiwan.
- This variety of beans grows vigorously in warm climates. Also highly resistant to diseases and heat.
- They are thick and tender in texture. They are green in color.
- The length of the bean is 50-65 cm. They are very delicious.
- They are straight and their seed is red in color.
- They are more suitable for tropical and subtropical regions.
Yard Long Beans Farming – Soil And Climatic Requirements:
The soil for the Yard Long Beans must be well-drained, fertile and the texture which is suitable is garden loamy. The pH of the soil should be 5.5 -7.5. They can even tolerate slightly acidic soil for cultivation. The waterlogging, or heavy rainfall is not at all a problem for the Yard Long Beans. These plants, even grow in soils like sandy soil and heavy clay soils very effectively. Many other varieties of the Yard Long Beans can also be grown in them. These also thrive in humid climates with heavy and consistent rain. These plants or plants never grow in cold climates. They only need a hot climate for growth. The temperature required for the cultivation of this plant is 18-35ËšC
Land Preparation and Planting process in Yard Long Beans Farming:
Before digging the soil for the cultivation of Yard Long Beans, an application of 200 g/m2 of dolomite should be sprayed to the soil which is more beneficial. Seedbeds should be prepared for deep soil types. The drainage facility should be mounted for the seedbeds.
The seeds should be sown 2 cm deep down the soil in rows. The Yard Long Beans are planted 30 -50 cm apart from each other in a row.
The seed rate per hectare would be 10-30 kg of seeds.
Propagation Method in Yard Long Beans Farming:
In the NT (Northern Territory) the snake bean seeds do the best when they are sown in slightly damp soil with warm climatic conditions. We should not water until the seed gets germinated, the plant should also be mounted. They should be planted 3 m apart from each plant in a row. We should make sure that the soil is having high moisture content.
Yard Long Beans Farming – Manure And Fertilization Method:
It is known that the Yard Long Beans belong to the legume family and the development of nodules to the roots of the plant helps them to be capable of taking in the nitrogen from the air and supply it to the plant. But the plant gets limited nitrogen and there would be some additional requirement of the NPK mix which is also supplied to the plants.
The mixture of the fertilizer is such that 14N:14P:12K should be sprayed along the rows @ 70 g/m2. And 50 mm of fertilizer should be added to the land from where the seeds are sown and the soil is covered.
The crop is again supplied with the ratio of 50:50 of urea and potassium sulfate mix of 5 g/m for each row every 4 weeks.
Yard Long Beans Farming – Irrigation Method:
Regularly, the water should be supplied to maintain the moisture level in the soil. The watering frequency depends on the soil and the moisture contained in it as the sand and clay soils absorb water soon and do not have enough moisture retention capacity, therefore, these soils need a regular water supply. And the watering also depends upon the climatic conditions. Â Water stress cannot be handled by these plants, then the yield drops down considerably. For better control of water drip irrigation is good.
Yard Long Beans Farming – Weed Control Measures:
To prevent weeds hoeing the field should be done periodically. Application of pre-emergence herbicides can be used to control weeds.
Pest And Diseases Control Measures in Yard Long Beans Farming:
As the crop is sensitive soil-borne diseases can occur. The beneficial nematodes should be grown around the crops. And the soil should be solarised for 6-8 weeks before the planting.
Anthracnose, Bacterial Blight, Powdery Mildew, Root Rot, and Bean Mosaic Virus. These all diseases can be controlled by the application of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) principles and also we can use EPA-approved chemicals for the crop to protect them from diseases.
Bean fly, Pod borer, String bug, Thrips, Black Bean, Aphid, White Fly, and Red Spider Mite. These can also be controlled by applying IPM and EPC chemical compounds.
Harvesting Techniques in Yard Long Beans Farming:
The fresh Yard Long Beans can be harvested in 70-90 days from planting. The fine and extra-fine beans can be harvested every day. The pods should be cooled to remove them from the field. And they should be packed in the ventilating boxes immediately after harvesting.
Fruiting Season Of The Yard Long Beans:
The harvesting of the Yard Long Beans is generally done in 8-10 weeks after the sowing. The flowering of the plants starts after 8 weeks from the planting season.
Storage Of The Yard Long Beans:
The Yard Long Beans are stored at a temperature of 2-4ËšC at high humidity levels. They can be at the maximum stored for 4 weeks.
Yield Of The Yard Long Beans:

It is estimated that the average yield of the Yard Long Beans in a year is 7-10 tonnes per hectare.
Packing Of Yard Long Beans:
The Yard Long Beans should be packed in ventilating boxes. We should make sure there would be no moisture in the boxes. The net weight of the boxes with the product should be 5.5 kg (maximum).
In case if you are interested in this: Hydroponic Nutrient Chart.
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Dear Mr. Reddy,
Thanks for the information regarding Long Beans (Yard beans), but please recheck the information, which you mentioned regarding Yield for year from 1 hectare.
we are producing more more and more from each hectare.
Waiting for your Response.
Hello thanks for writing us. However, we have given lower side, I know the yield depends the variety plus cultivation practices. We have seen 30 tonnes per hectare as well. There is no such constant figure yield.
long beans Over climbing and more vines in my land