Hello farmers we came up today with French beans farming income and project report for 1 acre plantation. French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is one of the important crop grown during rabi in our state that belongs to the family of Fabaceae. In French bean there are two types one is bush type and another one is pole type. French bean well suits as an intercrop in the orchards because of its very short duration. Fresh tender pods are used as a vegetable and in some parts of India, dried seeds are also used for edible purpose. It is also called as Kidney bean, Haricot bean, Snap bean, and Navy bean. Dried seeds are the best source of protein. What are we waiting for, let us jump into French beans farming income per acre.
French beans farming Income, cost, economics, proejct reportÂ
This crop as a vegetable has great demand in cities and is grown both commercially and in kitchen gardens. In French beans cultivation major area is confined to hills, where it is mainly grown for green pods. Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and Himachal Pradesh are the major states where it is being cultivated on large scale.20-24 kilogram seed rate is recommended per acre. If the broadcasting method of sowing was practiced seed rate will increase. Yield varies from 5 to 6 tonnes per acre in case of pole types. Bush types give less yield compared to pole types. Harvesting of tender beans starts from 45-70 days after sowing.

In recent days, French bean is selling at an average rate of Rs. 2,800 per quintal in the market from the farmer. French bean even though mainly cultivated during rabi it can be cultivated around the year. In this article, we can see the cost of cultivation, gross profits and net income involved in the cultivation of 1 acre French bean.
Soil and climatic requirements for French bean production:
French bean can be grown in a wide range of soil conditions, however, well-drained sandy red loamy soils are best for this crop. Heavy soils with poor drainage and alkali soils are not suitable for the cultivation of French bean. It can be grown in a pH range of 6.0.-7.0.
Cool temperature is suitable for the French bean cultivation. The temperature of 15-21°C is optimum for the growth of the French bean. It cannot tolerate high and low temperature that’s why in our state French bean is mainly cultivated in rabi season. In hilly regions, it can be grown as a summer crop.
French bean varieties:
- Contender
- Arkakomal
- Arkasuvida
- Bountiful
- Primier
- Pusaparvathi
- Pant anupama
- Uday
- TKD-1
- Pusahimlatha
- Kentuky wonder
- Jampa
- Other hybrid frenchbean cultivars
Cost of cultivation for 1 acre French bean cultivation
Cost of seed material:
In legume crops, the seed rate will be high compared to the other vegetable crops. In the market, good quality seed material was available at Rs. 310 per kilogram averagely. However, there might be changes in cost seed material depending upon the various factors. So if we use 24-kilogram seed per acre the cost of seed material will be around Rs.7,440.
Cost of land preparation:
Land should be ploughed enough, clods are broken and weeds are removes to get a fine tilth by shallow cultivation. French bean is a shallow-rooted crop. After that furrows should be made at a spacing of 30-35 cm and a spacing of 25-30 cm should be followed between plant to plant. For land preparation of one-acre, the farmer has to spend around Rs.5,600 for ploughing, furrows making, etc.
Cost of sowing:
Most congenial temperatures for the cultivation of this crop prevail during winter so sowing can be done from July- September, in hilly regions sowing can be done March to May. If the temperature increases the growth of the plant will decrease thus yield will decrease. Sowing requires 5 labors which cost around Rs. 2,000 if we pay Rs.400 per head.
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Cost of weeding:
For better weed management Alachlor 800 grams or Pendimithalin at 1.2 lit should be sprayed after mixing with 200 liter water immediately the next day after sowing. Weeding should be done once in for every 30-45 days, earthing up should be done after weeding. Shallow cultivation is necessary during the early stages to check weeds. On average basis weeding requires Rs. 3,000.
Fertilizer cost :
8-10 tonnes of farmyard manure should be added to the soil during ploughing this will cost around Rs.20000. 10:24:20 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash should be mixed with soil before ploughing. Seed treatment with rhizobium culture is necessary. 10 kilograms of nitrogen should be applied per acre as top dressing. For fertilizers farmer has to expend Rs.4,000 averagely.
Cost of pesticides:
Sucking pest and virus infections are the major constrains for French bean cultivation. Plant protection measures have to be taken up at timely intervals. For plant protection measures approximately Rs.4,800 needed.
Staking of French beans plants:
Staking is necessary for pole types beans, for staking purpose bamboo or suitable wooden sticks of 2m length should be fixed near the plant. For bamboo sticks and installing the stakes, it will cost around Rs. 4,700 per acre on an average.
Cost of miscellaneous activities:
In miscellaneous, we can include the cost of irrigation, land revenue, land rent, electricity charges and cost of family labor, etc. it will be around Rs. 5,300 around.
Cost of harvesting and loading:
First pickling can be taken up after 45-70 days after sowing depending upon the variety. Pods should be harvested before they over mature to get a good price in the market. In the final stage of the crop, it can be left for seed purpose. In total, we can take 6 pickings averagely. Rs .4,000 farmer has to spent towards labor for harvesting, packing and loading the produce.
Transportation cost in frenchbean farming:
The harvested pods should be marketed as fast as possible when they remain fresh to get a good price in the market. Transportation cost may vary around Rs.1,500.
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Total cost of 1 acre French bean farming:
Cost of seed material –Â Rs. 7,440
Cost of land preparation – Rs.5,600
Cost of sowing – Rs.2,000
Cost of weeding – Rs.3,000
Cost of Pesticides – Rs.4,800
Fertilizer cost – Rs.20,000+Rs.4,000
Staking cost –Â Rs.4,700
Cost of miscellaneous activities – Rs.5,300
Cost of harvesting and loading –Â Rs.4,000
Cost of transportation – Rs.1,500
Total cost of 1 acre frenchbean farming –Â Â Rs. 62,340
Total cost incurred in 1 acre French bean cultivation:
The total cost of cultivation involved in French bean cultivation was Rs.62,340 besides this there might be an extra 10% cost to the various activities then the total cost of cultivation will be around Rs.68,574.
Total income from 1 acre French bean cultivation:
The average market price for the French bean is Rs. 2,800 per quintal. Assume 55 quintals as an average yield per one acre. A farmer can get a gross amount of Rs.1,54,000 for his produce in the nearest vegetable market.
Net profit from 1 acre French bean farming:
Net profit is the difference between total returns and the total cost incurred in cultivation. Then it will be like thisRs.1,54,000-Rs.62,340 =Rs. 85,426
Therefore, the farmer can get a net income of Rs.85,426 from 1 acre French bean cultivation. There might be little differences in costs depending upon the various factors like market, labor demand, climatic conditions, and incidence of various pests and diseases, etc.
As it suits well in crop rotations and intercropping patterns with good returns over capital for farmers, it also adds nitrogen to the soil. Hence, the cultivation of French bean should be encouraged. That’s all folks about farming income of French beans, please leave your suggestions or comments in comment section of this article.
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Sir, project report is very nice.
Expecting same type more crop reports.
Thanks with Regards,