Introduction: Hello farmers today we are here with a great information of Safflower cultivation income, yield and project report. Safflower (Carthamustinctorius) mainly cultivated as an oil seed crop. It belongs to the family Asteraceae. It is mainly cultivated in the states of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Bihar, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh in India. Recommended seed rate in safflower is 4 kilo grams per acre. Average yield we can get from one acre safflower field is around 7 – 8 quintals. Nowadays quintal safflower can be sold at Rs. 3500 – 5000 in market. Duration of this crop is around 4 – 5 months depending up on the variety.
A step by step guide to Safflower cultivation income, yield, and project report
Safflower Hybrid Varieties for commercial farming
- Manjeera
- Naari – 6
- S. F – 1
- PhuleKusuma ( J. S. F – 414)
- S. H – 185
The cost of cultivation for 1-acre Safflower cultivation
The cost of Land preparation in 1 acre safflower cultivation
With an amount of Rs. 1500 we can prepare the land for the cultivation of safflower in one acre. In which Rs. 1000 were allotted to pay the rental charges of tractor and other farm machinery. Whereas,rest of Rs. 500 used to pay the labor wages as we need minimum of 2 men labor in various land preparation operation activities  like preparation of bunds and removing of crop debris of previous season etc. Daily wage for men labor is Rs.250 per head.
The cost of Seed material for safflower farming
The total cost of seed material may extend up to Rs. 600 Â as the cost of one kilo gram of safflower seed is Rs.150 where it requires around 4 kilo grams of seed to sow in in one acre of land.
The cost of Sowing
Seeds were sown in the rows made by plough. So, to sow seeds we have to arrange plough along with pair of bullocks along with one men labor. So, we need to pay Rs. 300 as rental charges for bullocks and plough and cost of men labor is Rs. 250 along with these sowing require one human labor to sow seeds in rows. Wage for women labor is Rs.150 per head. So, totally sowing operation in safflower need Rs.700 in one acre land cultivation.

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The fertlizers cost for 1 acre safflower farming in India
The cost of fertilizers includes money spent to apply all chemical and organic fertilizers. Generally safflower requires 16 kilo grams of nitrogen and 10 kilo grams of phosphorous. To apply these fertilizers farmer need to incur Rs.780 and to apply farmyard manure of 2 tons it costs Rs. 800. Hence, fertilization cost in one acre safflower is Rs. 1580.
The cost of weeding in safflower farming
Inter cultivation at 25 and 50 days after sowing will reduce the weed incidence, conserve soil moisture and facilitate in reducing yield losses by weeds. So, to carry out inter cultivation in one acre safflower field it costs around Rs.700. In addition to inter cultivation some chemical herbicides should spray it may costs up to Rs. 400.
The cost of Plant protection measures
During cultivation of safflower we must practice all plant protection measures in an effective manner to reduce the losses in yield which increase net returns. One should spend at least around Rs. 1800 to carry out these measures in one acre safflower field. In this cost we have added the cost of labors and cost of chemicals.
The cost of Miscellaneous activities in safflower cultivation:
It this we have added the cost of electricity, rent over land, interest over capital, irrigation cost etc. incurred in one acre safflower cultivation. Farmer has to bare an amount of Rs.1250 towards these activities.
The cost of 1 acre safflower Harvesting:
Harvesting can be done mechanically or manually. As mechanical harvesting is not economical in small land holdings we will go with manual harvesting. In manual harvesting we need at least two human labors to harvest one acre safflower field. So, it can be understood that we need to spend around Rs.300 to pay wages for  harvesting labor.
The cost of Drying and threshing:
Finally after harvesting we need to carry out some after harvesting practices like drying threshing etc. to make the produce ready to market. Cost involved in all these operations is Rs. 750 as all these operations can be done with the help of at least 4 – 5 human labor.
1 acre safflower yield:
By using high yielding verities and adopting proper management practices in safflower we can get yields up to 6 – 10 quintals in one acre safflower. There might be little differences in yields depending upon various factors like variety used, pest and diseases incidence etc.
The cost of Transportation:
In form of transportation charges farmer has to bare Rs. 250.
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The total cost of 1-acre Safflower farming
The cost of land preparation –Â Â Rs. 1500
The cost of seed material –Â Â Rs. 600
The cost of sowing –  Rs. 300 + 250 + 150
The fertilizer cost –  Rs. 780 + 800
The cost of weeding –  Rs. 700 + Rs. 400
The cost of Plant protection –  Rs. 1800
The cost of miscellaneous activities –Â Â Rs. 1320
The cost of harvesting –  Rs. 300
The cost of drying and threshing –Â Â Â Rs. 750
The cost of transportation –  Rs. 250
The cost of 1 acre Safflower farming – Rs. 9, 900
Extra 10% of total cost– Rs. 990
The total cost of 1 acre Safflower farming – Rs.10, 890
The total cost incurred in 1-acre Safflower cultivation
On an average total cost of cultivation involved in one acre Safflower cultivation is Rs.10, 890. Cost involved in cultivation of Safflower may vary from above mentioned cost depending upon various factors like pest and disease incidence and weed incidence etc.
The total income from 1-acre Safflower cultivation
Market price for Safflower dated on 10-10-2019 is Rs.4, 600 per quintal at Jalnamarket center in Maharashtra. So, for selling 8 quintals of Safflower farmer will get a gross amount of Rs.36, 800.
The net profit from 1-acre Safflower farming
Net income involved in 1 acre Safflower cultivation is:
Rs.36, 800 – Rs.10, 890 = Rs. 25, 910.
By cultivating Safflower in one acre of land farmer will get average net returns of Rs.25, 910.
The conclusion of 1 acre safflower cultivation
As there is remunerative returns in safflower cultivation, it can be recommended for the cultivation by the farmers.
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