Introduction of Drumstick Farming Project Report:
The following information is about Drumstick Farming Project Report (Moringa).
Introduction to moringa:
The drumstick is a vegetable plant grown for its edible tender pods, leaves, and flowers that are nutrient rich. The drumstick tree is a softwood tree and is native to India. The trees are grown in the tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world. The drumstick tree is called by many English common names for its various qualities such as Moringa, drumstick tree, benzoil tree, and horseradish tree. The tree is a fast-growing, drought-resistant and perennial vegetable tree.
The trees are small to medium sized of about 10 to 12-meter height, The trunk of the tree can reach a diameter of 35 to 45 cm and is thick corky with fragile stems. The tree branches are drooping with leaves that are tripinnate with elliptic leaflets. The pods are long pendulous reaching 20 to 80 cm in length. The seeds inside are trigonous in shape with wings on angles. The tree bears yellowish creamy white flowers that are bisexual with sweet fragrance growing on slender hairy stalks. The flowering of the tree varies from region to region in India and is greatly influenced by rain, soil and other environmental conditions. Flowering occurs once a year between January to August in South Indian conditions. In central Kerala, peak flowering starts in December to January; in southern parts of Kerala it is February to March; Coimbatore it is March to May and in Bangalore, it is July to September. In conditions with constant seasonal temperatures and with consistent rainfall, flowering can happen twice or throughout the year. The trees are cut down to one to two meters under commercial farming by farmers as the plants regrow with pods and leaves within arm’s reach. The trees start bearing pods from the sixth month after planting.
The pods of the drumstick tree are a very popular vegetable with distinctly inviting flavor and its leaves are used in dry seasons in South Indian cuisine. Pods are nutrient rich in Carotene 110 mg, Vitamin C 120 mg, Phosphorous 110 mg and minerals such as Potassium 259 mg, Chlorine 423 mg, Magnesium 28, g, etc. in every 100 grams.
Scientific/Botanical name of Drumstick:
The botanical or scientific name of drumstick tree is ‘Moringaoleifera Lam’ and the plant comes from the family Moringaceae.
Other names of Drumstick Tree:
- Moringa Tree – the name given for its long, slender, triangular seed pods.
- Horseradish Tree – the name given for its root tastes resembling horseradish taste.
- Ben oil Tree or Benzoil Tree – the name given to its oil extracted from Moringa seeds.
Drumstick in Indian Languages:
- Gujarati –ઢોલનીછટા (Ḍhōlanīchaṭā),
- Malayalam – Muringa,
- Telugu – మునగకాయ (Munagakāya),
- Kannada –ಡ್ರಮ್ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ (Ḍramsṭik),
- Tamil – முருங்கை (Muruṅkai),
- Hindi – सहजन (sahajan),
- Bangle – ড্রামস্টিক (ḍrāmasṭika),
- Marathi – शेवटा (śēvaṭā),
- Punjabi – ਡਰਾਮੇਸਟਿਕ (ḍarāmēsaṭika).
Drumstick Varieties/Drumstick Cultivars:
Drumstick varieties are classified into Perennial and Annual types.
- Perennial Type: These varieties have been in cultivation for centuries. In India, they are typically propagated through cuttings. These trees are less resistant to pests and diseases while requiring greater rainfall. The trees take a long time to grow and are usually not preferred for commercial cultivation.
- Annual Types: These trees are the common and regular trees that we found in the current cultivation developed through plant breeding research. They are propagated through seeds offering fast growth, early maturity, higher yields, and adapts to various soil and climatic conditions.
Drumstick Varieties:
- This is also known as Periyakulam 1 developed by the Horticultural Research Station of TNAU through pure line selection. This is a commercially viable annual variety propagated only from seed. The trees are shorter (4 to 6 m) with higher pod (200 to 230 per annum) yield. Pods are non-bitter with uniform length (65 to 70 cm) and green in color. The pods’ texture is fleshy, non-fibrous and soft with extended shelf life. The tree comes to flowering in 90 to 100 days and harvesting by 160 to 170 days after planting.
- This variety is a higher yield hybrid producing 240 fruits per tree with a yield of 90 to 97 tonnes per hectare. This variety is derived from crossing MP 31 and MP 38. This variety can be densely planted compared to PKM1 with spacing 1.2 x 1.2 m, while PKM1 is planted at 1.5 x 1.0 m. Fruits are fleshy and 120 to 130 cm long. PKM2 consumes more water compared to PKM1.
- Is a perennial variety from Sri Lanka. Each tree produces about 90 to 120 long pods per annum.
- This is a perennial variety from Sri Lanka. This variety produces flowers throughout the year and bears pods throughout the year. Pods tips are red.
Kudumianmalai 1 (KM -1):
- This variety is developed by Anna Pannai, Kudumianmalai of Pudukottai. The tree is bushy and starts bearing pods from the sixth month after planting for up to two to three years. Each plant produces 400 to 450 fruits per year, giving a very high yield.
- This is a perennial variety extensively grown around the regions of Moolanur and other places in Tamilnadu. Pods grow up to 40 to 50 cm in length and weigh about 120 grams each. Moolanurmoringa trees are maintained up to 15 years without pruning and they produce about 200 kg pods per season.
