Growing Muskmelon On Terrace
Hello gardeners, we are back with a new topic called growing muskmelon on Terrace. do you want to know how to grow muskmelon on the terrace? Well, for this you will need to have followed this complete article. in this article, we even discuss all the requirements for growing muskmelon on the terrace.
Introduction to Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
It is an important vegetable crop in India. These are the mother fruit of several better-known cultivars. Muskmelon is native to Iran, Anatolia, and Armenia. muskmelon is a rich source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. The following information is useful in growing Muskmelons in the Backyard, Balcony, Containers, Greenhouse, and Polyhouse.
A Step By Step Guide for Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
Muskmelon is also called Kharbuj, Cantaloupe, and Honeydew. Muskmelons are a warm-season contains about 90% of water and 9% carbohydrates. in India muskmelon, growing states include Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh. muskmelon is the fruit specially known for its high water content and muskmelon no exception. This is one of the many flowers and fruits which you must consume in hot days and peculiarly or especially in summer days. It is one of the fruits which help you overcome dehydration thanks to his excellent water retention capability.
Varieties for Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
- Hara Madhu
Hara Madhu is a most popular variety that can grow up to 3-5 is an introduction from the Punjab agricultural university Ludhiana. The large fruits of this variety are round in shape and have light yellow skin with strips of green, and have thick pulp, which is very good sweet in taste. This fruit weighs around 1kg..
- Durgapura Madhu
This most popular variety produces sweet fruit with light green. These flowers and fruits are oval in shape and each fruit weighs around 500-600 grams.
- Arka Rajhans
The most popular variety from the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Banglore was first identified in 1975. The fruits are round to oval in shape and each fruit weighs around 1.0-2.0 Kg.
- Arka Jeet
Another introduction from the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research. Bangalore in the year 1975. the fruits of this variety are very small in size and weigh around 300-550 grams.
Suitable Soil for Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
You can grow muskmelon in almost all kinds of warm soil. sandy-loam is the best for their cultivation. They require a well-draining warm soil that is rich in organic matter, having a pH range of 6.0-7.0.
Suitable Container for Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
Growing muskmelon in containers or pots chooses at least 5 gallons of potting soil. fill the pot or container with a potting mix, add 10-10-10 tablespoon of fertilizer on the warm soil, and mix thoroughly. Saw the seeds of four muskmelons in a container or pot, plant the seed approximately 1 inch deep, keep the seed at equal distances from each other. now place the container or pot in an area where it can get sunlight throughout the day. cover the top of the container or pot with a plastic sheet. This keeps moisture and heat in the soil during the germination of the seed. warm water container or pot after planting, after drying the top, again water the warm soil. Add this plant to so much water until extra water starts moving out of the container or pot.
The muskmelons that grow in the container or pot require more water, they cannot tolerate dry clay. during the hot and dry seasons, it may require twice or more warm water on a regular basis.
Suitable Sunlight for Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
Muskmelon requires full sun for proper growth. For full sun, choose a location where muskmelon receives eight to 10 hours of direct sunlight .the plants need the sun to remain healthy and productive.
Temperature for Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
The ideal temperature for growing these plants range from18-30C. besides, the flowers and fruits will develop good sugar content if you provide them with an ample amount of heat and sunlight.
Propagating Muskmelon for Growing on Terrace
The best way is to sow the seeds directly in the containers or pots or desired location. It is a good idea of planting the Muskmelon plants in spring or early summer when the weather warms up sufficiently, 2-4 weeks after the expected last frost date. Sow seeds about an inch deep, cover them with warm soil, and water well. Do make sure not to place more than 2to 3 seeds in one pot or container. They will germinate within 7 to 14 days.
If you’re living in a warm and frost-free climate, starts sowing seeds in winter or spring. the temperature around or above 60-65°F (15-18°C) is favorable for seed germination and propagation. Most of these muskmelon varieties need 70 to110 warm frost-regrow and fruit well. you can also start the seeds indoors in biodegradable pots or containers.
In case if you miss this: Growing Vegetables, Planting Guide In India.
Planting Procedure of Muskmelon
Sow seeds 1 inch deep in rows, or hills spaced 6 feet apart. after 2-3 weeks, thin to 2 plants per hill. To prevent insect problems and encourage early strong growth, cover muskmelon seedlings with row cover tunnels until they begin to blossom flower.
To start saving melon seeds, cut open the fruit lengthwise and scoop out of the seed masses into a jar. Add a very little warm water and allow the mixture to sit for two to four days, stirring daily. As muskmelon seeds sit in water, they ferment.
When ripe, the flower and fruit end of the muskmelon should be slightly soft. As the flower and fruit mature, the skin between the fabric netting turns from green to yellow. Finally, a ripe muskmelon produces strong muskmelon.
Most muskmelon varieties reach their full maturity and are ready to be harvested 78 to 90 days after transplanting. When they are ready for harvesting, in most cases we notice a green or yellow spot on their skin on the surface that is in touch with the warm soil. Furthermore, we can observe rind color changes, increased aroma, or easiness of the fruit to slip from the vein.
Water Requirement for Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
Give this plant water depth and several times, about one to two inches of water is required per week. Be careful while giving warm water to a drip hose or a soccer hose, so its leaves remain dry. Reduce the warm water gradually when ripening the fruit, so that it tastes good and sweet. When the warm or luke water is high during the ripening, the fruit can split.
