Pig Farming Tips, Techniques, Ideas, and Secrets
Hello friends, we are here with a new topic called “Pig Farming Tips”. The Pig farming business is a lucrative and most profitable business to start in the rural areas. Though, Pig breeders need to undergo some training to read more from this great practice. Pig is one of the most efficient feed converting animals among all domesticated livestock species and also Pig plays an important role in improving the socioeconomic status of the weaker sections of the society. The bulk of the Pig population is the indigenous type with a low growth rate and productivity. In this article we also covered the below topics about Pig farming tips;
- Pig farming step-by-step beginners guide
- Tips for beginner small-scale Pig farmers
- Tips on how to raise Pigs
- Choose the best supplements for raising Pigs
- How can I make Pig grow faster
- Best Pig breed for commercial farming
A Step-by-Step Guide to Pig Farming Tips, Ideas, Tricks, Secrets, and Techniques

Generally, the Pig farming business is profitable, and people are making money all over the world. You need sufficient knowledge, good management skills, and a good Piggery business plan to raise the Pigs to build a successful Pig farming business. They are reared for meat and the production of some snacks, the baby Pigs are known as Piglets. Pig farming is one of the lucrative businesses in the agriculture sector because Pigs give birth to Piglets in large numbers.
Why Pig Farming?
In comparison to other livestock rearing animals, the advantages of Pig farming are extremely high. The Pig farming business growth rate is normally high. One can increase the quantity of livestock as Pigs within a short period, are the most prolific breeders with high fecundity and shorter generation interval. A sow can be bred as early as about 8 to 9 months of age and can farrow twice a year. They have a very short gestation period of about 114 days and able to produce 6-12 or even more Piglets in each farrowing. It provides quick returns at the age of about 7 to 9 months.
Among various livestock species, the Pig has the highest feed conversion efficiency and dressing percentage about 60 to 80% after broiler, as they produce more live-weight. Pork provides one of the most nutritious meats with high fat and also low water content and has got better energy value than that of other meats. It is rich in vitamins such as thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin.
Another main advantage of the Pig farming business is that one can start with a small amount of money which reduces the financial burden. Initial capital is necessary for constructing the Pig housing and other costs related to the Pig farming business. The amount of capital required for Pig farming will depend on the size of the Piggery farm project.
The advantages of Pig farming are;
- Pig has got highest feed conversion efficiency that means they produce more live weight gain from a given weight of the feed.
- They are prolific with shorter generation intervals. A sow can be bred as early as about 8 to 9 months of age and can farrow twice a year. They produce about 6 to 12 Piglets in each farrowing.
- The Pig farming business requires a small investment in buildings and equipment.
- Pigs manure is used as fertilizer for agriculture farms and fish ponds.
- It provides quick returns within a period of about 6 to 8 months.
Different Pig Farming Techniques
Generally, the Pigs are farmed techniques are barn/hut (intensive) or on pasture (free-range) systems.
Barn/hut or intensive – It can intensively farm Pigs, the barn must be made of a humidity and heat resistant material like concrete, the feed area and the rest area must be separated for easy cleaning. A feeding region of at least about 3 meters wide and is perfect for every 2 Pigs. The rest area must be about half the size of the feeding area.
Pasture (free-range) – To farm Pigs on a free-range, we need to have a large area with plenty of grass and soil, and the location needs to be fenced for the Pigs. People must be careful about the fence structure because adult Pigs can damage the fence and escape.
Tips for Selecting a Good Breed for Pig Farming
Selecting a good breed for Pig farming leads to giving birth to healthy Piglets and eventual business growth. There is a multitude of Pig breed species available throughout the world. To set up, it is better to use local Pig breeds as they are already adapted to the climate conditions.
For breeding them it is better to start with Piglets grow and sell them, as you will be able to gain experience during the process to be able to develop management protocols. Some of those highly productive Pig breeds are given below. They are available in our country and suitable for commercial Pig farming in India.
Landrace – Landrace has long sized body with a long snout and also large dropping ears. Their body color is a white color with black skin spots. Also, they are excellent for crossbreeding like Large White Yorkshire.
Middle White Yorkshire – This breed is used by farmers in some areas of India. They are very fast-growing and have a very good carcass quality or dressing percentage. An adult Middle White Yorkshire boar breed weights around 250 to 340 kg.