- This is also a perennial cultivar. The pods of this variety are 60 to 70 cm long and each pod weighs about 120 grams. Each tree of this variety produces about 1000 to 1200 pods per annum.
Read: Kadaknath Farming Guide, Loan, Subsidy, Contract Farming.
Climate and Soil Requirement for Drumstick Farming:
The plants can be grown in a wide range of soils. Well-drained sandy loam soils with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0 are ideal soil conditions while red soils are recommended as high seedling vigor was observed. The plants grow well in tropical and sub-tropical climatic conditions. The tree is susceptible to frost and shedding of flowers is observed when day temperature exceeds 40° C. The ideal temperature with luxuriant plant growth is observed at 25° to 35° C.
Land preparation for Drumstick Farming:
Deep plowing of the land is required for drumstick farming. About 20 tonnes of farmyard manure is incorporated per hectare at the time of the last plowing of the land. For perennial cultivars, Pits size of about 45 x 45 x 45 cm is dug at every 6.0 x 6.0-meter spacing while for annual cultivars; pits are dug at 2.5 x 2.5-meter spacing. For farming of drumstick leaves, 1.0 x 1.0-meter spacing can be maintained. Each pit is filled with a well-mixed mixture of soil, 10 to 15 kg of farmyard manure or compost along with 100 grams of Nitrogen, 200 grams of Phosphorous, and 50 grams of Potassium before the onset of monsoon.
Seed Treatment in Drumstick Farming
Treat the seeds with approved biopesticides or chemicals before sowing as this will help control seed borne diseases. Soak the seeds overnight in water and sow the seeds on the other day. This will help in early germination. Seed treated with 100 grams of Azospirillum for 650 grams of seeds resulted in early germination with increased seedling vigor and growth.
Propagation in Drumstick Farming
There are two types of propagation in drumstick farming.
- Seed Propagation: This method is suitable for annual cultivar types. Seeds are sown in two to three-centimeter depth in each pit. Under regular and proper irrigation, germination happens after 8 to 10 days.
- Stem Cutting: This method is suitable for perennial cultivar types. When trees stop producing pods, cut off the branches for growing new trees and this will promote fresh growth. Cut branches that are 5 to 12 cm in diameter and 100 to 150 cm in length for planting in each pit. Application of cow dung on the top end of the cutting will protect the cut-branches from pests and diseases at the time of planting. For proper root and plant growth, place one-third part of the cut-branch inside the soil pit.
- Nursery: Seeds are planted in nursery beds or in 15 x 7 cm polyethylene bags in the months May to June. Soil must be well mixed with organic manure at 2:1 ratio. After 8 to 10 days the process of germination takes place and 30 to 40 days old seedlings are ready for transplanting in the mainland. About 600 to 700 grams of seeds are required for a hectare land. It is recommended to raise a few extra plants in polythene bags for the purpose of gap filling in the mainland.
Irrigation in Drumstick Farming
Drumstick plants can withstand drought conditions for up to six months. They require minimum irrigation for proper growth. Soil conditions such as too dry or too wet will lead to flower drop. Optimum soil moisture should be maintained for more yields. Irrigate fields once in a week up to three months, followed by once in 10 to 12 days thereafter. Irrigation may not be necessary during the rainy season. Maintain adequate soil moisture during the flowering period and avoid stagnation of water.
Manures and Fertilizers in Drumstick Farming
After the third month of sowing or planting, 100 grams of urea, 100 grams of superphosphate, and 50 grams of murate of potash should be applied to each plant or pit. During flowering time apply 100 grams of urea pet plant or pit. Heavy irrigation should be provided at the time of pod development.
Intercultural operations in Drumstick Farming
- Since the drumstick plants are widely spaced, manual and mechanical intercultural operations can be undertaken. Regular weeding with a hoe will loosen the topsoil for good aeration and removes the unwanted plants and weeds. Fields having older drumstick trees are recommended to weed four times a year. For shallow-rooted weeds, three to four times of hoeing is required each time after irrigation. When fields are infested with numerous weed, mow the fields before weeds produce seed as close to the ground as possible. Those drumstick plantations that not weeded properly will produce fewer leaves and flowers and the leaves begin to yellow at the base. Application of registered herbicides at timely intervals will help to control the growth of weeds.
- Drumstick tree branches grow long and vertically, producing leaves and pods. When branches left growing naturally the pod production becomes low. The trees tend to grow 10 to 12 meters long making harvesting of fruits difficult. Pruning makes young tree branch laterally, making them short and bushy by pinching the terminal bud on the central stem when the trees are between one to two meters in height. Pruning can be undertaken on a regular basis after each harvest. Pruning helps the tree to produce more branches leading to more flowering and fruits. Harvesting will be made easy as tender pods and leaves will be in comfortable reach.
Read: Country Chicken Farming Project Report.
