A step by step guide to Cauliflower cultivation Income & project report
Today, we will be discussing the Cauliflower cultivation, income along with yield of the crop, cost of cultivation, and net profits from 1 acre cauliflower farming. Cauliflower is the most popular and widely grown vegetable crop. Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) is a good source of Vitamin C, where it has the stability with hold it even after cooking. It is a rich source of minerals such as sodium, phosphorous, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium etc. Cauliflower crops grow well at mist and cool climate. It has a wide range of climate adaptation, hence can be grown at subtropics and topical regions. It grows definitely well at soil pH of 5.5 to 6.0. In this post we have given all the information regarding cauliflower cultivation, income and profits- you can consider this as a project report.
Cauliflower cultivation in 1 acre requires 300 – 350 gm/ acre of seed rate. Duration of Cauliflower crop is 90-120 days. However it can yield up to 15,000 – 20, 000 kg cauliflower heads per acre based upon the variety you chose to cultivate. The average price a farmer can get is Rs. 10/kg cauliflower at the nearest markets.

Cauliflower varieties list
Early varieties
- Early Kunwari
- Pusa Early Synthetic
- Pant Gobhi 3
- Pusa Deepali
- Pant Gobhi 2
Mid Early Varieties
- Improved Japanese
- Pusa Hybrid- 2
- Pusa Sharad
- Pant Gobhi- 4
Mid Late Varieties
- Pusa Synthetic
- Pant Shubhra
- Pusa Shubhra
- Pusa Himjyoti
- Punjab Giant 35
Late Varieties:
- Pusa snowball-1
- Pusa snowball K-1
- Ooty-1
Cost of Cauliflower Farming in India
Land preparation cost in cauliflower farming:
Land preparation includes ploughing deeply and thoroughly until the soil comes to fine tilth. Add a good amount of completely or well decomposed cow dung and mix well with soil and plough again deeply, so that they get mixed well in proper proportion. Nursery seed beds of 4-5 meter and 1.5 meter wide are sufficient for 1 acre sowing. To incur all these inputs and land preparation it costs up to Rs. 5000 for Cauliflower farmer.
Cost of Cauliflower seeds:
The amount of seed bed required is 500 gm for 1 acre area, which costs Rs. 1000 for high yielding cauliflower varieties. Farmers can purchase these hybrid varieties of seeds from local dealers or from Regional Agriculture Research Station (RARS) or from Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) for getting quality seeds. Seeds are selected based on the type of soil and climatic as well as environmental conditions of the area chosen to cultivate. The seeds are sown in rows by maintaining a spacing of 9-10cm between rows and 2cm between seeds and sown at a depth of 1.5 cm and the seeds must and should be covered with sand and FYM mixture.
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Pesticides cost in Cauliflower production:
To control major pests like Diamond back moth, Cut worms, Aphids, and other pests of Cauliflower spray Acephate 1.5 gm/lt water, Spinosad 0.3 ml/lt water at 15 days intervals. To control diseases like Club root, Leaf spot, Leaf blight, Balnching, Damping off, spray fungicides like Copper Oxy Chloride @ 3gm/ lt water and Mancozeb at 2.5 gm/lt water for Leaf spot, Leaf blight. All these costs up to Rs. 1500 for spraying over 1 acre cauliflower field.
Cauliflower cultivation fertilizers cost:
Apply 15 tons of FYM before sowing and NPKat 30:35:40 kg for 1 acre cauliflower crop. Apply them in split doses based on recommendations for the cauliflower crop. These fertilizers may cost up to Rs. 1300.
Cost of labor in 1 acre cauliflower cultivation:
It requires a time period of 3-4 months approximately, hence we require 2 labors for every week to carry out inter cultural operations and irrigation activities, spraying. For 16 weeks, we require 32 labors on an average. The cost of individual labor per day is Rs. 250. Then, the total labor cost in 1 acre cauliflower crop cultivation is Rs. 250 X 32 = Rs. 8, 000 approximately.
The cost for miscellaneous activities:
These include irrigation, rental value of hired equipment for farm management practices and additional labor costs, etc. this can be make up to 4, 000 for whole cauliflower crop production.
Harvesting cost in 1 acre cauliflower farming:
Harvesting is done within 2 to 3 days after completion of crop duration and after noticing cauliflower heads maturity. It incurs up to Rs. 3, 500 for harvesting 1 acre cauliflower and packing them into crates for transportation.
Marketing costs:
Cauliflower heads are mostly sold at near vegetable markets. They are transport by packing them into moist jute bags to keep them fresh for long hours, which incurs Rs. 2, 000. Sometimes procurement agencies directly procure from framer’s field which is a time and money saving task for the cauliflower farmers.
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The total cost of Cauliflower cultivation per acre:
Land preparation cost – Rs. 1,500
Cost of Cauliflower seeds – Rs. 1,000
Pesticides cost for cauliflower farming – Rs. 1,500
Fertilizers costs for cauliflower farming – Rs. 1,300
Labor cost in 1 acre for cauliflower farming – Rs. 8,000
Miscellaneous activities cost – Rs. 4,000
Harvesting cost – Rs. 3,500
Marketing costs – Rs. 2,000
10% of total costs – Rs. 2,700
So, total costs of cauliflower cultivation for 1 acre = Rs. 29,000
Income returns in 1 acre cauliflower cultivation:
The cauliflower farmer get yield up to 15, 000 to 20, 000 kg/ acre. The average selling price is Rs. 10/kg in regional vegetable market. Hence, Rs. 10 x 15, 000 kg = Rs. 1,40,000. One point has to be noted here where the rental costs of the land for farmers differs and varies from place to place and region to region.
Profits from 1 acre cauliflower land farming:
Profits are the difference of the total cost of 1 acre cauliflower farming and income returns from 1 acre cauliflower farming. It is Rs. 1,50,000 – Rs. 29,000 = Rs. 1,21,000.
Therefore a farmer can earn up to 1.2 lakh approximately in a period of 3 to 4 months if they go for cauliflower cultivation with proper care and management in the cauliflower crop. It is also advisable to go for crop rotation with other crop always once in a year atleast.
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