Organic Farming Ideas – An overview
Let us discuss about facts of organic cultivation and organic farming ideas.
Organic farming is a process of farming, which restricts the use of synthetic products such as fertilizers, hormones, pesticides, additives etc. and relies to the largest extent upon crop rotation, crop residues, off- farm organic waste, mineral grade rock additives, animal manures, and biological system of nutrient mobilization and plant protection. It helps in the promotion and enhancement of biodiversity, biological cycles and agro system health.
Major aims and objectives of Organic Farming:
- An adequately high level of yield
- Compatibility of cultivation with the natural cycles of the farming system as a whole
- Maintenance and increase in the long lasting fertility and organic activity of the soil
- Maintenance and increase in the environmental diversity and agro-biodiversity.
- Maintaining a harmonious balance between crops and animal husbandry.
- Maintaining conditions where animals relate to their natural behaviour
- Protecting and learning from indigenous knowledge and old age management systems
Basic Stages and mechanisms of Organic Farming
Organic farming includes the following stages:
- Transformation of land from conventional management to organic management
- Management of the entire neighboring system to guarantee biodiversity and sustainability of the system.
- Crop production with the use of substitute sources of nutrients such as residue management, crop rotation, biological inputs and organic manures.
- Management of unwanted plants and pests by best management practices
- Maintenance of livestock in tandem with organic concept and make them an integral part of the entire system.
Read: Organic Farming FAQ.
Principles or Doctrines of Organic Farming:
The organic farming is based on various ideologies and philosophies. Majorly, it has following four values as enumerated below:
- Doctrine of health: The prime principle of organic agriculture is to promote, sustain and enhance the health of a) soil b) plant c) animal d) human e) planet as one and united. When the soil is healthy, the crops produced in it would be healthy, subsequently fostering the health of animals and people.
- Doctrine of ecology: The next vital principle of organic agriculture is to be based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with them, match with them and help endure them. The whole idea of organic farming should be based on ecological systems and recycling. The organic management must be adaptive of native conditions, culture and scale and ecology. The contributions should be reduced by recycling, reuse and optimum use of materials and energy in order to improve the environment and resource quality.
- Doctrine of justice: Organic agriculture should thrive upon building relationships that ensure impartiality and justice to the environment as a whole and life prospects. It primarily emphasizes on the fact that whosoever is involved with the organic form of farming must conduct human relationships in such a manner that fairness is ensured at all levels to all whether farmers, workers, processors, distributors, retailers and consumers. The resources should be managed in such a way that it is open and equitable for upcoming generations to use it in social and just manner.
- Doctrine of caution: Organic farming should be achieved in a preventive and responsible manner in favor of protection of health and well being of current and upcoming generations and the environment as a whole. The doctrine states that the precaution and responsibility are the major concerns in management, technology and development.
Advantages of Organic Farming
- Nourishing, poison free and tasty food: The nourishing value of food is a major function of its vitamin and mineral content. In this respect, food grown organically is intensely higher to that grown by conservative methods. An important benefit to consumers of organic food is that it is free from adulteration with chemicals harming health such as pesticides, herbicides, etc. Coming to the taste, food grown organically tastes far better than the conventionally grown food.
- Low cost: The financial side of organic farming is considered by increasing profits via reduced water use, lower expenses on fertilizer and energy and increase in the preservation of topsoil.
- Increase in soil nourishment: This form of farming effectively considers soil management. With the use of proper micro nutrients via inter cropping techniques, crop rotation and wide use of green manure. The presence of microbes increases the nourishment of the soil.
- Energy efficient: The use of organic agriculture reduces the usage of energy requirements on an average by 28-30 percent in comparison to conventional based agricultural method.
- Atmosphere friendly practices: The use of atmosphere friendly and non toxic green pesticides such as compost tea, neem etc help in identifying and removing contaminated and dying plants in time. The organic farming increases flexibility to climatic changes and weather irregularity.
- Major source of productive labour: Main employer of labourers in villages and rural areas is agriculture. Thus, by being labor concentrated, organic agriculture not only increases employment, but also creates employee friendly conditions like fair wages.
Types of Organic Farming
There are majorly the following three types of farming
- Pure organic farming: This kind of farming excludes the use of any kinds of inorganic manures and pest control methods.
2. Integrated Green Revolution farming: It basically involves integrated nutrient management and integrated pest management. It focuses on the development of crops from natural resources having the complete nutritious value and manage to prevent the crop from pests.
- 3. Integrated Farming System: It totally depends upon the local and natural resources like recycling of tree leaves, crop deposits, agricultural wastes. It is used in such a way as to not deplete the ecosystem.
In furtherance of the above, we use the following techniques;
Crop Rotation: A technique used in a sequential manner to grow various kinds of crops in the same area seasonally.
Green Manure: A technique wherein the dying plants are uprooted and turned towards the soil to make them as a nutrient for the soil for its better quality.
Biological Pest Control: A technique where living organisms are used to control pests using or may not use chemicals.
Compost: A recycled, organic matter used in agricultural farms as a fertilizer which is highly rich in nutrients.
Organic Farming Ideas in India:
Organic Farming in India is an age old technique and very popular due to. The main reason for its popularity in India is the abundance of organic manures such as tree leaves, cow dung, animal and human faeces where investment is less and yield is more.
Also, too much use of chemicals and depletion in the soil quality made the Indian farmers concentrate more on the organic farming.
Organic based farming also aided in the development of Indian agricultural market and commercialization of organic farming has increased the number of customers due freshness, nutritive value and pure features.
In the year 2016, the state of Sikkim was successful in achieving the goal of its conversion into 100% organic farming. Few other states in India like Kerala, Mizoram, Rajasthan, and Meghalaya& Goa also aim to fully shift to organic and chemical free cultivation.
How To Get an Organic Farming Certification in India:
The certification of organic farming in India is governed by The National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. The NPOP provides for Criteria for organic production, systems, standards and procedure for authorization of Certification Bodies and the regulations leading its use. The standards and procedures have been framed in coordination with other International Standards controlling the import and export of organic products. Those Farms that have obtained Organic Farming Certification and following the norms specified by the NPOP will be allowed to use the India Organic logo on the produce.
For complete informationm, Read: How To Get Organic Farm Certificate In India.
Conclusion of Organic Farming Ideas:
People are showing interest in organic agriculture methods, especially because the present farming system has ruined resources essential to agricultural production (land especially). Other non-production factors, such as the health of the farmer health, is also a vital reason for shifting to organic management. Consumers also have a curiosity in organic agriculture.
Consumer consciousness of the environmental costs of agriculture (such as the failing quality of drinking water and soil, and the influence of agriculture on landscape and wildlife) is increasing. The demand for organic products creates the prospect to sell organic products at top prices, enabling organic farmers to continue, and often grow.
In fact, some governments have begun to identify the likelihood that it may be cheaper to support organic agriculture than to resolve problems associated with certain resource-destruction production practices. To support the reason several governments have introduced subsidies for organic agriculture. These subsidies come in various forms, such as direct payments to farmers (in cooperation for those in the conversion stage and also for established organic farmers), and indirect help (such as for research, education, marketing and extension).
The Central governments can play a role in encouraging the adoption of organic agriculture in developing countries.Â
But, the most vital factor that will enable organic agriculture to usefully add to food security is the attitude of decision-makers. Organic agriculture must be discussed with a clear and open mind, both with the pros and cons being clearly measured.
Read: Hydropoinc Growing.