Introduction of Panchagavya Preparation:
Today, let us learn about the making of Panchagavya and Panchagavya Preparation steps.
- Panchagavya is an organic product that can be used as manure.
- This is prepared by using five main ingredients cow dung, cow urine, cow milk, Desi cow ghee, and curd. Panchagavya is used for organic farming as it plays a major role in the growth of plants and also in increasing the immunity of plants.
- By increasing the immunity, the plants will be able to resist the pests and diseases caused by them.
- The specialty of Panchagavya is its nutrient content. It has macronutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium which are the main things required for the growth of plants.
- It also has micronutrients which are very much helpful in the growth of plants and their healthy development.
- Panchagavya also contains many vitamins, amino acids. It contains Gibberellins and Auxins which regulate the growth of plants.
- It also contains microorganisms like Pseudomonas, azotobacter, phosphor bacteria which are considered to be beneficial for plants.
In order to prepare Panchagavya, the following ingredients are required.
- Fresh cow dung – 5 kg
- Cow urine – 5 lit
- Cow milk – 1 lit
- Cow curd – 1 lit
- Cow ghee – 500 grams
- Coconut water – 1.5 lit
- Sugarcane juice – 1.5 lit
- Ripened banana – 6
- Yeast – 50 grams
- Here, to improve or speed the fermentation process, organic farmers use coconut water or sugarcane juice. This also helps in reducing the bad odor coming from the mixture.
Panchagavya Preparation Steps:
Step 1: As the first step, you need to mix 5 kg’s of cow dung and 500 grams of cow ghee, mix them, and pour them into a mud pot. This mixture should be stored for 3 days. It is important to stir this mixture two times a day in these 3 days.
Step 2: Then you need to take 5 liters of cow urine and 5 liters and water and mix them into the previous mixture. This new mixture should be stored for two weeks. This mixture should be stirred two times a day. It is better to stir the mixture once in the morning and the other time in the evening.
Step 3: After the completion of two weeks, then you need to add 1 liter of cow milk, 1 liter of curd, 1.5 liters of coconut water, 1.5 kg of Jaggery, 6 ripened bananas. Make sure that you are making a paste of ripened bananas. If this mixture is stored for a month by stirring it three times a day regularly, then the Panchagavya will get ready.
Read this: Organic Dairy Farming.
 Panchagavya Preparation Tips:
- The final mixture can be added to a mud pot which has a wide mouth, a concrete, or a plastic tank.
- The container with the mixture should be kept open and you need to make sure that the container is under shade.
- Ensure to stir the mixture two times a day.
- The farmer should prefer keeping the prepared mixture in shade and cover it with wired or plastic mesh. This should be done in order to restrict the tiny insects like house flies from laying the eggs and form maggots in the mixture.
- Extra care should be taken to check if any products of buffalo are not mixed.
- If you do not have sugarcane juice available, then you can mix 250 grams of Jaggery in 1.5 liters of water and use it in place of sugarcane juice.
Benefits of Panchagavya on the yield of commercial crops:
- By using Panchagavya, the yield of vegetables can be increased up to 20%.
- The yield will be two times the original yield in cases of vegetables like cucumber.
- The vegetables grown using Panchagavya tend to have skin that is appealing and also shiny.
- The shelf life of the vegetables will also increase by the use of Panchagavya.
- The vegetables will be tasty too.
- In the case of turmeric, using Panchagavya increases its yield up to 20%.
- It will have less loss of drainage when compared to normal yield.
- The turmeric will have long fingers if it is grown using Panchagavya.
- The ratio of mother and finger rhizomes will be narrowed by using Panchagavya.
- The turmeric will survive the spiders, dragonflies, etc. This would also help in the decrease of diseases caused by the use of pesticides.
- The turmeric grown using Panchagavya can also be sold at a high price.
- Increases the content of curcumin in the turmeric.
