Pig Farming Subsidy, Loan, and Schemes
Today, let us discuss Pig Farming Loan, Subsidy, NABARD Schemes, and Eligibility.
Pigs are reared by the poorest of the rural people and they provide meat, dung and few byproducts like bristles, etc. These animals have wide adaptability to suit for different agro-climatic conditions. Pig farming can play an important role in improving the socioeconomic status of this section if existing constraints on their economic rearing are removed. Pig farming as a commercial venture is yet to be adopted in all countries. Pig farming will offer employment opportunities to seasonally employ rural farmers and supplementary income to improve their living standards. Some advantages of pig farming are:
- The pig has got maximum feed conversion efficiency, i.e. they produce live weight gain from a given weight of feed than any other class of meat-producing animals except broilers.
- Pig can utilize a wide range of feedstuffs viz. Grains, forages, damaged feeds and the garbage and convert them into valuable nutritious meat. However, feeding on spoiled grains, garbage, and other unbalanced rations may result in lower feed efficiency.
- Pigs are prolific with a shorter generation interval. A sow can be bred as early as 8 to 9 months of age and can farrow twice in a year. They produce 6 to 12 piglets in each farrowing.
- Pig farming business requires a small investment in buildings and equipment.
Bank Loan for Pig Farming:
This contains information on land, livestock markets, availability of water, feeds, veterinary aid, breeding facilities, marketing aspects, training facilities, the experience of the farmer and the type of assistance available from State Government Regional Pig breeding centers. This also contains information on the number of and types of animals to be purchased, their breed, production performance, cost and other relevant input and output costs with their description. Based on this, the total cost of the project, margin money to be provided by the beneficiary, requirement of bank loan, annual expenditure, income, profit and loss statement, repayment period, etc., can be worked out and included in project cost.
The following information on technical, financial and managerial aspects in detail based on the kind of unit and capacity.
- Nearness of the preferred area to financing bank’s branch.
- The availability of excellent quality animals in nearby livestock markets/ breeding farms.
- Source and accessibility of training facilities.
- The availability of concentrate feeds and kitchen/ hotel/ vegetable market waste and broken grains from godowns.
- Availability of required medicines, vaccines, and veterinary services.
- Availability of veterinary aid and marketing services near the scheme area.
- Reasonability of a variety of production and reproduction parameters.
- Unit cost – The average cost of pig farming breeding stock.
- Input cost for feeds, veterinary aid, insurance, and labor cost, etc.
- Output costs are the sale price of fatteners, piglets, and culled animals
- Income-expenditure account and annual gross surplus
- The cash flow analysis.
Borrower’s profile
- Individual/Partnership /Companies/ Corporation/ Co-operative Society /Others
- Capability in running the proposed business
- Experience in planning activity or others
- The financial soundness
- Technical and other particular qualifications
- The name of the financing bank
- Assistance accessible from State/ Central Government
- The regulatory clearances, if any etc.
Financial assistance obtainable from banks/NABARD for pig farming:
For pig farming development schemes with large outlays, detailed project reports will have to be prepared. The objects such as land development, construction of sheds and other civil structures, the purchase of the breeding stock, equipment, feed cost up to the point of income generation are normally considered under bank loan. Other items of investment will be considered on need basis after providing that the satisfactory information justifying the need for such items.

Sanction of Bank loan and its disbursement:
After ensuring technical feasibility and economic viability, the plan is sanctioned by the bank. The loan is disbursed in stages against the formation of specific assets such as the construction of sheds, purchase of equipment and animals. The end use of the fund is verified and regular follow-up is done by the bank.
Read: Greenhouse Farming Subsidy, Loan.
Pig farming loan:
Purpose: Pig farming loans are sanctioned for improving/establishing piggery farms for fattening/ breeding, including the purchase of boars, sows, feeds and construction of a pig sty.
- There should be satisfactory accommodation for the existing animals as well as those proposed to be purchased.
- Veterinary assistance should be readily accessible.
iii. Suitable breeds of pigs should be simply available.
- The feed should be simply available at reasonable cost.
- There should be an excellent demand for pork, bacon, ham, and sausage. Essential permission from municipal authorities wherever needed.
Unit cost and Outlay
An outlay of the project depends on the local conditions, the unit size and the investment components included in the project. Prevailing market prices or cost may be considered to arrive at the outlay.
