Introduction to Goat Farm Business Plan
Goat farming business is a very profitable business where many people start making good profits by starting a goat farming project. However, to establish a successful goat farming business you need a perfect goat farming business plan. You need to efficiently raise the goats, with good feed, management skills, and should acquire skills to raise them. This article will provide you all the details on how to start the goat rearing business along with the perfect goat farming business plan.
A Step By Step Guide To Goat Farm Business Plan Â
Goat farming is the most profitable venture which provides income to millions of people, where you can earn good profits in rearing goats. Before starting the business you need to decide the size of the goat farming project. Then you need to note the points such as the number of goats, location of the goat farming business, and the target market for earning profits. These are the most essential things which you need to look before starting the business. You also need to calculate the project cost and the size of your market.

If you do not have a good capital to start with then you can even avail loan and start your goat farming project venture. You also need to carry out the perfect market research before you handle the task. You need to concentrate on the target market where to sell the goats and design the goat farming business plan before you start the goat farming project.
The Market Potential For Goat Farming Business
The market for goat meat is very large and is continuously increasing. The annual global demand for goat meat is around 5 million tonnes. You can supply goat meat to slaughterhouses, local butcher shops, retailers, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, wholesalers, and even individual consumers.
Goat meat must be sold in fresh, thus you must locate your goat farm near the market. The goat production business plan should be having a proper marketing plan to promote your business.
Goats can be breed for meat, hair, milk, and fiber uses. This blog and business plan mainly for goat meat production. The export market for goats is tremendous! As you develop your goat farming business you can also export the goat meat to various countries. The largest importers of goat meat are the United Arab Emirates, the United States of America, Indonesia, the Caribbean, Angola, South Korea, Taiwan, the Middle East, Malaysia, the European Union, Singapore, Brunei, etc.
License And Permissions For Goat Farming Project In India
Goat farming business is similar to other commercial businesses, so you need to take the license based upon the state or local animal husbandry department for licensing and other procedures in India. If you are starting a commercial goat farming business in India, you also need to take NOC because of the objections which might arise in the area. Regarding taxes for goat farming profits, you need to consult your tax consultants.
Land Required For Goat Farming Project
A large area should is very much necessary for goat pens. Assessment of the compatibility of the plot for goat farming must be done. It is recommended to locate the project close to good roads which will reduce the expenses. This will also help the farmer to have easy access to and from the goat farming project. There should be a provision of clean water that can be used for both humans as well as for animal consumption, which could be boreholes, rivers, and dams. If there is no such water source, a reservoir must be constructed. Goats tend to escape from the farm commonly. Thus you must put a strong fence around your farm to avoid the goats from escaping. It is important to make the fence in such a way that the goats are safe inside, and strong enough for keeping away various types of predators or harmful animals outside. You need to take land which should be far away from the urban areas as the pollution might harm the animals.
Goats need pasture to graze on. You must divide the pasture into various parts. To avoid over usage of pasture and the growth of less desirable fodder, you must alternatively rotate the pastures in which the goats graze on. This implies that you should permit your goats to graze on one pasture whereas the other pasture is free. The pasture must contain different types of pasture plants or grasses. This will upsurge the food value and assist in meet-up various types of nutritional necessities for goats. Your goat farming business plan must contain the cost of acquiring or renting the land.
Housing And Equipment As Part of Goat Farm Business Plan
It is very essential to have good housing to become successful and profitable in your goat farming business. Goats do not need costly shelter since they are very adaptive creatures. The proper housing for goats must have good ventilation along with a dry floor. The goats must need safety from the sun and rain, thus the shelter must be built accordingly. The goat shelter should be well-ventilated and must be easy to clean. Poor ventilation impacts animal health and performance. Extreme temperatures can lower the productivity of goats. Poor ventilation will lead to the spread of harmful gases which can lead to respiratory issues to the goats.
Good ventilation is needed so that the ample amount of fresh air is circulated to all parts of the shelter, and to sustain the right temperature and the proper humidity. The goat pens can be constructed by either clay bricks or by wood or through concrete blocks. Irrespective of the material employ for building the goat pens, you must ensure that sufficient space is available for the goats, and for proper ventilation. The equipment needed for your goat farming project comprises feeders and drinkers for feed and water for the goats. Your goat rearing business plan must outline the costs of housing and equipment that are required for your goat farming project.
Breeding Stock For The Goat Farming Project
To start keeping goats for profit, you need breeding stock. The breeding stock must have male goats which are called bucks, and female goats which are called as does. When selecting breeding stock for goat farming business, you must be very careful of the health history of the goats. It’s recommended to purchase the breeding stock from goat farmers who have a nice reputation in the goat production trade. The goats that you choose should be strong and in proper health condition. It is suggested to see the records of the breeding stock that you prefer to buy. The growth potential of the offspring will depend on the nature and quality of the parent animals. Thus it is of very essential to buy a virtuous goat breeding stock from trustworthy goat farmers. The goat farming business plan should contain the costs involved in purchasing the breeding stock.
Breeds of Goats As Part of Goat Farm Business Plan
There are several breeds of goats that are used for commercial goat farming. The famous breeds for goat meat production are the Boer Breed, Black Bengal, Spanish breed, Kalahari, Rangeland among others. The Boer Goat is an extensively productive meat breed and stands as a superior breed. This type of breed is initially from the Eastern Cape in South Africa and it is very costly compared to other breeds. A good Boer buck that is within 6-12 months can service 25 does while a full-grown buck which is 13 months old can service 50 does in a year. The Boer Goat is thought superior as it has a good bone structure, grows fast, large body size with heavyweight, and can easily stand to a wide range of grasslands. Some farmers crossbreed a superior breed like the Boer Goat with indigenous breeds. This is used for getting the proper quality of offspring with better meat quality, which is also resistant to diseases, healthy and adaptable to different pastures.
