Profitable Planting Techniques, Ideas, and Tips
Today, we learn about “Profitable Planting Techniques and Ideas”.
Often times, farmers are faced with huge problems during the planting process; this ultimately leads to huge losses in the venture. However, these mishaps can be surpassed if proper planting tips are maintained. I will be explaining some techniques, tips, and ideas on how to farm successfully. The following profitable planting techniques help you to become a successful farmer.
Advantages of farming:
Some advantages of farming are given below;
- Framing can provide food that can be consumed by human beings. These include vegetables, fruits, meat and etc.
- Animals also feed on food grown during agriculture, for instance, hay, fodder, silage and more.
- You are financially stable as your income cannot be estimated but with right farming practices, you are sure of breaking even in your business.
- Agriculture makes raw materials that are needed in manufacturing. Examples include sisal, cotton, bamboo and, etc.
- Many governments, particularly in developing countries earn most of their income from agriculture. The agricultural part is a leading employer in many countries.
- Most countries and regions have experienced economic growth and development as agriculture.
The key parameters for plant growth are as follows;
Sun: Sun is the source of energy; it aids in the development of plant food through photosynthesis.
Water: Water dissolves nutrients in the soil and aids translocation.
Soil: Soil is the planting medium, though there is another planting medium like the water, the soil is the traditional planting medium and it naturally houses the soil nutrients and minerals.
Air: Also, the air is a very important factor; all living things respire. It supports growth and development in plants.
For better yield, and the maximum profit of any farming is achievable with profitable planting techniques.

Land preparation:
Land preparation, also called as tillage, is very crucial in crop cultivation; most farmers go mistaking from this stage. Proper land preparation enhances many benefits, such as; the low incidence of pest, good rooting medium for plants, simple percolation of water, the soil is aerated.
Soil Preparation:
Healthy soil is the source of healthy plants and a healthy environment. When soil is in good shape, there is less need for fertilizers or pesticides. Knowing whether the soil in the garden is clay, sand, silt, loam, peat or chalk will help you choose the right plants.
Fertilizer is a great way to develop soil quality and plant growth and is especially useful for plants in pots, fruit, and vegetables. If you have healthy soil, it’s not always important to use fertilizer, but for nutrient-deficient soil, it’s a good way of giving your plants a boost.
Make sure you get the right fertilizer as different products have formulas designed for various plants. Never mix fertilizers together as the chemicals in them can react and have disastrous consequences. Always read the packet carefully to select the right fertilizer for your garden and follow the instructions for achieving optimum coverage.
Read: Mushroom Training Centers in India.
Seed quality:
Having quality seeds is the source for increasing crop yields. Whether you are looking into increasing your corn yields or maximizing your overall agricultural productivity, you want to consider the strength of your seeds. Using hybrid seeds that are naturally inclined to grow faster, stronger, and with greater efficiency is pivotal to the success of crops.
Planting bulbs:
It is important to make sure plant bulbs the right way up. It’s an easy mistake to make but it will mean growth will be delayed while the roots try to locate their way down into the soil and it will use so much energy to the plant.
The planting medium is the platform where plants are planted. Naturally, crops were planted medium; some are greatest planted in beds, planting in pots, heaps or flats (the normal soil surface). However, there are some conditions that you need to change your planting medium to enhance crop growth. The major condition is the weather or environmental condition of the area. Vegetables are most excellent for beds, yams are best on heaps, cassava is best on ridges. During the rainy season, raised beds are good for planting to avoid erosion and other related hazards. The greenhouse is a new planting medium that has proven to be effective and productive. In it, all the parameters that improve plant growth are modified to suit the plant conditions, hence, increasing productivity in the manifold.
Choosing the right and an economical planting medium is main and should be done considering several factors, but chiefly environmental conditions such as weather. One of the very important pre-planting operations are seed treatment, it is very important. Seeds are generally in their dormant stage when favorable planting conditions are not available.
Watering is necessary for a healthy garden, but it can be tricky to get the balance right between giving a plant enough water to thrive and not over watering which will source the roots to rot.
Keeping soil moist, particularly in very hot weather, is important. If you just sprinkle water on the surface then it will basically evaporate so make sure it soaks in about 10cm scrape back the soil to test it has percolated through enough.
When some plants start germinating they can often look like weeds so it’s important to label everything plant so you don’t pull them up by mistake. If you don’t have plant markers, then old ice lolly sticks are a big alternative. This is a great way of keeping track of what you’ve planted and where.
