Introduction: Hello farmers, today we are here with Curry Banana cultivation income, yield per acre, production cost and profits. Raw or Curry Banana is used as a vegetable that is not seasonal and is available throughout the year. The botanical name of Curry Banana is Musa paradisiaca belonging to the family Musaceae. These are cultivated in tropical regions. India ranks first in the production of Curry Banana which has an annual output of nearly 12 million tons. In India, the major Curry Banana producing states are Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, and Karnataka.
The famous Banana Chips are made from these Curry Banana, which has high demand in the National and International markets. Curry Banana is very popular due to its economic importance with low price and high nutritive value. It is rich in Vitamin B, Potassium, Phosphorous, Calcium, and Magnesium. It helps in reducing heart diseases by lowering fat and cholesterol levels. It is a rich source of Carbohydrate but the fiber content in Curry Banana helps in easy digestion, cures gastroenteritis and Kidney disorders. Curry Banana is also called Cooking Bananas which are rich in starch and have a chemical composition similar to a potato.
Cultivation income of Curry Banana, yied per acre, economics

Popular and commercial varieties of Curry Banana
These include CO1, BRS1, BRS2, FHIA-01, and Udhayam are the hybrid varieties and the local varieties include Meanyham, Basrai, Shrimanti, and Ardhapuri, etc.
Curry Banana Agro-climatic requirements
It is a tropical crop and grows well at a temperature ranging from 15°C-35°C with humidity 80-85%. The average rainfall is 650-800 mm which is most important for the vigorous growth of Curry Banana. Deep rich loamy soils with pH 7-7.5 are ideal for Curry Banana cultivation. Soil should be maintained with good drainage, adequate fertility, and moisture content. Saline soils, acidic soils are not at all suitable for Curry Banana cultivation. Soil should be rich in organic matter with high Nitrogen content, Phosphorous, and Potassium is ideal to attain the commercial yield.
How to prepare Land for Curry Banana plantation
The land should be ploughed 3-4 times until it attains the fine tilth and leveled by removing the weeds and unwanted material. During soil preparation, a basal dose of farmyard manure (FYM) of about 20 tons per acre is added and mixed thoroughly into the soil.
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Steps involved in Curry Banana plantation
The planting material used in Curry Banana cultivation is suckers or by tissue culture seedlings. Suckers with well-developed rhizome- conical or spherical with actively growing conical buds and weighing about 450-700g are commonly used for better yield. But suckers as planting material showed many problems like weak resistance towards pathogens and nematodes, age and size variation, the crop is not uniform, harvesting is prolonged and management becomes hectic and difficult. Therefore, in vitro clonal propagation i.e., tissue culture plants are recommended for the healthy, disease-free, uniform in growth, and early yielding. The planting material should be treated with 0.5% Monocrotophos and Bavistin 0.1% before planting. The distance between 2 lines is 1.2m while the distance between plant to plant is 1.5m. This spacing allows the adequate sunlight required for the growth and the plant also can grow easily and freely without any spacing problem. Because of this spacing, intercultural operations can also be carried out. Recent studies state that good quality Curry Banana with a heavy bunch can be achieved by planting the distance at 1.8×1.8m. Based on this distance 1-acre land can accommodate 200 plants and the yield can be expected 40-45 tons/acre.
The pit planting method is usually followed and the pit size should be 0.5×0.5×0.5m. These pits are filled with a mixture of topsoil and 10 Kg of FYM, 250g of Neem cake and 20g of Carbofuran. These pits are left opened for 20 days for solar radiation to kill all the soil-borne diseases, insects and for aeration before refilling. Then the plantlets are planted in the middle of the pits and covered with the soil. These are planted in the pits keeping pseudostem 2 cm below the ground level. Deep planting should be avoided and the irrigation should be provided immediately after planting.