Pests and Diseases in Drumstick Farming:
Bud Worm (Noorda moringa):
- The insect lays a creamy oval-shaped single egg on flower buds. When eggs hatch, dirty brown larva with black head bores into flower buds and causes shedding by feeding over them. The adult insect has dark brown forewings and white with brown border hind wings. The larva then goes inside the topsoil and transform to cocoon and pupation takes place. As the flowers are destroyed, there won’t be any pods on the infected trees. Collect the infected flowers and buds having larva or eggs and cocoon from the topsoil and destroy them completely. Spray the fields with Malathion one-liter per hectare.
Lead Caterpillar (Noordablitealis):
- The adult insect lays a cluster of white oval-shaped eggs on tender shoots. The larva feeds on the leaves destroying the foliage into papery structures.
- To control, spray the fields with registered insecticides like one-gram of Carbaryl 50 WP in a liter of water or 2 ml of Malathion 50 EC in one-liter of water. Plow the soil around the tree to expose pupae and kill them. Collect the infected parts along with larva and destroy. The other effective way to stop the adult insect is by arranging light traps in the drumstick fields.
Hairy Caterpillar (Eupterotemollifera):
- A large size yellowish brown colored moth lays a cluster of eggs on tender shoots and leaves. The densely hairy larva emerges when the eggs hatch and start feeding on tree trunks feeding gregariously. They destroy the trees by scrapping the bark and eating away the foliage and under severe infestation; the foliage of the tree gets completely destroyed.To control, destroy the cluster of eggs and caterpillars. Usually, the adult insects appear after the rains. Place light traps in the fields to attract and kill the insects immediately. Spray the fields with insecticides such as 25 grams of FORS in one-liter of water or two-grams of Carbaryl 50 WP in one-liter of water.
Pod Fly (Gitonadistigma):
- This insect is a fly that looks yellowish with red eyes. The fly lays cigar-shaped eggs in groups near the grooves of tender pods. Maggots appear after hatching and feed on pods. Infected pods become dry and split from the tips. Gummy substance oozes from the pods. Infected pods fall down immaturely.To control, destroy all the fallen and infected pods. Plow or rake up the topsoil around the tree and destroy the pupae. Use citronella oil, or eucalyptus oil, or vinegar, or dextrose, or lactic acid to attract the adult flies. Infested fields must be sprayed with insecticides such as 3 ml of Nimbecidine in one-liter water during 50% pod formation and next dosage after 30 to 35 days.
Bark Caterpillar (Indarbelatetraonis):
The adult moth is pale brown to look with brown spots on its forewings and with hind wings that are white in color. Caterpillars boreholes on the bark and live in zigzag galleries. Larva or caterpillars are long, stout, and brown in color. Infected places have silken webbed masses that consist of chewed plant material and excreta of the caterpillars. To control, clean the boreholes by removing webbed material en mass on the tree bark affected places. Insert the holes with cotton wool that is dipped in fumigants such as chloroform, or petrol, or formalin and cover them with mud.
Harvesting in Drumstick Farming
- Drumstick Leaves and Shoots: Drumstick tree has a compound leaf; numerous leaflets are connected to the rachis which stems from the branch. Harvesting of leaves and shoots can be done manually by using a pair of shears or sharp knife. Leaves and tender shoots must be harvested from 100 to 150-centimeter tree height onwards above the ground. In large-scale drumstick plantations, harvesting can be done mechanically. Those who harvest shoots and leaves at the base of the petiole will be quicker and easier, but will have less vigorous growth in the following harvest season.
- Drumstick Seeds: It is recommended not to climb trees to harvest fruits or seeds as the branches break easily. Pods that reach maturity are harvested immediately. Pods that turn brownish and dry will open easily for extraction of seeds. Matured pods split open, letting seed fall on the ground. Matured seeds have good chances of germination and they should be stored in a dry place.
- Drumstick Pods or Fruits: Tender pods can be harvested as soon as they attain their pod length. Each drumstick variety produces different pod lengths, depending on the tree variety pods must be harvested according to their length. Pods that are tender, fleshy, and immature are harvested. Thick pods do not fetch value in the market, hence they should be left out for seed harvesting.
Yield in Drumstick Farming
Depending on the variety of the tree planted and farming practices, trees can give two fresh leaf harvests in a year. So also, depending on tree varieties, fresh pods can be harvested twice in a year. Under good cultivation, a drumstick plantation can yield 18 to 20 tonnes of pods per acre per year and 25 to 32 tonnes of fresh leaves per acre in a year.
Drumstick Farming Project Report- Costs and Profits in Drumstick Farming
Economics in Drumstick Farming:
Investment and Maintenance pattern on Drumstick farming in the one-acre land. Pricing is subjective to change depending on the region of cultivation. The figures in this project report are not accurate, but to give an understanding to young entrepreneurs on investment and the returns of the drumstick farming business project.
Given below is the cost and returns of drumstick farming for pod and leaf production. A drumstick farm with perennial cultivar can sustain production for up to 10 years. On an average for the first seven years, an acre field produced 13.5 tonnes of pods and 31 tonnes of fresh leaves per annum. The market price for tender pods and fresh greens is Rs. 12 per kg respectively. It is found that leaf production is giving more profit over pod production.
