The following information is about Growing Pudina In Pots.
Mint is a perennial plant with tiny purple, pink or white flowers. Mint leaves have a fresh, sweet, aromatic taste. These high aromatic herbal plants are rarely annual. The mint plants have opposite pairs of leaves, mint leaves are oblong to lanceolate, they are sometimes downy with margins. Mint leaves are in dark green, gray-green to purple, blue and some varieties have a pale yellow color. Mint plants have a square stem, the mint family plants can be identified by their stem shape. The stems of the plants have a pungent scent. Mint is the fastest-growing aromatic herbal plant from the Mentha genus group.
These plants spread widely underground and these plants are erect, square with branched stems.
Varieties of Mint for Growing Pudina In Pots:
There are many varieties of mint plants, here we have listed some of them below. Almost all varieties of mint plants are grown in container gardens.
Most varieties of mint plants are invasive tendencies. All the mint plants grow vigorously, and you should take the necessary steps to keep the plant under control.
You should c0hoosing Mint Varieties, each variety of mint leaves has its own flavor or scent, even they belong to the same family. Make sure that the variety you choose will be adaptable to your growing conditions. Some varieties of mint leaves are not used for culinary purposes. Some varieties of mint leaves are used for their aromatic purposes and for their aesthetic appearances, other mint varieties are normally used for medicinal purposes.
Types of Mint for the Garden Listed below are some of the most commonly grown varieties of mint in the container gardens:
- Peppermint: This variety of mint has delightful saw-toothed leaves and with delicate white and purple colored flowers or and these peppermint leaves produce a spicy fragrance when crushed between the fingers. This variety of mint plants grow well in containers and can be harvested twice in a growing season. To harvest them before the plants start flowering, pick the stems 1 inch above the soil surface. These plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors, winter is the ideal season for growing peppermint indoors. These mint leaves have amazing flavor when used fresh.
- Spearmint: Spearmint looks like peppermint, spearmint plants produce bright green colored pointed leaves and produces lavender flower spikes that grow up to 4 inches. Spearmint will give good yields when grown at an ideal growing temperature. These mint leaves can be harvested once they reach a height and width of 12 to 24 inches. This is the best variety of mint that grows well in containers.
- Pineapple mint: Pineapple mint is a cross bread of apple mint (Mentha suaveolens). These mint plants attractive, multicolored leaves, the leaves have white margins, and these plants grow up to 1-foot height. The Pineapple mint leaves are bumpy and hairy and have a white edging that gives them an amazing look as though they are sporting a ruffle. This mint plant produces white or light pink flowers that bloom on the spike during the hot summer temperatures.
- Apple mint (Woolly mint): Apple mint plants have woody stems with highly fragmented leaves with long spikes that produce white or pink-colored flowers. These plants bolt in the late winter and early fall seasons. These plants grow well in containers.
- Pennyroyal Ginger mint: Ginger mint is a cross bread between corn mint and spearmint. And these mint leaves smell like spearmint leaves, these mint leaves are also called slender mint or scotch mint. These mint plants produce multicolored leaves with yellow-colored stripes. Often called, variegated ginger, mint plants have beautiful bright yellow stripes on the leaves. Let’s learn more about growing ginger mint plants. Ginger mint, similar to common mint, and is easy to grow and has a very short harvesting period.
- Red mint: This is a hybrid variety grown from corn mint (Mentha arvensis), watermint (Mentha aquatica), and spearmint (Mentha spicata). These mint plants produce lovely green/red leaves with red stems. These mint plants are suitable for container gardening and grow in full sun to partial shade. Red mint leaves have a sweet menthol flavor and spring and fall are the ideal seasons for growing red mint.
- Chocolate mint: Chocolate mint plants have attractive foliage and are very easy to grow. These mint leaves have a glossy green color with a chocolate menthol taste. This mint variety is suitable for container gardening. Chocolate mint thrives well in full sun to partial shade. Spring and fall are ideal seasons to grow chocolate mint.
- Orange mint: Orange mint is a hybrid mint plant, orange mint leaves have a strong, pleasant citrus flavor and aroma. Growing this mint plant in a container is very easy, and it thrives well in rich, moist, clay-like soils that are slightly acidic in nature.
- Lavender mint: Lavender mint leaves are like peppermint leaves, it has red stems and with flower spikes which produces lavender colored flowers. Lavender Mints are the best aromatic mint plants, that are used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. These mint plants need well-drained soil and full sun to thrive. Lavender mint is suitable it grows in containers and grows well in all seasons.
- Catmint: This mint variety plant produces lavender-colored flowers and has gray green-colored foliage. And it grows well in containers with well-drained soil and full sun. Summer and fall are the ideal seasons for growing catmint.