Suitable Fertilizer for Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
You can start fertilizing the muskmelon plant using a complete liquid fertilizer. When flowers and fruit start to appear on the plant, use a fertilizer with very little nitrogen. To make the flowers and fruits sweeter, mix 6-7 tablespoons of Epsom salt and 3-4 tablespoons of household borax in 5 gallons of water. Stir well and spray this solution on the ripe vines. After planting Muskmelon, give the warm water-soluble fertilizer along with food. Feed this fertilizer at one or two intervals of two weeks. you can also use granular type fertilizer or pesticides, a formula such as 5-10-10.
Caring Tips for Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
when using a trellis to grow the muskmelon plant, set it firmly into the ground to protect it from blustery summer winds or storms. If it’s not in a position, the trellis, as well as the muskmelon vines, can get speed up soil warming for planting muskmelon, you can cover the planting bed with plastic film. You can also plant marigold, foxglove, sage, lavender, or basil in your garden to attract or charm pollinating bees and butterflies resulting in a better yield from your muskmelon plants. If you’re letting the ripe vines spread on the ground, protect the developing muskmelons from insect damage by placing the pots or containers. Fruit size, flesh color, and texture vary with the variety and type of muskmelon. Fast-growing muskmelons often do very best where summers are very cool and rainy, while warm, dry climates favor smooth-skinned honeydews. Small muskmelons mature quickly and take up less space compared to varieties that produce huge flowers and fruit.
Common Pests and Diseases of Muskmelon
Muskmelon or Kharbuja plants are particularly suffering from charcoal rot, anthracnose, fungal infections, and powdery mildew. Common garden pests are like aphids, pickle worms, cucumber beetles, and spider mites can be taken care of with the use of insecticides. Use paper or other roll-out mulch to prevent weeds. Do not weed after the fruits have set. In the US, muskmelons are at very high risk for damaged seeds from squash vines, squash bugs, cucumber beetles, and bacterial wilt, so using row cover is a wise preventive strategy method. To discourage fungal diseases, keep the weeds in check and ensure proper germination or aeration among the foliage. Weeding is best done before the ripe vines start to run, as later you risk damaging the ripe vines.
Harvesting Muskmelon
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Many muskmelons and cantaloupes are separate naturally from the stem when the muskmelons are ripe, so they come away from the ripe vine with only a gentle tug. Muskmelons that do not “slip” often sound hollow when tapped and the skin color takes on a green or yellowish cast. Wipe harvested muskmelons clean and store indoors in a cool place, or in the refrigerator.
Commonly Asked Questions about Growing Muskmelon on Terrace
How is muskmelon grow?
How to grow muskmelons. The cantaloupe or muskmelon or kharbuja is a tender, warm-weather plant. Sow the cantaloupe (muskmelon) seed in the garden or set out transplants 3 to 4 weeks after the last average frost date in spring. Start cantaloupe or muskmelon seed indoors about 6 weeks before transplanting seedlings into the garden.
Where do musk melons grow?
Muskmelon originated in the hot valleys of southwest Asia and today there are numerous botanical varieties of muskmelon including netted melons, cantaloupe melons, winter (casaba) melons, snake or serpent melons, and mango or lemon melon.
Is muskmelon a rabi crop?
Role in Agriculture, Aquaculture, Livestock sector too early monsoon season muskmelon grows in rabi season to temperature.
Does Melon need full sun?
Plant cantaloupes in full sun in well-drained soil. muskmelon plants need about 85 days to mature but don’t rush planting. Sow seeds are only when temperatures reliably stay above 50 to 60 degrees F.
What is the best fertilizer for melons?
To encourage very strong growth, blend 4 to 6 inches of composted manure into your muskmelon beds before planting. Then add a balanced organic fertilizer and nutrients (such as a mixed-blood meal/bone meal product) every 3 to 4 weeks.
How do you harvest muskmelon?
Look for a crack in the stem where it attaches to the flower and fruit. This is a sign of ripeness as very well. The blooms flower and fruit should be easy to separate from the ripe vine, but if they fall off by themselves they are usually overripe. harvest muskmelon seed when ripe vines are dry or dehydrated and are careful not to damage them.
What does a muskmelon look like?
Muskmelon has ribbed, tan skin and a sweet, musky flavor and aroma. … Given that both types of cantaloupe are a variety of muskmelon, their nutritional contents and health benefits are common or similar. However, the skin of the North American cantaloupe(kharbuja) has a fabric or net-like appearance and a subtler, very less distinct flavor.
How do you prepare melon seeds for planting?
To start saving muskmelon seeds, cut open the fruit lengthwise and scoop out the seed masses into a jar. Add a little warm water and allow the mixture of muskmelon seeds to sit for two to four days, stirring daily. As the muskmelon seeds sit in warm water, they ferment or storm.
Can you use egg cartons to start seeds?
You can use egg cartons as a muskmelon seed-starting depending on the type of egg cartonyou have, you can even cut apart the individual sections and muskmelon plant them, as the egg carton will biodegrade. Be sure to tap very small holes for drainage, and put the egg cartons on a tray or in a shallow pan or in a jar to catch any residual water.