- Establishing Cost for Pod Production:
S.No | Particulars | Cost (Rs/Acre) |
1. | Seed Purchase | 725/- |
2. | Land preparation for farming | 7,500/- |
3. | Labor cost | 15,000/- |
4. | Manure and Fertilizer | 20,000/- |
5. | Herbicides and Pesticides | 3,000/- |
6. | Irrigation charges | 3,500/- |
7. | Miscellaneous | 5,000/- |
Total Cost | 54,725/- |
- Establishing Cost for Green/Leaf Production:
S.No | Particulars | Cost (Rs/Acre) |
1. | Seed Purchase | 1,250/- |
2. | Land preparation for farming | 7,500/- |
3. | Labor cost | 17,500/- |
4. | Manure and Fertilizer | 25,500/- |
5. | Herbicides and Pesticides | 3,750/- |
6. | Irrigation charges | 3,500/- |
7. | Miscellaneous | 5,000/- |
Total Cost | 64,000/- |
- Income on Drumstick Farming:
S.No | Particulars | Cost (Rs. /Acre) |
1. | Pods (16.5 t/year @ 25/- per kg) | 4,12,500/- |
2. | Fresh Greens (31 t/year @ 25/- per kg) | 7,75,000/- |
3. | Dry Leaves (3 t/year @ 95/-) | 2,85,000/- |
- Profit on Drumstick Farming:
S.No | Particulars | Cost (Rs. /Acre) |
1. | Profit – Pods (C1 – A) per year | 3,57,775/- |
2. | Profit – Fresh Greens (C2 – B) per year | 7,11,000/- |
3. | Profit – Dry Leaves (C3 – B) per year | 2,21,000/- |
Choosing a best perennial variety type to do drumstick farming in one-acre farmland may require about 450 to 550 trees @ 6.0 x 6.0-meter spacing. The average pod production may go up to 20 tonnes per acre under best farming practices with good soil and climatic conditions. The Mandi rate (vegetable market rate) for fresh tender pods would be anywhere between 25/- to 35/- per kilogram, fresh greens (drumstick leaves) would be anywhere between 25/- to 50/- per kilogram, and dry leaves anywhere between 75/- to 100/- per kilogram. Taking all these figures into consideration with timely investment, a farmer can make a profit of around Rs. One-lakh per month. After removing all the fixed and variable cost investments from the net profits that make drumstick farming business worthy to start.
The by-products of drumstick tree such as fresh pods, fresh
Why is Drumstick Considered Super food?
greens, and flowers are packed with anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories, vitamins, nutrients, and minerals are fully packed in a recommended dietary allowance (RDA). The drumstick is rich in A, B, C, D, and E vitamins. They are rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium, silica. Drumstick also contains alpha-linolenic acid, amino acids, plant-based omega-3, carotenoids along with nutraceutical properties. Compared with other vegetables and other food products; dried drumstick of 100 grams contains the following:
- 9 times richer in protein than yogurt.
- 10 times richer in vitamin A than carrots.
- 12 times richer in vitamin C than oranges.
- 15 times rich in potassium bananas.
- 17 times richer in calcium than milk.
- 25 times richer in iron than spinach
- 30 times richer in magnesium than eggs.
Marketing of Drumstick Vegetable
The demand for drumstick leaf and its final products are high both in local and global markets for its nutritional and medicinal values. Researchers have observed, there is constant demand growth for drumstick tea and drumstick seed oil both in the local and international market. A farmer can sell their raw products to the commission agents or to industries directly that prepares Moringa final products. The best way to market farm products is by social media and online marketing.
Tips for growing Drumstick
- Soak the seeds for 24 hours and dry them in the shade before planting for early germination
- Plant the seedlings in a big container and place it indoors if you live in cold climate regions
- Drumstick needs well-drained soils with 6.0 to 7.0 pH value
- Flowering happens once in a year or twice in a year. Pruning if left unchecked, they grow fast and reach 40 feet in a few years
- Harvest drumstick pods when they are immature and tender, about half an inch in diameter
- For fresh greens, harvest young seedlings, growing tips, and young leaves
- For dried leaf powder, harvest older leaves
- For seed oil extraction, leave the pods for ripening on the tree until they dry out and turn brown.
Read: Kadaknath Chicken Farming Project Report.
Read: Parwal Farming.
Drumstick Farming Project Report- Drumstick Farming References:
Vegetable Wholesalers:
Sr. Drumstick Merchant & Commission Agent
A-140, Gayatri Nagar, Makarpura, Vadodara – 390014,
Nr. ManegaOctroi Naka.
Vegetable & Fruits Commission
Agent, No:2, Gandhi market,
Oddanchatram-624 619.
Drumstick Seeds Suppliers
Mufaddal (Manager)
Rani Bungalow Compound Chhota Udaipur,
Vadodara – 391165, Gujarat, India.
Moringa India Seeds Leaves Oil Herbs
Keshav Raja(CEO)
KescoMoringa Estate, 7/76,
Mettukatur, Esanatham PO Aravakurichi Tal.,
Karur District, Peelamedu,
Coimbatore – 639203, Tamil Nadu, India.