Other Pig Breed – Along with the above breeds, there are other Pig breeds too. Based on the weather of India some other breeds are suitable for farming. Hampshire, HS X1, Duroc, Indigenous, and Ghungroo, etc., are suitable for Pig farming in India. But Landrace, Large White Yorkshire, and Middle White Yorkshire are suitable for commercial Pig farming.
You are required to conduct thorough research about the Pig breed before purchasing.
Here are some of the main things to consider before purchasing Pigs;
- A pair of bright eyes
- Glossy coat
- Alert and responsive to its surrounding environment
- Good temperament
- Good appeal to food
- Easy and normal movement
- Free from lameness or other unnatural signs
- Avoid purchasing an aggressive Pig
Tips for Shelter and Fencing in Pig Farming
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Identify a clean environment for setting up a shelter for Pigs. The selected area should be free from pollution to be a successful Pig farmer. The area should make it very easy to practice waste management since it can be dangerous to the Piglets. Design the house of the Pigs with lamps so they can provide heat during cold spells and light at night.
Clean the house of the Pig livestock regularly to make it viable for Pig farming. Clean housing makes the Pigs add weight rapidly and the location of the Pig farm is a major factor in the control of diseases. In high Pig density locations, highly contagious diseases can spread with ease. The Pig disease problems where the density of Pig population is high, illustrate the difficulty of preventing the spread of infectious diseases. It becomes difficult to prevent the entry of some diseases into the farm in densely populated Pig farm areas.
If Piglets are young, they should be in a cattle panel or pallet pen. Electric netting, string, or wire doesn’t work well with small Piglets because they can get out. Keep Piglets in a small cattle panel pen with electric wire on the bottom until they are about 12 to 15 weeks old and then we transfer them into pens made with electric string or wire. It is good to have an exit way or gate that is not electric. Pigs can be so well trained in electric fencing that when we want to move them they will not go nears a place that there used to be electric fencing.
Tips to Identify a Sick Pig
Some important things to consider before buying a Pig are the age, health history of vaccinations administered. Some other parameters are breeding history, the purpose of the sale.
Study the animal’s posture, appearance, and skin color. Some important signs of sickness include coughing, heavy breathing, sneezing, swells, or protrusions.
Signs of a Sick Pig
- Bad posture
- Coughing
- Heavy breathing
- Sneezing
- Swells
- Protrusions
- Bad skin color
- Diarrhea
Pig Housing Construction Tips
Pig farming needs small investments in buildings, equipment, protection against diseases, and managed care. Management of Pigs is also not much cumbersome. Initially, a small shed with a water supply is required for which the government gives a hefty subsidy. The shed can be later expanded. The labor cost is not much and the small farm can be easily handled by the farmer and family members alone without a helper. Though, the actual number of employees required for commercial farming business will depend on the size of the Piggery unit. Pigs have to be vaccinated and their health monitored assiduously then their meat is to be consumed.
Selection of Pig Housing Locations
- The selected site should be protected from the sun or shade from trees and have ample fresh air.
- Away from residences (around 8 to 10 meters away downwind).
- Suitable for manure disposal, connected to reliable water sources.
What Are The Features Of Pig Housing?
After the selection of suitable land for the Pig farming business, the next thing is to build a Pig pen or Pigsty.
1. Pig housing must be well spaced and aerated
A well-spaced pen is vital if you don’t want Pigs to injure themselves. Besides that, giving Pigs enough space in the pen is necessary to keep the Pigs healthy. Also, it minimizes the spread of diseases and other contamination to the entire farm. To build separate pens for boar, farrowing, dry sow and weaner if you have the resources. Then, this is highly recommended for a successful Pig farming business.
2. Pigs are best kept in pens and have a proper drainage system
You need to build a house in such a way that you can easily drain out dirty used on the farm. If you have stagnant water in the pen, it will attract insects and other harmful pests that can harm your Pigs.
3. Build a pool in your pen where Pigs can swim
Pigs lack sweat pores in their skin and the only way they can cool themselves down is to swim in cold water. By providing a pool in the pen, you have not only provided them with an opportunity to cool their temperature levels, but you have also provided them with a place to wash when they become too dirty. Make sure to change the water always and refill the pool as frequently as possible to keep the water clean all the time. If you are keeping them outdoor, a strong shelter must be built for them to shade themselves from rain and sun heat.