- Grapefruit mint: Grapefruit mint is suitable to grow in USDA zones 6-11 and thrives in full sun or partial shade. The plant produces slightly furry, deep green leaves with a mild citrus mint smell, and the plant can grow up to 12 to 14 inches tall and 18 inches wide. Spring and fall are the ideal seasons to grow grapefruit in containers.
- Corn or field mint: this variety of mint plants produce green leaves and lavender and white flowers. And it is suitable to grow in containers, fall and spring are the ideal seasons to grow corn mint in containers.
- Basil Mint: Basil mint plants produce narrow-toothed leaves in bright green color with a red tinge. And produces purple-colored blooms during the summer season. These mint leaves have an amazing aroma with a spicy mint fragrance. Basil mint is suitable to grow in containers/pots. Fall and spring are the ideal seasons to grow basil mint.
- Sweet Mint: Sweet mint leaves are in dark green with slightly toothed edges. These mints grow well in containers and thrive in partial sun and need well-drained soil. Spring is the ideal season to grow sweet mint.
Propagating Methods for Growing Pudina In Pots:
Mint can be propagated from both the seeds and cuttings. Propagating from seeds is a time taking process and the ideal method for Growing Pudina In Pots is through its cuttings. Even though mint can be grown from seeds, cuttings are a faster, more reliable option.
Suitable Climate for Growing Pudina In Pots:
- Mint grows well in a wide range of climatic conditions.
- And mint requires plenty of sun for healthy growth, spring, fall, and summer are the best seasons to grow mint in containers.
- Growing conditions depend on the variety of mint plants you are choosing to grow.
- The ideal temperature for growing mint is warm sunny days with a temperature of 25°C and night’s temperature should be 15°C.
Potting Soil for Growing Pudina In Pots:
- Mints require deep, rich fertile soils that are high in organic matter.
- The pH levels of the soil should range from 6.0–7.5.
- Mint plants require lots of water to thrive, so the soil you use should be well-drained and deep, so it should be capable of holding some moisture as per the plant requirements.
- Even though mint adapts to all types of soils, it produces the best soil types, but the foliage in the potting soil is enriched with organic compost or well-rotted manure.
- A standard commercial potting soil is best to grow a healthy mind, you can also choose a soilless peat-based potting soil with equal proportions of perlite or vermiculite which improves the draining system of the soil.
Suitable Containers for Growing Pudina In Pots:
- The mint needs a large-sized container for growing mint. The mint plant grows vigorously, and most of them grow on their own.
- Don’t use shallow containers, the roots of the plant may spread out from the bottom of the container. The shallow container can weaken plants or cause uneven root spread.
- For growing mint, the size of the container should be 8 inches or more in diameter, and the depth of the container should be 10 to 12 inches, mint plants need enough space to expand.
- The container should have 2 to 3 draining holes. And sterile the container with warm water and antiseptic soap before using. And fill the bottom layer of the container with a thin layer of gravel.
- And place a saucer under the container to control the water overflow and to maintain soil temperature.
- Use containers made of clay, terracotta, plastic, or wood for growing mint.
Location for Growing Pudina In Pots:
- All mint varieties prefer a cool, moist spot in partial shade, but will also grow in full sun.
- Mints can be grown on balconies, back yards, front yards, and terrace gardens.
- Mint plants grow well indoor, place them near a window where you receive a good amount of light.
Growing Pudina In Pots from Seeds:
- Propagating mint from seeds is a difficult task, germination of seeds may not always successful.
- If you want to propagate mint from containers, sow the seeds in a seedling tray or small 3 to 4-inch containers.
- Fill the container/ seed tray with seed starting potting mix. Dig a hole at the center of the container/seed tray and sow 2 to 3 seeds in each hole. And the seeds with a thin layer of potting soil.
- Now water the seeds, don’t wet the soil, just keep it moist. And cover the container with a plastic cover to hold the moisture. Poke the hole to the cover for air and light penetration to the seeds.
- Place the tray/container in a warm and dry place where it can receive partial sunlight.
- The ideal temperature for seed germination should range from 20 C to 23C.
- Mint seeds take 15 to 20 days to germinate depending on the soil temperature.
Growing Pudina In Pots from Cuttings:
- Mint seedlings are available in all the garden stores and nurseries. It’s not easy to germinate mint plant from seeds, germination process may not be successful unless are an experienced gardener. You directly get seedlings from nurseries and plant them directly into the desired container filled with potting soil enriched with compost.
- If planning to grow from cuttings, collect a cutting from a well-grown mint plant. Cut approximately one cm of stem cuttings at the junction with sharp scissors.
- Or you can also use mint stems that are purchased from the supermarket. Even leftover mint stems are also used for growing.
- Now fill a clean glass with fresh, clean water. And immerse the freshly cut sprigs in the glass to generate a root system.