Feed As Part of Goat Farm Business Plan
The feed is the major cost for starting the goat farming project. This is the most economical source for efficient growth of goat meat with all the sources of vitamins and minerals. Goats graze and pasture on grasslands but it will not be sufficient for them to meet the proper nutritional requirements which are essential for the growth of the meat goats. Goats become versatile, inquisitive, and energetic by their feeding habits to become stronger. Goats are versatile and can adapt to different environments easily without any disturbances.
Goats are capable of consuming 80 different types of plants. Goats are referred to as browsers but not grazers. But they also eat grass while browsing. You need to find a suitable location to establish your farming project and you need to take care that the land should get rid of bushes because goats enjoy browsing like trees, twigs, leaves, and small plants.
Even though the goats love to browse and feed on grasslands but they need to be provided with sufficient nutrients in their supplementary feed which earns you profits in goat farming business. Because enough amount of pasture is not provided because of the seasonal changes. This will enable your goats to grow faster than your expectation within a short period of time. You will earn lots of amount through goat meat from the supplementary feed.
There are different kinds of supplementary feed which you need to provide your goats. The supplementary feed to goats includes lucerne so-called hay, grains like wheat, maize, oats, barley, sorghum, and other whole grains, etc. along with the minerals, salts, and other commercial goat feed. The goats also require large quantities of water. Hence it is important to provide a sufficient amount of water. You need to add this to the goat farming business plan along with the feed costs.
Management And Labor For A Goat Farm
The goat farming project requires employees for goat farming project that depends upon the size of your goat farming project. You need to hire goat keepers who are responsible for taking care of goats like cleaning the goat house, disinfecting it, and other duties. You also need to have a marketing and financial management team to manage your business and market your brand. So, the important point is you need to take their monthly salaries and other expenses into consideration while designing the meat goat farming business plan.
Medication And Vaccination As Part of Goat Farm Business Plan
Goats are prone to various types of diseases such as FMD-Foot and Mouth Disease, Anthrax, contagious pneumonia, and other diseases. So, it is important to vaccinate the goats on your farm which is an important step in goat farming business as per the vaccination schedule. These are some of the vaccination which should be provided to your goat farm. The below is the list of the vaccinations-
- FMD vaccine has to be given once in a year that is either in February or December time.
- Anthrax vaccine has to be provided once in a year that is either in May or June time.
- IVRI/CCPP vaccine should be given once in a year.
- The Enterotoxemiathe vaccination has to be given once in a year that is in May or June.
- The PPR vaccine has to be given once for three years.
- It is recommended to consult a veterinary doctor for the better healthy life of your goats.
Cost Or Investment Involved In Goat Farming Business
You should not miss this: One Acre Farming Model, Income, Profit, Ideas.

The total costs involved in goat farming project cost in India starting with 50 female goats and 2 male goats.
The cost of one female Boer goat is Rs. 6000, so for 50 goats it costs Rs. 3,00,000
The cost of male Boer goat is Rs. 7000, so for 2 male goats it costs Rs. 14,000
Costs involved in land and shed construction is Rs. 1,0,000
Costs involved for chaff cutter is Rs. 20,000
Costs involved in feeding is Rs. 1000 per feeder hence for 2 feeders it costs Rs. 2,000.
Costs involved for water pots is Rs. 200 per pot so for 3 pots it costs Rs. 600.
Costs involved for a feed of 52 goats and the kids is Rs. 1,45,000.
Costs involved in the vaccination and other medicines are Rs. 7,500.
Costs involved for labor charges is Rs. 25,000.
Charges for electricity and water is Rs. 5,000
Other miscellaneous charges include Rs. 5,000.
Total costs involved in the goat farming business of 50 female and 2 male goats is Rs. 6,24,100.
Profits In Goat Farming BusinessÂ
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Fixed investment is the one-time investment cost that is not included in the profit in the goat farming project report because every business needs the beginning investment.
Total sale of the animal (for 50 goats (25 kg per goat), costs Rs. 250 per Kg)
So, total weight for 50 goats is 50×25 = 1250 Kg
1 Kg of Boer goat meat costs Rs. 250, so the cost for 1250 Kg= 1250×250 = Rs. 3,12,500 per 6 months.
So, for one year = Rs. 6,25,000.
Other sales like milk and manure from goat farming = Rs. 1,00,000 per 6 months.
So, for one year = Rs. 2,00,000.
Total sales = 6,25,000+2,00,000 = Rs. 8,25,000.
Total profit = Total sale of meat cost – (total cost of feed + total monthly expenses)
Total Profit = Rs. 8,25,000 – Rs. 6,24,100 = Rs. 2,00,900.
You need to note that the profit might alter based on the market rate of meat. The expenditure cost also varies depending upon the farming system, selected breed, location, feeding prices, etc. Executing the proper business plan leads to a profitable goat farming business. Starting with a small scale production results in good and regular income with lesser investment whereas the large scale requires the highest investments and also additional costs. The investment return is also good but the additional costs will be more in large scale business ventures. There is a huge demand for goat meat in both national and international markets. So, you can make good profits in the goat farming business in India.
In case if you are interested in Earn Money from Goat Farming Business.
Want to start with4does &1buck then
increas slowlely