Introduction: Hello farmers today we are here with a great information of Castor Cultivation Income and Project Report. Castor (Ricinus communis L.) is a popular oil seed crop belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan are the major  Castor growing states in India. Whereas, Gujarat is major castor oil growing state in India. Castor apart from oil seed crop used in various industries like paper, medicinal etc. Castor cake is also used as cattle feed.
A guide to castor cultivation Income, project report Â
The farmer requires around 2 – 2.5 kilograms of hybrid seeds to cultivate in one acre. Approximately, farmer can get a yield of 10 – 12 quintals from one acre of Castor field. Average market price for Castor is Rs.4,500 – Rs. 5,500 per quintal depending upon the quality of the produce. Generally it can be cultivated as Kharif as well as Rabi season crop, whereas yields during rabi season are higher than kharif season.
Castor Varieties & Hybrid
- Pragathi
- Haritha
- Jwala
- C. S -107
- C. H -117
- C. H -177
- C. H -519
Cost of Land preparation for 1 acre castor farming
To prepare land to cultivate castor in one acre farmer need to spend a gross amount of Rs. 2100. In which Rs. 1100 was paid as rental charges for tractor and tractor drawn implements, Rs. 400 was incurred towards labor wage for tractor driver. Whereas, remaining Rs. 600 spent as labor charges to clean the land from the weeds and previous crop residues etc. before sowing as this operation requires around 3 labors and wage of each labor is Rs.200 per day.
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1 acre castor farming seed cost
Cost of seed material is very important as purchasing low quality seed material which is available at lower prices at market may drastically reduce the yields in castor. Average seed rate of castor is 2 – 2.5 kilo grams per acre. So, to purchase 2.5 kilo grams of good quality seed material of caster required amount is Rs. 350. If the maximum cost of seed material is Rs.140 per kilo gram. There might be little differences in cost of seed material as it changes from company to company etc.
The cost of sowing in one acre castor cultivation
The sowing of castor in one acre land requires around 2 labors to carry out sowing in one acre land. If the labor wage during sowing is Rs. 200 per head. Money expenditure towards sowing is Rs. 400 averagely. Avoid overcrowding of seeds as it demands high seed rate, increase the cost of seed material and cause reduction in yields.
1-acre castor farming Fertilizers cost
In castor cultivation farmer need to incur up to Rs. 2800 towards fertilization in one acre of land. In which purchasing 2 to 3 tonnes of farmyard manure requires Rs. 1500 and remaining Rs. 1300 was spent to purchase chemical fertilizers like N: P: K and as labor charges for their application.
The cost of weeding
Weeds in castor can be control by herbicidal spraying and little inter cultivation. Cost of chemicals will vary around Rs.780 averagely, whereas Rs.400 need to be paid in form of labor charges in form of labor charges and inter cultivation need around Rs.550 per one acre land in castor averagely.
The cost of plant protection measures
Capsule – borer, semi – looper, alternaria blight and seedling blight are the some of the major pest and diseases in castor cultivation. Management of all these pest and diseases effectively in an integrated approach it will costs up to Rs.1735 averagely.
The cost of miscellaneous activities
In castor cultivation cost of electricity, expenses spent towards irrigation, interest paid over capital, rent charged against land etc. were included in grouped under this category. On an averagely all these activities requires around Rs. 1380.
The cost of harvesting
One acre castor field can be harvested with the help of 2 human labor and it requires another 2 labor to group the produce at one place from the place of harvesting. Thus, harvesting operation in one acre land requires 4 labor in total which costs around Rs.800.
The cost of drying, threshing and packing in castor farming
All these after harvesting operations like drying, threshing and packing etc. can be carry out with the help of 5 human labors. So, to pay wages per 5 labors we need to spend Rs.1000.
The yield from 1 acre castor farming in India
Yields during Kharif crop are less compared to the rabi season yields. However, in rabi by using hybrid and adopting Fertigation along with adopting good management practices farmer can get yields of 10-12 quintals in one acre of castor fields.
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The cost of transportation:
Transportation charges may vary around Rs.320 to transport the produce to the nearby market.
Total cost of 1-acre Castor farming:
The cost of land preparation  –  Rs. 1100 + Rs. 400 + Rs. 600
The cost of seed material –  Rs. 350
The cost of sowing  –  Rs. 400
The fertilizer cost   –  Rs. 1500 + Rs. 1300
The cost of weeding  –  Rs. 780 + Rs. 400 + Rs. 550
The cost of Plant protection –  Rs. 1735
The cost of miscellaneous activities –Â Â Rs. 1380
The cost of harvesting   –   Rs. 800
The cost of drying and threshing –    Rs. 1000
The cost of transportation –  Rs. 320
The cost of 1 acre  Castor farming   – Rs. 12, 615
Extra 10% of total cost   – Rs.1, 261.5
The total cost of 1 acre  Castor farming – Rs.13, 876.5
Thw total cost incurred in 1-acre Castor cultivation: On an average total cost of cultivation involved in one acre  Castor cultivation incurs about Rs.13, 876.5. Cost involved in cultivation of Castor may vary from above mentioned cost depending upon various factors like pest and disease incidence and weed incidence etc.
The total income from 1-acre Castor cultivation: Market price for Castor dated on 24-10-2019 is Rs. 4,130 per quintal at Gadwal market center in Telangana. So, for selling 10 quintals of  Castor farmer will get gross returns of Rs.41, 300.
The net profit from 1-acre Castor farming:
Net income involved in 1 acre Castor cultivation is as said below
Rs.41, 300– Rs.13, 876 = Rs.27, 423. 5
One acre Castor cultivation will provide average net returns of Rs.27, 423.5 to the farmer.
Conclusion: As Rabi cultivation of castor providing good yields by adopting good management practices. Castor cultivation during rabi is profitable for the farmers compared to the Kharif.
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Thanks for the castor article.
Can you also help me what will be the produce of castor oil from castor seeds and average selling price of the castor oil for selling it.
Thanks for giving agricultural information in detail about Castor… Can you share Castor market details in NCR region. I am from Meerut, UP
We r cultivating castor farming now ,now seeds r coming ,what is d rate of castor ,how to sell to highesr rate?
Thanks for the informative article. I want to plant in the outer boundry of my moringa plantation farm (4 ft wide) which is spread in 85 acres. Can you please suggest the variety for Kharif season in Chhattisgarh? What would be the spacing between two plants?
Thanks for project report in detail about castor farming. Please get me source to get quality castor seeds in Hyderabad-T S.
i am from odisha and i am a small scale businessman, entrepreneur
this plant i have seen but right now it is not available in my locality
i am thankful to you that you gave a booster to focus on this agriculture business
it was our tradition as well
Good evening, i am a nigerian castor farmer, i have done some planting but it is brazilian white. Now i want to start the Indian Brown kindly help by introducing the best indian brown seeds to buy taking into consideration out climate and enviroment. I need a seed that will give a good results in terms of yields.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.’
‘Thank You
Can we got more information on who to supply and the requirement to be part of the project us youth in the Vaal