- Place the glass in a warm, sunny location and wait until the stems form roots. Maintain water levels in the glass, add water if needed to keep the glass full.
- Once the white-colored root grows up to 1 to 2 inches long, now the stems are ready to plant.
- Choose the desired pot and fill the lower third of the pot with compost and potting soil. And now plant the mint cutting or seedling in the container. You can curl the roots if they are too long to plant in the container.
- If you need, you can Insert wooden sticks near the young plants to give them the necessary support to the plant. You can remove these wooden sticks once the plant establishes.
- Water the plant deeply, so that the soil sinks down to the roots. Maintain the moisture levels of the soil, water the plants as the weather conditions. Increase the water intervals if the weather it hot.
- Place the container in partial shade, till the plant stands erect and firm.
- Once the plants get firm, move the container to outdoor in the full sun where it receives at least 5 to 6 hours.
- You can start to feed the plants with mild fertilizer or fish emulsion once or twice in a month for proper growth of leaves.
Water Requirement for Growing Pudina In Pots:
- Mint plants need lots of water to survive. Maintain a constant moisture level in the potting soil.
- Check the moisture levels regularly, Insert the finger 2-inch-deep into the soil. If you feel the soil is dry, water to the plants. If the soil is wet don’t water the plants.
- In hot and dry weather, the mint plants should be watered several times a day. In winter water the plants as per the moisture levels in the soil.
- A mint plant can die if the soil is kept dry for longer periods.
- Overwatering or under watering may turn the mint leaves bitter.
Sunlight Requirement for Growing Pudina In Pots:
- Mint plants grow well in full sun to partial shade.
- Provide 5 to 6 hours of sunlight during the growing season.
- Mid sun in heavy summer seasons can harm the plants, during high summers place the container in the shade.
- If grown indoors, plants need full light for growing. Place them near windows or growing lights.
Fertilizers for Growing Pudina In Pots:
- Mint plants are low feeders, if you provide them with rich potting soil they don’t need extra feed.
- Feed the plants with a balanced all-purpose mild liquid fertilizer in early spring, when the young leaves start to grow
- Fertilize the mint plants for the first four to six weeks after that, and throughout the growing season.
- As mint plants need more water, regular watering can wash away the nutrient in the soil.
- So, enrich the potting with composted manure during planting time and top-dress the soil with an all-purpose slow-release fertilizer in the ratio 16-16-8 for every 2 months.
- Feed the plant with liquid Fish emulsion or seaweed once a month.
- And feed the mint plants with natural composts or eggshells for the healthy growth of leaves.
- The over-fertilizing plant can reduce the oil content in the leaves. And mint leaves will reduce the taste.
Pests and Diseases in Growing Pudina In Pots:
- Common pests that attack mint plants are aphids, cutworms, thrips, whiteflies, and spider mites.
- For these common pests use any organic or natural pesticides.
- Organic pesticides like organic neem oil or horticultural sprays to control pests. Instead of pesticides use some home remedies like Epsom salt or garlic oil to treat common pests.
- Diseases that affect mint are powdery mildew, rust, leaf spot, Anthracnose, and stem canker.
- Fungal diseases that affect mint plants are due to overhead watering and wet foliage. Water the plants only at the base of the plant.
- To control the disease, just cut back the affected foliage or complete foliage. Pruning is the best method to control diseases.
- Frequent harvesting is the best method to control diseases.
Harvesting and Storing Tips When Growing Pudina In Pots:
- Mint can be harvested once or twice in a growing season.
- Harvest the Mint leaves only in the morning.
- Frequent harvesting increases the production of leaves.
- Young mint leaves have tastier than the old ones, harvest when they are young.
- Mint leaves have good taste when used fresh, way placed in water mint leaves stay fresh for more than a day.
- Mint leaves can be wrapped in a paper towel and can be stored in a plastic bag or airtight cover. Place the plastic bag in your refrigerator.
Problems in Growing Pudina In Pots:
If you are growing Pudina in Pots, you may suffer from some problems like:
- Overhead watering and wetting the foliage can cause fungal growth in the leaves. SO always water the mint plants only at the base.
- Cut and comeback are the best harvesting method for the mint plant, regular picking of leaves will increase the foliage growth and also controls many diseases. Regular harvesting will keep the growth of the plant under control.
- Aphids and spider mites can be treated with a hard spray of water on the foliage. Mint plants should be watered only during the early hours. Midday watering can cause fungal diseases.
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This was so informative. Your post gave every detail that I was looking for. Thanks for a detailed write-up. I was planning to grow mint at home, but refrained due to the diseases it might catch and lack of knowledge of the soil type (Gurgaon soil isn’t very fertile or rich. It’s often dry with more of sand content).