Red gram Cultivation Income (Toor Dal), Project Report

Introduction: Hello farmers today we are here with an excellent information of Toor Dal or Pigeon pea or Red gram cultivation income, yield, profit and project report for 1 acre farming. Red gram (Cajanuscajan) is also called as Arhar and pigeon pea  belongs to the family lenguminaseae.  It is mostly used as pulse around the world. Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka are the major Red gram growing states in India.  Red gram is good source of protein.

A guide for Red gram cultivation income, project report and profits per acre

It requires around 2 – 3 kilograms of seeds to cultivate in one acre during kharif and 6 – 8 kilo grams in Rabi. Approximately, farmer can get a yield of 8- 10 quintals from one acre of Red gram field. Average market price for Red gram is Rs.4500 –Rs. 5500 per quintal depending upon the quality of the produce. Generally it can be cultivated as Kharif as well as Rabi season crop. But crop duration is little higher in Kharif as compared to the rabi season.

Red gram Crop.
Red gram Crop.

List of Red gram seed Varieties and  Hybridredgram seeds

  • R.G- 27
  • Palemkandi
  • Surya
  • Warangal kandi – 53
  • R. G- 65
  • R. G-176
  • P. H-2740

Cost of cultivation for 1-acre  Red gram cultivation

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Cost of land preparation

Red gram cultivation need fine tilth of soil. For this farmer need to plough the land initially with the help of tractor to get fine tilth. Fuel for the tractor and tractor rental charges will vary around Rs. 1,400 per acre. Whereas, to remove the stubbles and weeds which ever present in the field farmer need to incur uptoRs. 400 which can be done with the help of 2 human labor. Labor wage is Rs. 200 per day for each.

Cost of seed material

Red gram cultivation in one acre need around 2-3 kilo grams of seed during Kharif. In market one kilo gram good quality red gram is available at Rs. 135. So, to purchase 3 kilo grams of Red gram seeds to cultivate in one acre it costs up to Rs. 405 averagely.

Cost of sowing in 1 acre Redgram farming

In red gram sowing was done with the help of bullock drawn country plough along with help of human labor. Money need to spend towards sowing is Rs. 600 for ploughing operation and Rs. 400 for labor (one acre red gram sowing can be done with the help of 2 labor), in total it will costs around Rs. 1,000 to carry out sowing in one acre.

Cost of fertilizers and manure

Around two tonnes of farmyard manure incorporation is recommended per acre in red gram cultivation. So, to procure this 2 tonnes of farmyard manure farmer has to spend Rs. 1200. Along with farmyard manure red gram need 18 kilo grams of Urea, 125 kilo grams of Single super phosphate and 15 kilo grams of Murite of potash. Chemical fertilisation requires an amount of Rs.1,600.

Cost of weeding in 1 acre Red gram cultivation

Chemical sprayings like fluchlorin before sowing, pendimithalin before germination and pursuit at 20 days after sowing are necessary for effective weed control to get good returns. To carry out chemical sprayings farmer needs to spend Rs. 1,050. Along with chemicals occational inter cultivation is needed at 30 and 60 days after sowing which costs upto Rs. 620.

Cost of plant protection measures

Pod fly, plume moth, spotted pod borer, Red gram pod fly, leaf webber, leaf hoppers, powdery mildew, wilt and dry root rot are the major pest and diseases of Red gram. Management of all these pest and diseases effectively to reduce yield losses it requires Rs. 1585 per acre.

Cost of miscellaneous activities

Under this category cost of irrigation, electricity, intrest over capital etc. were included. On an averagely expenditure spent towards these miscellaneous activities is Rs. 1,240.

1 acre Red gram cost of harvesting

Red gram can be harvested at 45 to 60 days after flowering. In large scale cultivation we can use combined harvesters for harvesting. In case of small scale farming harvesting was done manually with the help of sickles, Cost of this harvesting will reach up toRs. 600 (3 labors are enough to harvest one acre red gram field)

Cost of drying and threshing

To carry out after harvesting operations like drying, threshing and winnowing etc farmer should spend an average amount of Rs. 1,200 as all these operations requires around 6 human labors.

The yield from 1 acre Red gram farming

Average yield potential in red gram if we use improved varieties is around 8-10 quintals per acre. It varies depending upon various factors and the crop management practices.

Cost of transportation

Farmer has to bear around Rs. 470 additionally as transportation charges to market his produce.

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Total cost of 1-acre Red gram farming

Cost of land preparation –   Rs. 1,400 + Rs. 400

The cost of seed material  –   Rs. 405

The cost of sowing –   Rs. 600 + Rs. 400

The fertilizer cost  –   Rs. 1,200 + Rs. 1600

the cost of weeding –   Rs. 1,050 +Rs. 620

The cost of Plant protection –  Rs. 1,585

The cost of miscellaneous activities –  Rs. 1,240

The cost of harvesting  –  Rs. 600

The cost of drying and threshing  –   Rs.1,200

The cost of transportation –   Rs. 470

The cost of 1 acre  Red gram farming  –     Rs.  12, 770

Extra 10% of total cost  –  Rs.1, 277

The total cost of 1 acre  Red gram farming  – Rs.14, 047

The total cost incurred in 1-acre Red gram cultivation

On an average total cost of cultivation involved in one acre Red gram cultivation is Rs.14, 047. Cost involved in cultivation of Red gram may vary from above mentioned cost depending upon various factors like pest and disease incidence and weed incidence etc.

The total income from 1-acre Red gram cultivation

Market price for Red gram dated on 23-10-2019 is Rs.4, 812 per quintal at Warangal market center in Telangana. So, for selling 9 quintals of Red gram farmer will get a gross returns of Rs.43, 308.

The net profit from 1-acre Red gram farming:

Net income involved in 1 acre Red gram cultivation is as below

Rs. 43, 308– Rs. 14, 047 = Rs. 29, 261

One acre red gram cultivation will provide average net returns of Rs.29, 261 to the farmer.

Conclusion from 1 acre Red gram cultivation

The yield can be increased by using improved verities and in market red gram fetching good price more over it can be grown as intercrop thus it will provide extra returns in such cases. Thus, red gram cultivation is suggestible for the farmers.

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