- In case of the yield of bananas, Panchagavya will not only be added to the irrigation water and sprayed but 2% of the solution of Panchagavya will be tied at the naval end of the bunch of the bananas. This is done after the male bud is removed.
- With this, the size of the bunch becomes equal and uniform in shape.
- The harvest of bananas can be seen before a month than the regular harvest.
- With the use of Panchagavya, the flowers of jasmine will raise with an excellent aroma and fragrance.
- There would be no budworms seen during the production or the harvest.
- There would be flowering throughout the year if Panchagavya is sprayed.
- By using Panchagavya in a mango field, it helps in more flowering and you can also get more female flowers.
- The fruiting will be continuous and regular with the use of Panchagavya.
- The quality of mangoes will be good and they can be maintained for approximately 10 days in normal room temperature.
- The mangoes grown using Panchagavya will have a very good flavor and aroma
- The content of total suspended soils will be higher Higher TSS
- The shelf life of the fruit will extend up to a week if it is grown using Panchagavya
Acid Lime
- Continuous flowering is ensured around the year
- The fruits produced will have an excellent and strong aroma.
- The fruits will also be plumpy.
- The shelf life of the fruits will extend up to 10 to 12 days if they are grown using Panchagavya.
Recommended Dosage of Panchagavya to crops:
- If you are using the spray system, then 1.5 liters of Panchagavya should be fixed with 50 liters of water. If you are using power sprayers that have a capacity of 15 liters, then you can go with a 500 ml tank of the Panchagavya. Moreover, while using power sprayers, you need to make sure that all the sediments are filtered. And when you are using hand sprayers, then you need to go with the nozzle which has a large pore size.
- If you are using a flow system to spray Panchagavya, then you need to mix the Panchagavya solution at the rate of 25 liters per acre. This can be done by using either drip irrigation or flow irrigation.
- Seed or seedling treatment is another method of spreading Panchagavya. The seeds should be soaked in 100 ml of Panchagavya before planting them. This soaking should be done for at least 25 minutes. But if you are going for crops like turmeric, sugarcane or ginger, then you can soak the seeds for half an hour.
- The seeds can also be dipped in 100 ml of Panchagavya solution before getting them dried or storing them.
Read this: How To Make Silage For Dairy Cattle.
The periodicity of Panchagavya dosage:
- When the crops are in the pre-flowering stage, then there should be two sprays in a span of two weeks. The number of sprays depends on the duration of the phase of the crops.
- When the crops are in the flowering stage, then two sprays should be given in a span of ten days.
- When the crops are in pod maturing stages or fruiting stage, then the spray should be given for one time during the pod maturation.
Time schedule for application of Panchagavya on different commercial crops:
- For rice, you need to apply Panchagavya on the 10th, 15th, 30th, and 50th days after transplantation is done.
- For sunflower, Panchagavya should be applied after the sowing of seeds is done. Apply Panchagavya on 30th, 45th, and 60th days.
- For black gram, there would be two conditions. If the soil in which the black gram is grown is rain-fed, then apply Panchagavya on the first day of flowering. The next application should be done after 15 days of flowering. If the soil is irrigated, the Panchagavya should be applied after sowing. It can be applied on the 15th, 25th, and 40th days.
- In the cultivation of green gram, Panchagavya should be applied after sowing. After sowing is done, you can apply it on the 15th, 25th, 30th, 40th, and 50th days.
- While growing castor, Panchagavya should be applied after sowing the seeds. After sowing is done, then it can be applied on the 30th and 45th days.
- While cultivating groundnuts, Panchagavya should be applied after sowing the seeds. After sowing is done, it should be applied on 25th and 30th days.
- In the cultivation of lady finger (okra), the Panchagavya should be applied after the sowing of seeds is done. After sowing, it should be applied on the 30th, 45th, 60th, and 75th days.