Nutritional Requirements for Curry Banana Production
Banana requires a high amount of nutrients that includes 10 Kg FYM, 250g N, 70g P, 300g K per plant. The NPK should be applied in 3 equal doses in shallow rings about 8-10 cm deep are recommended. These should be given at 60, 90 and 120 days. Using 1 Kg Neem cake is beneficial. The foliar application of micronutrients likeMgSo4 is found to be effective in the soils with Magnesium deficiencies. The use of Dolomite and Limestone as soil amendments increases the yield effectively. To increase the yield and improve the quality of Banana, foliar application of ZnSO4 0.5%, FeSO4 0.2%, CuSO4 0.2%, and H3Bo3 0.1% has to be applied during 3, 5, and 7 months after planting.
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When and How to water your Banana Plants
Banana cultivation requires a large quantity of water supply which increases productivity. In winter, irrigation is provided at an interval of 7 to 8 days whereas in summer it should be given at an interval of 4 to 5 days and during rainy season irrigation should be done only if required if not it might lead to root zone congestion affecting plant establishment and growth. The drip irrigation system is efficient for getting a good yield in banana production.
Important measures to be followed in Banana crop production
- Unwanted suckers should be removed which is a critical operation for reducing internal completion with the main plant. Small suckers should be removed regularly up to 7-8 months.
- The balance of the plant may go out due to the heavyweight of the bunch which affects the production and quality. To minimize this propping should be done with the help of bamboos forming a triangle by placing them against the stems on the leaning side. This also helps in the uniform development of the bunch.
- The bunch developed has to be protected by covering those using dried leaves to prevent direct exposure to sunlight, whereas in the rainy season this practice should be avoided. Spraying Monocrotophos 0.2% after the emergence of all hands is effective in controlling the thrips.
- The incomplete hands in a bunch should be removed immediately which helps in improving the weight of the other hands.
- Mulching has to be done using the wheat straw and Banana straw which increases the bunch weight. Mulching is done at the beginning of the summer.
- Growth regulators like 2,4- D, plantozyme, etc are sprayed in 6-8 months after planting helps to achieve higher yield.
- During winter if the temperature goes below 10°C, smoking has to be done by inducing fire to increase the temperature in the field. Low temperature affects plant growth and yield.
- Plantation should be protected from strong winds by growing tall plants along the farm border.
The plant protection measures
The insect pests and diseases are controlled by destroying the infected plant parts and spraying with 1% Bordeaux, Copper oxychloride, etc are used to attain positive results.
The harvesting procedure of Raw Banana
The plants get ready to harvest within 12-15 months of planting and the main harvesting season is from September to April. Bunches attain maturity from 90-150 days after flowering. This is mostly based upon the variety chosen, soil, weather conditions. Bunches are harvested with the help of sharp sickle 30 cm above the first hand. After harvesting these bunches should be kept out of the light as this hastens to ripen and softening.
The yield of Curry Banana in 1-acre land
The yield of Banana depends on several factors such as the variety chosen by the farmer, plant density, management practices, soil conditions, weather conditions, micronutrients availability, etc. On average, the yield of Curry Banana is 40-45 tons/ acre.
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Economics and Project report of Curry Banana cultivation in 1 acre
Land preparation cost = Rs. 20,000
Planting materials cost = Rs. 12,000
Manures cost = Rs. 2,000
Fertilizers cost = Rs. 3,000
Plant protection cost = Rs. 2,000
Irrigation cost = Rs. 40,000
Labour Charges = Rs. 15,000
Miscellaneous cost = Rs. 5,000
10% of total cost = Rs. 9,900
The t
otal cost = Rs. 1,08,900
Curry Banana cultivation income returns
The farm gate price of 1 ton of Curry Banana = Rs. 6,500.
So the income for the average yield of 40 tons = 40 x 6,500 = Rs. 2,60,000
Profit = Income – costs involved = Rs.2,60,000 – Rs.1,08,900 = Rs. 1,51,100. Hence the profit is Rs. 1,51,100 per 1 acre.
That’s all floks, hope you enjoyes the Raw or Curry Banana cultivation income and yield. Happy farming.!
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