Margin Money
Margin depends on the group of the borrowers and may range from 10% to 25%. Banks are free to choose the role of interest within the overall RBI guidelines. However, for working out the financial viability and bankability of the project we have assumed the rate of interest as 12% p.a.
Loans up to Rs.1lakh – Nil
Loans above Rs.1lakh – 15-25%
The security will be as per NABARD/RBI guidelines issued from time to time.
For loan up to Rs.1, 00,000/-: Hypothecation of assets produced out of our finance.
For loans above Rs.1, 00,000/-: Hypothecation of crops/assets produced out of our financial and Mortgage of land properties.
Repayment Period of Loan
Repayment period depends upon the gross surplus in the plan. The loans will be repaid in suitable half yearly/annual installments, usually within a period of about 5 to 6 years with a grace period of one year.
- i) When the loan is granted for breeding of pigs for production of piglets for sale and construction of the pigsty, the loan should be repaid within 4 to 5 years in yearly installments including initial repayment holiday of 12 months.
- ii) When the loan granted is for the purchase of piglets for fattening, the loan should be repaid in one lump sum within twelve months or marketing, whichever is earlier.
Insurance of Pigs:
Animals might be insured annually or on long term master policy, where ever it is applicable.
- To support commercial pig rearing by farmers/ laborers to improve production performances of native breed through cross-breeding by using selected animals of high performing breeds and by providing incentives in conditions of capital subsidy for ensuring the viability of the pig breeding, rearing, and related activities.
- Producer companies, partnership firms, corporations, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organization), SHGs, JLGs, cooperatives, and individual entrepreneurs.
Read: Tractor Subsidy, Bank Loan, Eligibility, Schemes.
State Bank of India (SBI) loan for Pig farming:
Under Animal Husbandry Programme, SBI-State Bank of India provides loans for the eligible individuals to start Pig Farming.
EDEG (Entrepreneurship Development and Employment Generation)
EDEG method is for Pigs development. It is a Government plan to encourage Pig Farming in India.
The objectives of EDEG scheme:
- To encourage commercial rearing of pigs by adopting scientific methods and creation of infrastructure
- Production and supply of better germplasm
- To organize stakeholders to popularize scientific practices
- Create provide chain for the pork industry
- To encourage value addition for better income
Beneficiaries: Farmers, Companies, Cooperatives, individual entrepreneurs, NGOs, Groups of organized and unorganized sector, which include Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Joint Liability Groups.
Subsidy for various areas and different categories of beneficiaries:
- Normal areas
Back ended subsidy
Beneficiary Share/Margin Money
25% |
65% |
10% |
- Northeast region/Hill areas
Back ended subsidy
Beneficiary Share/Margin Money
35% |
40% 55% |
10% |
Pig Development-EDEG
- Commercial rearing units (3 sows + 1 Boar) – At 25% level subsidy- ceiling Rs. 25,000/-.
- Pig breeding farms (20 sows + 4 Boars) – At 25% level subsidy- ceiling Rs. 2,00,000/-.
- Retail pork outlets with facility for chilling- At 25% level subsidy- ceiling Rs. 3,00,000/-.
Note: The above information can be applied to all the states in India including:
- Pig Farming Subsidy In Haryana.
- Loan For Pig Farming In Punjab.
- Pig Farming Loan In Assam.
- Pig Farming Project Report For Bank Loan.
- Piggery Farming Loan In Manipur.
- Pig Farming Loan in Karnataka.
Read: Prawn Cultivation.
Could I apply through online for piggery farm loan
I want to piggery farm loan
I want pig farming loan in Darjeeling West Bengal
Iam from ukhrul district,manipur an i am interested in setting up of pig farm in my place,
an since i have financial problem iam looking for a loan
I want a loan of RS 5 lakhs for piggery farms in jorhat. How can I get
How to apply
Pig farming
Hi. I am interested in pig farm in my farm please help me loan
Sir please advise me how to apply for pig farming loan in Assam .
Hiw can i have a loan for pig farming
I started piggery farming since 2 years back with n investment of around 10 lakhs. I have approached SBI couple of times but they (SBI) keeps on saying that they have closed loans for farming. Now that, NABARD is ready to help me after visiting my farm n even Govt of Nagaland is ready to give fesibility report but the Bank don’t want to get involved coz they have many past benefisheris who have failed to recover. What shall I Do? Can’t purchase feeds costing Rs 50-60k every month.
