Introduction: Hello farmers today we are here with a great information of Mustard cultivation income, yield per acre, net income, profits and proejct report. Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) is a popular oil seed crop belongs to the family Brassicaceae. Mustard is highly cultivated oil seed crop among all oil seed crops in India. Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh are the major Mustard growing states in India. Its cultivation is possible even with low irrigation facilities. Due to easy management practices and contestant price in the market mustard cultivation is gaining importance during rabi season. Apart from oil extraction mustard contains various medicinal properties and health benefits.
A guide to Mustard cultivation income, project report, yield
It requires around 2 to 2.5 kilograms of hybrid seeds to cultivate in one acre. Approximately, farmer can get a yield of 6 to 8 quintals from one acre of Mustard field. Average market price for Mustard is Rs.3800 to 4200 per quintal depending upon the quality of the produce. Average crop duration of mustard is 120 to 125 days.

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Hybrid Mustard Varieties for commercial purpose
- Pusa agrani
- Varuna
- Pusa mahak
- Narendra agethi
- 45 S 42
- 45 S 46
- Shredda
- Koral 432
The cost of cultivation for 1-acre Mustard cultivation
The cost of Land preparation in 1 acre mustard farming
Well prepared land is foremost essential thing in archiving good returns in mustard cultivation. For this land need to ploughed properly with the help of tractor. Tractor charges to plough one acre mustard field will be Rs.1000 and one labor is enough per acre to remove the all previous season crop residues, which costs about Rs. 200. Mustard cultivation under zero tillage is also seems to be profitable as it is reducing the cost of cultivation.
The cost of Seed material for 1 acre mustard cultivation
Quality seed certainly will provide good returns. So, purchase good quality seed from reliable sources. Seed rate to cultivate mustard in one acre is 2.0 – 2. 5 kilo grams. In marker one kilo gram of good quality mustard seed is Rs.200. So, total cost involved in purchasing mustard seed material for one acre is Rs.500.
The cost of 1 acre mustard sowing
Sowing can be done with the help of 2 human labors. So, to sow one acre mustard field farmer has to spend just Rs.400. If, the labor wages are Rs.200 per day per head.
The Fertilizers cost in one acre mustard cultivation
It can be grown with low fertilizer inputs which in results reducing the cost of cultivation. To apply recommended farmyard manure cost may reach up to Rs.800 while, to apply recommended chemical fertilizers farmer need to incur a maximum amount not more than Rs. 1200 averagely.
The cost of 1 acre mustard weeding
For weed management in on acre mustard field we need little cultivation with few chemical sprays. Charges for inter cultivation may extend up to Rs.500 and to spray chemical herbicides it needs around Rs. 650.
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The cost of Plant protection measures
Compared to other oil seed crops cost involved in taking up plant protection measures is less in mustard crop. Saw fly and white rust are the few pest and diseases of mustard. Plant protection measures requires around Rs.780, which will provide better control over various pest and diseases and provide good profits.
The cost of Miscellaneous activities
It includes cost of family labor, rent of land, and interest over capital, depreciation cost of farm machinery and electricity charges etc. involved in one acre mustard cultivation. Cost for all these may extend up to Rs.1150 averagely.
The cost of one acre Mustard Harvesting
Mustard comes to harvesting after 120 – 125 days after sowing. Plants are harvested with the help of sickles. One acre mustard field can be harvested with the help of 2 labors. So, we have to pay Rs. 400 as labor wage to harvest one acre mustard field.
The cost of Drying, Threshing and Packing etc.

After harvesting plants are kept for drying after which they were beaten up with the help of sticks to separate the seeds. It can be done with the help of 2 labors and winnowing packing the produce etc. will require another 2 labor. So, totally farmer has to bare an amount of Rs. 800 to practice all after harvesting operations.
The yield of one acre mustard farming
An average yield of mustard is 5 – 6 quintals per acre. But, improved verities and better agronomic practices may enhance the yields up to 6 – 8 quintals per acre.
The cost of Transportation
Finally to transport produce to nearby market we need Rs. 250.
The total cost of 1-acre Mustard farming
The cost of sand preparation   –  Rs. 1200
The cost of seed material    –  Rs. 500
The cost of sowing  –  Rs. 400
The fertilizer cost  –  Rs. 800 + Rs. 1200
The cost of weeding –Â Â Rs. Â 500 + Rs. 650
The cost of plant protection –Â Â Rs. 780
The cost of miscellaneous activities –Â Â Rs. 1150
The cost of harvesting  –   Rs. 400
The cost of drying and threshing   –    Rs. 800
The cost of transportation   –  Rs. 250
The cost of 1 acre Mustard farming    – Rs. 8, 630
Extra 10% of total cost (mandatory) – Rs. 863
The total cost of 1 acre Mustard farming – Rs.9, 493
The total cost incurred in 1-acre Mustard cultivation
On an average total cost of cultivation involved in one acre Mustard cultivation is Rs. 9, 493. Cost involved in cultivation of Mustard may vary from above mentioned cost depending upon various factors like variety used pest and disease incidence and weed incidence etc.
The total income from 1-acre Mustard cultivation
Market price for Mustard dated on 24-10-2019 is Rs. 4,025 per quintal at Alwal market center in Rajasthan. So, for selling 8 quintals of Mustard farmer will get gross returns of Rs. 32, 200.
The net profit from 1-acreMustard farming
The net income involved in 1 acre Mustard cultivation is:
Rs. 32, 200– Rs. 9, 493 = Rs.22, 707
One acre Mustard cultivation will provide average net returns of Rs.22, 707 to the farmer.
Conclusion: Mustard cultivation is profitable during rabi season, mustard can be cultivated with low inputs and threat from the wild animals is also very low in mustard. So, it can be suggested for cultivation.
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I am planning to cultivate mustard first time I got all the required information but the place from where I can get the quality seed is still not clear
Excellent website for all pieces of information related to quality farming for progressive farmers. Thanks for sharing valuable information.
Very good description production. It provide crucial decision guide. Thanks, well done.