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Dear Sir/Madam,
I have just studied your very informative Project Report for Moringa Farming in India. I am planning to invest in a Moringa Farm and am negotiating the purchase of 6-7 acres farm land in Thally and in a place near to Bangalore respectively. I have the following queries in relation to the above report and would kindly request for your response in this regard.
a) In the expenses you have shown 2 parts, 1 for the Pods and the other of the Leaves. Are we to calculate the total of these 2 parts for a 1 acre farm.
b) Is the expenses for the seeds in both the parts to be considered totally for the 1 acre farm.
c) Is the yield of the dry leaves separate from the green leaves.
d) Do you have a project report that will include processing of the leaves into powder + extraction of the oil from the seeds as part of the farm.
e) Is there any government loan provision and subsidy available both in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
f) Is the Project Report you have provided suitable for 100% organic farming of Moringa.
In anticipation of your earliest possible response, i remain.
Yours Truly,
Lionel Rasquinha
Sorry for late reply. Here are the answers for question of your Moringa Farming Project Report.
a) In the expenses you have shown 2 parts, 1 for the Pods and the other of the Leaves. Are we to calculate the total of these 2 parts for a 1 acre farm.
A. In the expenses we mentioned 2 parts. 1) Expenses for moringa pods farming and 2) expenses for moringa leaves farming respectively for an acre farmland.Both are independent, one for pod and other for leaves farming. When you go for Pod farming – after harvesting pods the trees can be harvested for its leaves by cutting down the tree to 40 to 100cm above the ground to promote development of new shoots. Though the leaves yield may be around 20 to 25 tonnes per acre. Whereas in Moringa leave farming, the density of planting is more hence the pod harvesting may not be to the maximum but leave yield will be more giving around 25 to 32 tonnes per acre.
b) Is the expenses for the seeds in both the parts to be considered totally for the 1 acre farm.
B. No, for Moringa Pod farming planting must be done in normal density while for green leaves planting must be in high density planting for high yield respectively. Seeds will be considerably less quantity as the planting will be in normal density while seed quantity requirement is high in high density planting.
c) Is the yield of the dry leaves separate from the green leaves?
C. Depending on the market demand one needs to make a decision on what ratio fresh leaves and dry leaves marketing / selling has to be done. Fresh leaves harvesting is done when leaves are tender and right about to be matured. And for dry leaves, fully matured leaves are to be harvested.
d) Do you have a project report that will include processing of the leaves into powder + extraction of the oil from the seeds as part of the farm?
D. We will be updating project report on moringa leaves powder and Moringa oil extraction at the earliest.
e) Is there any government loan provision and subsidy available both in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka?
E. UnderRaithaBelaku scheme in Karnataka, direct income assistance is provided to dryland farmers. Loans up to 3 lakh @ 0% interest is provided and loans 3 to 10 lakh @ 3% is provided.
Private and Cooperative Banks provide agricultural term loans to farmers for investment purposes and Short Term Loans for production purposes.To encourage institutional borrowing among farmers, banks have relaxed security or collateral for agricultural loans.
As per government notification 2013-14, for crop loans the rate of interest and collateral requirement is as follows:
Crop loans worth Rs. 3 lakh or below would carry an interest rate of 7% p.a. For those farmers promptly repaying loans, Govt. of India also provide allows interest subvention of 3% p.a-effectively bringing down interest rate to 4% p.a.Crop Loans beyond Rs. 3 Lakh, banks charge interest rate as approved by RBI and other conditions as approved by their Board of Directors.
As per RBI directive, crop loans till an amount of Rs. 1 lakh require no security. Loans over Rs. 1 lakh may require security as per the lending banks terms and conditions.
Sir I want to do Moringa farming in Rajasthan .is it profitable and not.
Yes, Drumstick Farming or Moringa Farming is very profitable if you find the market channel. Moringa has excellent demand usually, each drumstick is sold for 3 to 4 rupees.
I wish to start drumstick farming in Bihar / UP. Let me know where should I sell the byproducts.
Your local vegetable market or any agents are best bet for selling Moringa. However, there are herbal/medicinal companies who can buy Moringa extract (powder) and oil.
May I get the detail of any farmer in UP, where I can visit and consult regarding the farming.
Hello Sir,
How many trees can be planted in 1 acre land for Moringa dry leaves and what is the average production we can expect from 1 acre farming. Someone told me that from 1 acre we can produce 800 to 1000 kg annually. I would request you to please share the details of production per acre.
Interested in drumstick forming business.
You can read: Drumstick Cultivation.
I am very Thankful for the project report and replies to some quries.
I am planning to Start Morigna in Mahad, Raigad disctrict, Maharastra.
Kindly inform if this region is suitable for Morigina, where is the market for it and processing center for leaves.
Any one who can assist or offer consulting for it in this region.
Secondly i am interested in purchasing Project report for Morigna and other products with high value and safe crop in Mahad region.
Your earliest and detailed response will be appriciated.
Best Regards.