Tips for Feeding and Watering Requirements in Pig Farming
Pick out a good feed for your Pigs
- People evaluate the diets to make sure they meet the amino acid requirements of the Pig. Lysine is the amino acid that needs to be supplemented first because it is limiting the growth of the Pig.
- Pigs should feed about 18% of crude protein.
- Pigs should consume 6 to 10 kg of feed per day to be able to grow healthy. Moreover, farmers also feed those eggs for protein content.
- By adding ascorbic acid or Vitamin C to the diet of Pigs (about 800 Gms for every kilo of feeds) will make them grow faster.
For a successful Pig farming business, the Pigs must be given the correct type of feed as well as the correct amount of feed. Then, this will ensure its reproductive efficiency, growth efficiency, feed utilization, and better meat quality, thus maximizing the profits of the Pig business. If one fails to give good feed to Pigs then there will be a substantial loss of the slaughter weight targets and the desired meat quality of the pork. This can lead to a loss in the Pig business. It must be noted that Pigs need different types and amounts of feed depending on which stage of growth they are at.
Feed like green forage, seasonal fodder, and kitchen waste, and dry concentrate feed, etc. can be fed to Pigs. To achieve a high growth rate, Pigs should be completely reared on concentrate feed including the pellet one. As kitchen waste, garbage, or green fodder doesn’t provide sufficient nutrition as well as the due unhygienic condition of the waste, the chance of disease occurrence increases that reduces the meet quality and consumption. The main ingredients of Pig feed are oat, grains, maize, wheat, rice, sorghum, and other millets. Supplements such as oil cakes, fishmeal, meat meal, mineral supplement, and vitamins can also be added to the feed for better results.
Feeding Process in Pig Farming – There is plenty of Pig feeds in the market, and each feed is used for several purposes like fattening among many others. You should never feed Pigs with table scraps and garbage. Carefully provide Pigs with green vegetables to help them stay healthy. Avoid giving the meat since they are likely to add a lot of weight which can decrease profits.
Provide your Pigs with enough water
Water is important for Pig farming. A large clean water supply will be required to maintain the Pig’s necessities, for example, a growing young Pig can drink approximately 10 liters of freshwater per day while an adult Pig can drink 25 to 50 liters per day.
Pig Farming Business Ideas
In case if you miss this: Fish Farming Profit Per Acre In India.

- The first thing is to consult a local agency to inquire if you are allowed to raise livestock animals in your area of residence, most especially Pigs.
- After that, you must plan on how many Pigs you’re planning on raising. Depending on the amount of land you have. Usually, 50 square feet is required for the housing. And, it is advisable to start with one boar and two sows (gilt). With three Pigs, you can be able to monitor them and they get enough nutrition and care. Once you get used to caring for their Pigs you can then add more Pigs.
- Choosing Pig Farming Breeds – There are thousands and thousands of breeds available around the world. It is recommended to start with a local kind first in case you are a beginner in the Pig farming business. Because, this is local Pig breeds are well adapted to the native climate, and they are also readily available in the market. Some of the popular swine breeds in the market today are Yorkshire, Hampshire, Poland China, Landrace, Duroc, Chester White, and Berkshire.
- Before your Pigs are delivered make sure you have prepared a shelter for them. A sturdy pen would be a good choice. The pen will protect Pigs from hot and cold temperature levels and also from unwanted intruders. The pen should have a feeding and watering trough.
- Nutrition plays a big role when raising Pigs for meat. So that the Pigs are getting the right amount of nutrients. Generally, Pigs like grains, and they are supplied in the form of mash and pellets. Also, you can go for organic ways of feeding but this will cost you more.
Tips for Health Care and Diseases in Pig Farming
- Pig production mainly depends on its health and Pig farm animals tend to be profitable if all the animals are healthy. Consider consulting a professional vet for diagnosis in case you notice some weird symptoms like low appetite, diarrhea, eye discharge, excessive coughing, hernia, dry skin and irregular spots on the surface, excessively long hair, and backbone showing, etc.
- It is advisable never to slaughter Pig farm animals that are on antibiotic medications for about 21 to 45 days. Consult a vet before considering sacrificing them for tests.