Control of pest and diseases:
As your crops grow, so the pest and vulnerability to disease infection grow. However, do not panic, with appropriate cultural practices you can boycott this threat; there are organic pesticides can use to get rid of pests from your farm. The main example is the neem leaves extract solution, where neem tree leaves are soaked in water for about three weeks and the liquid is used to spray the farm. It is a very effective pest repellent. Also, the timed operation is one more means to control pest and disease; during the rainy season, there are fewer activities of the pest but disease, especially fungus diseases are more rampant. But during the dry season, the activities of the pests are at their peak, therefore, causing diseases as well. Above all, timely weeding and application of organic pesticides of two weeks interval can create a farm pest and diseases free.
Read: Techniques of Soil Sterilization.
Profitable planting techniques and tips:
The profitable planting tips were given below;
- Build healthy soil: Loosen soil 10 to 12 inches deep in planting beds, or 6 to 8 inches deep in lawn areas. Mix 15 to 20% compost by volume thoroughly into the loosened soil.
- Mulch and water wisely: Spread mulch around the plant at least as far out as the roots reach, but maintain it an inch or so away from the plant’s stem. In hot weather, watch new plants and water frequently through their first one to three summers. Once the roots are deep and well established, you’ll require much less water.
- Make use of new technologies: Plants that were stuck in the past technologically normally make less money than they could with modern upgrades. For example, automated warehousing technology makes it possible to pick parts or materials as required with a vastly lower labor requirement.
- Purchase materials in greater quantities: If you desire to cut down on your costs, buying materials in larger quantities can help you do it. If you can put more money into buying raw materials in greater bulk, you will actually get a lower per-unit price. At the end of the day, that savings will be passed directly into profit margins.
- Perform regular maintenance: Most plants make tremendous amounts of heat and therefore are equipped with cooling towers to disperse that heat. When these cooling towers are operating at less than their best efficiency rating, the result can be added to wear and tear on heat-generating equipment and a less efficient plant overall.
- To prevent the growth of weeds, plant beds densely to minimize the space obtainable for weeds to develop.
- Take care for cold-sensitive plants like basil, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zinnias and etc. from temperatures below 40 degrees by covering beds with floating row cover, plastic, tarps, or sheets.
- Transplant to a healthy, fertile soil that has been amended with excellent compost if possible. Compost retains moisture in sandy soil and protects against water logging in badly drained soil. Compost is full of living microorganisms essential for transferring nutrients to and maintaining healthy plants.
Most profitable plants to grow:
Some of the more profitable plants are discussed below;
Lavender: Lavender farming can create above-average profits for small growers, as it is such a versatile crop. The fresh lavender flowers are sold in bundles or used for lavender oil. The flowers are easy to dry, for sales to florists and crafters to make wreaths and floral arrangements.
Gourmet mushrooms: Mushrooms are a perfect specialty crop for urban farmers, as they are grown indoors and produce a very high return per square foot. The two most widely developed gourmet mushrooms are oyster and shiitake, which are available fresh or dried in many grocery stores.
Woody ornamentals: Woody ornamentals also called as woody stems, woodies are trees and shrubs these branches are harvested and sold to florists and individuals for arrangements and craft products such as wreaths. Most woods have colorful stems, similar to Red Twig Dogwood, odd stems like curly willow or stems with attractive berries, buds or flowers.
Bonsai plants: From tiny bonsai trees the size of a finger to mature maples and pines just 18 inches high, the world of bonsai is full of surprises. Because the hobby of bonsai is enjoying widespread and rising popularity, there is an opportunity for new growers to sell bonsai trees and shrubs to hobbyists and collectors.
Bamboo: Bamboo tree is one of the most widely used landscaping plants. Bamboo tree is one of the fastest-growing plants in the world. They can grow up to 4 inches a day and you can harvest the bamboo forest for over 40 years.
Cactus: Cactus tree is the most favorable item as a plant decor item. This is ideal for tabletop gardens, and lots of plants can coexist happily in the same container. Creating and selling cactus arrangements are profitable and self-rewarding business to start.
Cotton: Cotton is one of the important fibers and considered as profitable cash crop plants to grow. It plays a dominant part in the industrial and agricultural economy. It provides essential raw material (cotton fiber) to the textile industry.
Garlic: Garlic is easy to grow and it can be developed in many different soil types and climate. Selecting the right variety is very important in garlic farming. Garlic is a high yield crop and garlic can be initiated with small startup capital, provided you have sufficient land.
Horticulture Plants: Horticulture plants, fruits, and vegetables are the commercially profitable cash crop plants to grow. The major factor to profitability with these crops is to know which varieties perform best under the growing conditions in a particular area.
That’s all folks about “Profitable Planting Techniques and Tips”.
Read: Tips for Heat Beating of Indoor Garden.