Sadat Ali
Hi Sir,
I have confusion in below points ( 16.5 tonnes Acer & 20 tonnes per hector ) please help me out in this
1. Income on Drumstick farming – pods (16.5 tonnes per year @ 1 Acer)
2. The average pod production may go up to 20 tonnes @ hector
Please give some info about Cost, profit & demand for ODC drumstick farming
Thank you,
We have corrected to The average pod production may go up to 20 tonnes @ acre.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the detailed project report. I am motivated to go for Moringa farming in central Odisha. Could you please respond me on my following basic queries ?
1. Odisha enjoys 1500 mm annual rainfall on an average. Temperature varies from 15 to 48 degree celcius in a year in my area. Is it suitable for Moringa farming please ?
2. Can I do both pods and leaves mixed farming in the same field with different varieties ?
3. Is drip irrigation essential for Moringa farming ? Without drip what is the impact on yielding of pods and leaves, and on weeds management ?
4. What is the best way of weeds management in Moringa farming ?
5. For pods there is a ready market. There is no market for fresh leaves in Odisha. In your opinion, where can I get a regular market for dried leaves ?
Your response to my above queries is eagerly awaited.
Chittaranjan Behura
Though the Moringa plant survive with minimal water supply, one should have uniform soil moisture for quality fruit and seed.
Drip irrigation is best in areas where water supply is a major concern.
Weeds can be eliminated by shallow ploughing between rows and or can be used weedicides. Drip irrigation can control the weeds some extent at the plant base.
For Moringa dry leaves market, you should approach any herbal companies. Usually fresh Moringa leaves are sold in open vegetable markets along with pods.
Hello sir/mam
I’m an Erie. Graduate and interested to do need some info. I’m new in this agriculture, farming and I have researched a few things but for me, I
think, Munga / drumstick etc is good. I’m planing to do this leaves & drumstick farming both together. I’ll go into mass production and I have 40 acres of land.
Can you help me out which variety should I use in both farming so it can be profitable?
Hi sir, We are quite impressed from your detailed analysis. Can you help me with market option to sell the output of sticks and greens in region of Maharashtra near Nashik, along with cautions to be taken at the time of production. Am planning for commercial, but organic production of drumstick. I can cultivate a couple of acres of land. Thanks in anticipation of your help.
Dear sir / Madam ,
I am praveen settipalli director of Sepra exim we are bulk traders and exporters of industrial raw minerals and agri products .
we are based in andhra pradesh and telangana and now willing to invest in moringa farming and processing plant .can we your guidance on international markets for this product and sales vailbility .
also we request your contact detials for the consultation purpose .
thank you ,
best regards,
Hi Sir
Is it possible to be grown in punjab
Hello sir your work is really great hat’s off.
Sir I am from Karnataka and I have 2 acre of dry land and I am thinking of cultivation of moringa for dry leaves.
1 ) which drumstick variety you will sujest me to get more leaves for longer duration.? And best place to buy gud quality Seeds ?
2 ) genuine buyers of dry leaves contact details and mobile number from Karnataka?
3 ) is there any drumstick farm that I can visit in KARNATAKA to get the details?
For good yields, PKM-1 and PKM-2 can be a good choice. For the quality of the seeds, try in a certified seed company. For dry leaves and other marketing, you should find contract farming companies to sell the produce in bulk.
Sir, How to search buyers of drumstick leaves and how to export them?
Sir, I am interested Moringa farming in Punjab. Pl tell me where I can sell and what is consumption potential in and around punjab.
Hello Sir I am from odisha and I want to cultivate drumstick in contract base. So please help me for a beat contract farming idea.
hi sir
Iam Deepak Patel from bangalore
iam planing to do moringa farm in 2 Acres
pls help me to do it
Dear sir,
Very very impressed by the detailed project report On the cultivation of drumstick. I am interested in cultivating moringa drumsticks in an area of 1.5 acres but want to cultivate another suitable crop inbetween the spaces like tomato or green capsicuN ,a short term vegetable whichever is feasible and trouble free as suggested by you. I have drip irrigation and had harvested very recently water melon in one acre and was not profitable at all.! Another problem is , I am an absentee landlord, and visit the farm once a week . The present live in couple looking after the farm sadly know nothing about farming. I am looking for knowledgeable sincere couple who can take the responsibility maintain and develop the same as directed by the horticulture department or anyone responsible to visit periodically for which he will be compensated.
My farm is in Keesara Medchal district, telengana and any help anyone can offer will be gladly accepted.
Once again thanks for the encouraging write up and I am sure many readers will benefit from the same.
S.bala ..
Hi , I want to cultivate moringa. please guide us.
I am interested for cultivate moringa for Pod in Bardwan, in West Bengal. Please inform me the following informations:-
a) What is the suitable time of plantation?
b) What verity is suitable for this climate?
c) Please give me the address or phone no. of nearest firm or farmer who cultivate moringa.
The calculation given for per acre plant seems incorrect.
One can’t plant 400 + seedlings / seeds in an acre @ 6×6 meters.
With this spacing , only 110 seedlings can be planted.
Pls chk
It is with 6 feet by 6 feet we will correct it.
Dear Sir,
Thanks for valuable information on Drumstick Cultivation, Just want to know about ODC verity which is popular nowadays
Thanks For Your Detailed Project Report.