Ask the bank to give the reason in writing that why cant they sanction loan in your name as the state and central govt is promoting the piggery farms, Initiate these question through an RTI to concerned bank, raise this question in writing before D.M of your District in Tehsil divas and take the receiving from him, Collect all the answers of above mentioned questions and if you are not satisfied from the same approach the Court of Law for the same for sure your will get your loan sanctioned………….
How should we start the process From NABARD as i was always looking out for piggery farming loan with such subsidy for a longtime “please help!
i am interested to start pig farming in mysore i have two acres of land
please give details
I have three pigs. I need more seven or eight. I’m interested .but. financial problems.
Dear sir plz advise me how to apply pig farming loan in haryana
Hello, sir, I planned for pig farming with 50 pig and 30 piglets please tell me how can I get a loan for this?
Hai sir, I have 1 acre land with good source of water. Please help me how to plan a piggery farm. How can I get project report.
Can start a small level pig farm in gonda district Uttar Pradesh without any licence or approval from Uttar Pradesh government .
Hi, very interesting for this project as it’s my dream to set up such plan. Need help for the financial. Have 2 acre of land.
How can take a piggery loan from state bank please tell me sir I am from meghalaya
Uttar pradesh Mirzapur me pig forming kholna chahte hai line chahiye
Hi, sir ma’am,
I’m interested to start a pig farm but i have a financial problems so i couldn’t start it and at last I google it where I could get the financial assistance. Will you please help to start up.
From Nagaland.
send me more details
I need a subsidy scheme for piggery farming in meghalaya east khasi hills shillong
I’m from nagaland i would like to say who else watch over this pigs loan please inspect newcamp mokokchung district poor peoples were struggle after taking this loan which is control by the society where as loaners are given only supplies fats without any money and they bay 2lakhs twice a year in SBI that very a clever move taking money from poor farmers hard working people think about it someone is watching us and he or she will be punished please support me it’s 100percent proof Ty
I need loan to start piggery farming in ondo city
I’m interseted pig farming, I’m from Karbi Anglong District, Umpanai Village, I already started invest with small amount of pig farming last year
But due to finnancial ploblem I cannot affort
So please support me Financial assistant.
I shall be ever gratfull you.
hello dear sir i want pig loan himachal pardesh how i apply can u give me short list idea
Am Tamale from uganda, a pig farma o n small scale ,now looking to upgradeto more animals interested in this project.
kindly can you give me a lone.
I want pig farming, I have started home piggery farm, so please support me to upgrade my piggery farm.
Dear sir I want pig loan . how to apply for pig loan???from sonitpur assam
i want pig farm loan sir iam tamil nadu pls help me how to apply the loan
I am Binandamili. I have interest for pig farming.Already I trained by NABARD. So kindly may interest on my matter.thanks
Dear sir la want pigs farming Loan how to apply pigs Loan so please support to me my pigs farmers
I want to open a pig fuming
I’m interested in piggery farming. Please let me know the process on how to apply for loans. Thank you.
I want to start a pig farm
Sir , i want to open a pig farm in Assam. Iam a commerce graduate .What is the loan procedure to get loan.
Sir, I have a small bredding farm of 12 units of Sow per cycle, I am looking for scaling it up if there is any schemes that can help me out please reply to my comments, Location: Udalguri district, Assam. If possible connect me to stake holders.
I am pig farmer of Golaghat Assam, i have 12 sow and one Boar, i want to extend my farm and need loan, Subsidy from related department. Kindly give me information.
I am pig farming of Assam chhay gaon plz help me loan
Respected Sir/Madam, I have a small pig farm of 3 compartments. But now I am planning to construct a new pig farm. So, I need Financial support from Nabard. So, please help me out on this
I am having a Big Modern Piggery Farm in Manipur at Kamjong District. Please suggest me from which Bank can I obtain Loan from any Bank with subsidy of loan provided by them.
I want to open a pig farm in large scale I have my own land
I am from chirang dist I want piggery loan
I want to a pig farming how I can apply subsidy loan from gov please advice me sir
i have an propriter firm, want to start a Pig Farm with 2000 piglets. Project cost is near about 250 Lacks.
how could i start this farm and how can get financial assistance alongwith subsidy. By this farming i could generate 15 employment for long term……
Sir/mam, I am pig farmer from Tripura, khowai. I am interested to take a lone. Plz help me how can I bring this lone with subsidy..