- In the cultivation of Tomatoes, Panchagavya should be applied during the nursery stage. After the nursery stage, it should be applied on the 45th day from the day when the transplantation is done. Seed treatment should be done by soaking the seeds in 30 ml of Panchagavya solution for about half a day.
- In the cultivation of onions, Panchagavya should be applied after transplantation. It should be applied as soon as the transplantation is done. After that, it should be applied on 45th and 60th days.
- For the cultivation of roses, Panchagavya should be applied during pruning and budding.
- In the cultivation of jasmine, Panchagavya should be applied at the time of initiation of buds and setting.
Effects of Panchagavya:
- When the plants are provided with the solution of Panchagavya, then the plant produces bigger leaves. The leaves will not only be big but also dense. Due to the application of Panchagavya, the system of photosynthesis gets activated which helps in improving the biological efficiency, which in turn increases the production of metabolites.
- Moreover, with the application of Panchagavya, the stem will have a chance to produce side shoots that have the capacity of carrying maximum matured fruits. The branching will be very high with the application of Panchagavya when compared to the fertilizers used in inorganic farming.
- With the use of Panchagavya, there would be an improvement in rooting. It becomes dense and profuse which helps them in being fresh for a large period of time. One more advantage is that there would be a deeper root growth, which helps in the maximum nutrient intake.
- When the land is converted from an inorganic to an organic farm, there would be a depression of yield. Panchagavya will help the farm to restore the level of yield from the very first year of implementation. The main advantage is that the harvest of crops would be advanced by at least 15 to 20 days. Along with the shelf life of the vegetables, fruits, and flowers, it also increases the taste. Panchagavya helps in reducing the input of chemical fertilizers to the crops and also ensures good profits to the farmers.
- Due to the use of Panchagavya, there would be a thin film formed on the leaves and stems of the crops. This will decrease the evaporation of water in plants. The roots developed by the plants in the organic farm will have the capability to withstand long dry periods.
Read this: Organic Poultry Farming.
Panchagavya for dairy and poultry:
As Panchagavya contains many microorganisms, bacteria, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, and many immunities improving factors, when it is taken by animals, it increases their growth and stimulates their immune system. It acts as a vaccine for the prevention of illness and diseases. It also slows the aging in the animals by improving their appetite and metabolism.
Goats and Sheep
For goats, 20 ml of Panchagavya is preferred for a day. They become healthy and also gain weight in a very short period of time.
You need to mix 100 ml of Panchagavya for one day if you are treating cows. By using this, the cows will become healthy and also give a good yield of milk. There would be an increased rate of conception. The skin of the cow becomes shiny, the hair would be thick and beautiful. There would be no diseases in cows.
For providing Panchagavya to poultry. You need to give 1 ml of Panchagavya to one bird for a day. This can be done by mixing Panchagavya in drinking water. This makes the bird free of diseases. The eggs laid by the birds treated with Panchagavya would be big when compared to the ones grown in an inorganic way. When coming to broiler chicken, there would be a drastic increase in the feed to weight ratio.
In fish ponds, you can apply Panchagavya with fresh cow dung. With this, algae and small worms will be formed in the fish pond which acts as food sources for the fish. The main thing you need to take care of is that you need to add only freshwater to the pond. This should be done frequently to make a good amount of oxygen available in the ponds. If there is less oxygen, even the algae and worms become competition for fish in getting food. With the application of Panchagavya, the death rate of fingerlings will decrease and the weight of the fish also gets increased, making the fish farmers profitable.
In case if you are interested in this: Quail Farming Business Plan.
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This is a very good post. Please, if possible post full organic guide.
We will update soon with complete organic guide soon.
I have a question, the above mentioned benefits of panchagavya for banana, the point mentioned about the solution being tied to the naval bend after the male bud is removed, for that should the panchagavya be diluted in water and tied or just the panchagavya alone be tied without being diluted.
Can we use this panchagavya for coconut trees? If we can use. What’s the quantity required per tree and procedures to apply ? Please assist.. Thank you