I Am In Export Business For Drumstick Pods And Dry Leaves. How To Ensure That It Is Purely Organic Produce Since Buyers Insist For The Same. Kindly Advise Me To Proceed Further.
I would like to try Nugge as inter-crop between Napier CO4 grass which I have already planted.
Is it a good idea to grow Nugge as intercrop? pls. suggest.
If yes, then should I go for leaves or pods, also mention spacing recommendations? pls. suggest.
Bimal from West Bengal,
I want to cultivate Moringa for production of drumsticks which variety is suitable for W.B & where from I can collect the seeds. I also like to see the present cultivation field & talk to the farmers. Is drumsticks produce once in a year or twice in a year.
I have 120 acar of land where farming different vegetables. Will Moringa plantation be the profitable farming against other vegetables? Plzz.
Respected reader,
I am export manager at QBB Overseas Pvt. Ltd. We are trader and exporter of super foods and green foods. we are located in Rajkot, Gujarat. i am very grateful if you provide me contacts details of supplier or consultant of Moringa powder, drumsticks and dry leaves. We are expecting supplier of Moringa powder, dry leaves and drumsticks.
And I hope we can get your contact details for further consultation purpose.
Thanking you,
Hello Mr. Deep Vekariya,
I’m Agriculture Science Graduate and Ex Banker.
I’m residing at ANAND (Gujarat), presently I’m associated with Agribusiness, specifically “Hightech Agriculture Projects” and Processing of Agri. Produce (Value Addition) as well as Trading of Herbal Products (Certified Organic & General Category Products, both)
For your bulk requirement of the below-listed products, pl contact me through email or WhatsApp.
Certified Organic and General Category Products are available in bulk quantity.
(1) Moringa Leaf Powder
(2) Moringa Dry Leaves
(3) Moringa Leaf Powder in Tablet form
(4) Moringa Leaf Powder in Capsule form
(5) Tulsi Dry Leaves
(6) Tulsi Leaves Powder
(7) Wheat Grass Powder
(8) Shatavari Dry Roots
(9) Ashwagandha Powder
(10) Spices (Khada Masala) & in Powder Form both, (General Category Products)
Vinodsinh Solanki
Dear Mr Solanki:
Greetings to you. We are interested in Organic certified Moringa leaf powder.
I would like to know if you have the same and your offer details. I would like to know details regarding your annual production capacity for possible business tie-up after technical evaluation.
You may please email me your India number, I shall speak to you suitably.
Sangram Mohanty
I am interested in farming about 150 acres Moringa for pod as well as for green leaves &dry leaves in Maharastra Nashik area Dahanu , Talasari, Wada area & Mokshada ,sahapur area with moderate rainfall n climate from 4-5″ to 50″ . Pls advise me marketing of pods , dry &green leaves , happy to hve contract farming for some pharma , or healthcare co. So also provider of raw seeds n saplings , n framing consultancy.
Hello Sir,
Locally I tried to enquire about Drumsticks farming but they say as our farm is black soil in nature and if water logs during rains it won’t be successful.
Please suggest if any solution as I was interested in half acre of land for drumstick farming
Hello Sir,
Thanks For Details Project Report For General Public , Sir I Wish To Do Plantation In West Bengal Pls Suggest Me How to Start.
Can i have your watts app No. so as can share my soil investigation report so as can get your recommendation weather to go ahead with plantation of drumstick with 2 to 4 acres of land in nandurbar (Maharashtra )
Dear Master Of Moringa
First Of All Thanks A Lot For The In Dept Knowledge Of Moringa Plantation. I Have Been Day Dreaming May Be From The Last 30 Yrs As In Our Village There Is No Significance To The Tree Nor Anyone Knows ( In Udupi Taluk 41 Shiroor Village Coupled With Labout And Wild Problems.
We Do Have Barren Paddy Field Partly With Water-Logging ( June To Nov). It Is Joint Family Ancestral Land.
I Need Your Sincere Advice Whether Cultivation Of Moringa Is Profitable?
We Do Grow Areca And Coconut, Rubber But Moringa Is Perishable Items And I Really Do Not Know Where Is The Demand.
Can You Please Tell Me Who Are The Right Buyers. I Have Already Subscribed To Your Channel.
Bm Shetty
Am doing mornings farming is n near Delhi Sonipat
And this farming complete d down in income
Can you please tell me how plant Moringa Tree. I am from Solomon Islands.
Sir what is exact profit in this drumstick farming
Sir what is net profit peracre in 1 year
Good info Jagadish ji
planning to start moringa farming.
sir any inofrmation about exporters/local buyers
can i get it for my use …… in Email? I want to get a printout.
Dear sir,
You have provided much needed information. Your article is soo nice that a layman can understand and wish to cultivate moringa.
I would also like to go for cultivation of Moringa in my 1.25 acres of land in Andhra Pradesh. But the problem here is water scarcity.
Would you like to give brief note on critical stage of irrigation.??