- Inadequate management can lead to diseases within Pig farms. Pigs are susceptible to several diseases such as diarrhea.
- For a successful Pig farming business, make sure that you vaccinate and feed them properly until they are ready for the market.
Management and Vaccination Tips in Pig Farming
- In any livestock farming, care must be taken throughout their growth period to prevent any unhealthy conditions and diseases.
- Newborn Piglets must be vaccinated against Swine fever at the age of 60 days.
- Also, skin infections are common in Pigs. For the treatment, contact the local veterinary facility.
- In case of any disease, the pen and shelter must be thoroughly cleaned out and washed.
- As Pigs continue to increase, you will need more hands-on Pig farms to help you will all the Pig management.
Business Plan Ideas in Pig Farming
Your business plan should consist of the executive summary, business objective, market analysis, marketing plan, management, and operational plan, and financial plan.
To start a Pig farming business plan is as simple as writing on paper. It mainly involves writing about the different components in a manner that should persuade a bank or individual to invest in the business venture.
According to your business plan, you should have two things ready in your hand. First of all, you should select land for setting up your Pig farm.
Additionally, you should have the arrangement to protect the farm from theft. Also, the place must have the availability of some required resources. The list includes a clean water source, electricity, proximity to the markets, and availability of a veterinary doctor in the area, etc. Check the transportation facility and labor availability in that particular space for rearing Pigs.
Sanction of Bank Loan Secrets for Pig Farming
Financial assistance available from banks or NABARD for Pig farming business
For Pig farming business schemes with large outlays, detailed reports will have to be prepared. Some elements such as land development, construction of sheds and other civil structures, purchase of the breeding stock, equipment, feed cost up to the point of income generation are considered under bank loan. Though, other items of investment will be considered on a need basis after providing satisfactory information justifying the need for such items.
Sanction of Bank loan and its disbursement
The loan is disbursed in stages against the creation of specific assets like construction of sheds, purchase of equipment and animals. The end use of the fund is verified and then constant follow-up is done by the bank.
Unit cost and Outlay – The outlay of the business depends on the local conditions, unit size, and the investment components. Prevailing market prices/costs can be considered to arrive at the outlay.
Margin Money – Margin depends on the category of the borrowers and could range from 10% to 25%.
Interest Rate for the ultimate borrower – Banks are free to choose the role of interest within the overall RBI guidelines. For financial viability and bankability of the model, we have assumed the interest rate as 12% p.a.
Security – Security will be as per NABARD or RBI guidelines issued from time to time.
Repayment Period of Loan – The repayment period mainly depends upon the gross surplus in the scheme. The loans will be repaid in suitable half-yearly/annual installments within a period of about 5 to 6 years with a grace period of 1 year.
Insurance – The animals can be insured annually or on a long-term master policy, where ever it is applicable.
Costs Involved In Commercial Pig Farming Business
To efficiently run a profitable big farm, you should take care of the following cost centers;
Buying or leasing of Land – Cost of building a storage room where Pig feed can be mixed and then stored. Also, the equipment can be stored there.
Pig housing construction – Cost of installing water facilities, reservoirs, and boreholes if needed.
- Expenses on Self-feeders
- Feed scale
- Cost of Fencing and gate
- Money put into Road construction.
- Purchase of personal trucks for transportation
- Beginning stock of Piglets for growing-out farmers
Other costs involved in Pig farming are;
- Cost of Labor
- Transportation cost
- Fuel cost
- Veterinary Bills
- Medication
- Slaughter fees
- Repairs and maintenance of fences and vehicles
- Additional animals.
Marketing is the easiest method of commercial Pig farming in India. Pig meat has a good domestic demand. You can easily sell your products in the local market or nearest big markets. You can also target the global market. Commercial Pig farming in India is a profitable business.
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I think, the information given on pig farming, has by far surpassed any i have read before.
Thanks to all who contributed to this masterpiece
I’m a beginner in pig farming. Thanks for the informative article. Currently I have 300 pigs. Arrangements done for selling.
A very informative summery for begginers. It creates very interesting reading . I have not started yet but i’m in the planning stage. Thanks
Thanks much for the tips, it’s really amazing to the extent that I wish to start farming.
Wow this is a beautiful article