Sir, I want to do contract moringa farming.. Which company is best and Is moringa suitable in balotra area of barmer district Rajasthan
According to you, how many bigha are there in one acre…Total cost of planting and total profit in one acre….one acre = 3 bigha
Hello, sir I am frm assam, firstly thx 4 sharing a great knowledge for moringa farming, I wana know.. Is moringa.. Farming is possible in a organic way, Specially in assam.. Where as heavy rain fall occurred in the month may to June.
Where to get Moolanur Variety of Moringa Plant/Stem Cuttings-urget please
Dear Sir,
Rajeshwar Sharma this side from Punjab. Since I’m on the verge of Retirement, just wanted to know about the Farming of Moringa Leaves. May I have an idea about the cost of farming in about 10 acres of Land and the earning therefrom in a year from the date of cultivation. Will appreciate it if am favored with a small note with a budgetary Idea thereof.
Warm Regards
Shall be looking forward to early support. Thanks
I wish to extend my sincere thanks for your informative write up that was responsible for generating interst in Moringa Farming.
I have an unutilised 16000 sqmeter plot in Goa border and receives about 110 inches of rain from june to november.
I wish to venture into Moringa cultivation at my plot, primarily for Moringa Pod .Please guide me on the selection of cultivar for a favourable output.
Dear sir, we plan to grow Moringa in Bhiwandi, mumbai. Do you recommend it?
Sir, I want to start moringa farming in Rajasthan, which time is best for cultivation and best seed for us .
Dear Sir,
We are farmers from Nagpur and put up a fresh organic project of Moringa on 5 Acres of land in Nov 2020. Rainfall in this part of Maharashtra is shanty every year. We are expecting to get first batch of Green Moringa leaves by March – April 2021. Would request for your suggestions for about Marketing and selling green leaves in this part of India please?
We have 6 acres of land in Kumbakonam, mostly paddy and sugarcane are cultivated in this area. Im interested to go for alternate… Can you suggest any… whether its fruits or herbs or any other.
Sir, actually I want investment on moringa farming but only for leaves, is it possible to sale leaves extract because I don’t how to deal with moringa pods, plz do some favour and also I need project details on leaves extract cost
Ey hie hat’s off……
Uhm l would like to know the temperature requirements for the production of the drumstick and probably how long does it takes to be harvested..
Dear Mr. Reddy,
Can Moringa grow at the height of 5’500 Feet (above sea level), plenty of sun shine, plenty of rain fall (3-4 months, but since the farms are terraced shaped, water doesn’t flood the plots, but washes away), winters are cold (end of December, January, 1st part of February could be harsh, but very little to no snowfall) ?
Please advise.
Thank you!
I want to farming Moringa in Dausa District (Rajasthan), I have some question, please reply
1. What type of environment required for moringa farming
2. How much water required for moringa farming , if land having normal water 3-4 sprinkler may run , it is sufficient for moringa farming
3. What cautions required for moringa farming
4. How we can procured the seeds for moringa farming and what quality will be preferred and what is the price for seeds.
5. pod farming beneficial or leaves farming beneficial.
6. how much seed is required for one acre land for pod farming or for leaves farming
7. How can we seek consultation regarding moringa farming and what cost
8. Whether it is profitable or not
9. Can we also plant other trees/ plants with moringa
with hope of your replies
Please check this: Organic Moringa Farming.
Please guide me on marketing
I want to start plant of oil & powder value added product of drumsticks.
I have already 2000 drumsticks plantation and take production from 1 year. But local market rates of drumsticks is very drumstick farming not profitable if value added production not apply or starts. I have 25 ackers land and I can more plantation for this project.
Please give me latest project report with latest automatic machinery.
Please guide me
Hello Sir,
I agreed with you. I also facing the same problem.
Can we harvest the fresh leaves and dry them later to get more dried leaves? Do they have same value and nutrition?
Hello Sir,
Thanks for the guide.
Actually i am doing the drumstick farming since 6 years but the problem is that i did not get the proper market for the growth of our business for best valuation. If you know about the contract farming then let me know. i am ready to go with contract farming. Please guide me for drumsticks green leaves and dry leaves farming.
Hello sir,
How would I get the crop seed
And where did I can found it market to sell
Can u provide ur contact no
I have 10 acres of land 80 kms from Nagpur ( Maharashtra?) which in given on lease to someone for farming and I am getting rs. 20000 per acres which I feel is too low. I am staying at Nagpur and this land in on highway.
I want to start mornings farming to get a better return out of it.
Nagpur is good vegetable market for selling this I feel.
Need your support, advise & project report on this.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks so much for the detailed farming instructions. I am at USA and in Arizona. I am planning to do moringa farming in my backyard and wish to sell it commercially. thanks
Premkumar. S
Lot of thanksfor information The nice ,valuble also accurate information in plantation Drum Sticks
Moringa is called ನುಗ್ಗೇಕಾಯಿ (Nuggekayi) in Kannada, Please correct it
I have 15 acre of land in Maharashtra.
I am planning for commercially good product to be planted. Need your suggestions and guidelines.
I have two acre of land want to grow murungai can you contact details for contact farming
Hi there,
How can I farm Moringa on organic basis?
This is the big and complete informative article from starting to ending point of moringa. It helps me a lot to enhance my knowledge.