Sesame Cultivation Income, Yield, Project Report, Profits

Introduction: ello grain farmers today we are here to help you with sesame cultivation income, sesame yield per acre, project report, and net profits, Sesame(Sesameindicum L.) is a popular oil seed crop belongs to the family Pedaliaceae.  Sesame is popularly known as Til or gingelly. Sesame had good export potential. It facilitates good net returns with in less time and with low available resources. Maharashtra, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana  and Madhya Pradesh are the major Sesame growing states in India. It can be cultivated in all seasons of the year. It is also used in flavoring dishes and preparation of Ayurveda medicine etc.

A guide to sesame cultivation income, project report, yield 

It requires around 2 – 2.5 kilograms of hybrid seeds to cultivate in one acre. Approximately, farmer can get a yield of 4 – 5 quintals from one acre of Sesame field. Average market price for Sesame is Rs.8000- 11, 000 per quintal depending upon the quality of the produce. Average crop duration of Sesame is 80 – 90days.

Sesame hybrid varieties 

  • Swetha
  • Rajeshwari
  • Chandana
  • Gouri
  • Hima
  • Sharadha
  • Other hybrid sesame varities

The cost of cultivation for 1 acre Sesame cultivation

The Cost of Cultivation of Sesame Seeds.
The Cost of Cultivation of Sesame Seeds.
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The cost of land preparation

Land should be ploughed enough to get a fine tilth with the tractor. To plough one acre land with the help of tractor farmer has to pay Rs. 850 and after ploughing land need to be leveled. So, for leveling the land we need additional Rs. 300. Before ploughing and leveling land need to kept free from weeds and debris of old crop to do this we need to employ 2 labors. So, labor charges are Rs. 400(If laborwage isRs.200 per day).

The cost of sesame seed material

We need around 2. 5 kilo grams of seeds to sow sesame in one acre land. Cost of 1 kilo gram of sesame seeds at market is Rs. 130 averagely. So, for 2.5 kilo grams of seeds the cost will be Rs. 325.

The cost of sesame seed sowing

One acre land can be sown with sesame with the help of one human labor. Then money need to spend towards this operation by farmer will become Rs.200, if labor wage is Rs. 200 per head.

The cost of fertilizers in 1 acre sesame farming in India

Proper fertilization will increase the yield and net returns so ensure proper fertilization. Addition of 3tonnes of farmyard manure require Rs. 1200, where as to apply 16: 8: 8 kilo grams of nitrogen, phosphorous and potash farmer need to spend around Rs. 1380 averagely.

The cost of weeding in 1 acre sesame cultivation

Weeds will decrease the yields. So, weeds should be managed properly at timely intervals in all possible ways. Chemical spraying require around Rs. 1100 in which Rs. 800 was used to buy chemicals and remaining Rs. 300 was paid as labor wage for spraying. Along with these sprays we need to practice little inter cultivation at 20 – 25 days towards which we need to incur up to Rs.400.

The cost of plant protection measures

Pest and diseases need to be controlled effectively as fast as they appear or proper preventive measures should be taken up to avoid the attack of these pest and diseases to increase net returns. In, sesame to control all these pest and diseases  farmer require Rs.950 per acre an additional Rs. 300 has to pay as labor wage for spraying.

The cost of miscellaneous activities

Miscellaneous activities in one acre sesame cultivation include costs incurred towards electricity, irrigation charges, rent for land, interest over capital etc. All these activities need Rs.1270.

The cost of harvesting in 1 acre sesame cultivation

It comes to harvesting within 3 to 5 months after sowing. Keeping the crop without harvesting even after maturity for longer periods will cause severe yield losses which in result reducing net returns. One acre sesame field can be harvested with the help of 3 human labors. So, harvesting operation requires around Rs.600 to pay labor wages.

The cost of drying, threshing and packing etc.

Drying, threshing, cleaning winnowing etc. all these post-harvest operations need to be carried out with care. Around 4 – 5 human labors are required for all these operations. So, in total after harvesting operations need an amount of Rs.1, 000.

The cost of transportation

Produce is transported to the market with the help of tractors or trucks. So, as rental charges towards tractor or trucks we need to pay Rs. 310.

The yield from 1 acre sesame farming in India

Average yield of Sesame is 3 – 4 quintals per acre. But, improved verities and better agronomic practices may enhance the yields up to 5 – 6 quintals per acre.

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Total cost of 1-acre sesamum farming

Cost of land preparation        –   Rs. 850 + Rs. 300 + Rs. 400

Cost of seed material                          –   Rs. 325

Cost of sowing                                     –   Rs. 200

Fertilizer cost                                      –   Rs. 1200 + Rs. 1380

Cost of weeding                                 –   Rs.  1100 + Rs. 400

Cost of Plant protection                   –   Rs. 950 + 300

Cost of miscellaneous activities       –   Rs. 1270

Cost of harvesting                                –    Rs. 600

Cost of drying and threshing              –     Rs. 1, 000

Cost of transportation                          –   Rs. 310

Cost of 1 acre sesame farming     – Rs.  10, 585

Extra 10% of total cost                     –  Rs. 1, 058.5

Total cost of 1 acre sesame farming        – Rs. 11, 643.5

You may also check the Vegetable Weed Control Methods.

The total cost incurred in 1-acre sesame cultivation

On an average total cost of cultivation involved in one acre Sesamecultivation is Rs. 11, 643.5. Cost involved in cultivation of Sesame may vary from above mentioned cost depending upon various factors like variety used pest and disease incidence and weed incidence etc.

The total income from 1 – acre sesamum cultivation

Average market price for Sesame dated on 24-10-2019 is Rs.10, 125 per quintal at Shivapurabadod  market center in Madhya Pradesh. Consider 4 quintals as an average yield by using improved verities. So, for selling 5 quintals of Sesame farmer will get gross returns of Rs. 40, 500.

The net profit from 1 acre sesamum farming:

Net income involved in 1 acre Sesame cultivation is:

Rs.40, 500– Rs.11, 643. 5 = Rs. 28,856

One acre Sesame cultivation will provide average net returns of Rs.28,856.5 to the farmer.

Conclusion of 1 acre sesame cultivation in India

Sesame cultivation requires low input of resources even with low inputs sesame cultivation providing good returns to the farmers. So, with sesame cultivation farmers can bag good returns. That’s all folks about the sesame cultivation income, sesame yield per acre, project report, and net profits.

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  1. ಮಾನ್ಯರೇ,
    ತುಂಬಾ ಚೆನ್ನಾಗಿದೆ, ನಾವು ಬೆಳೆ ಬೆಳೆಯಲು ಆಸಕ್ತಿ ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ವರಾಗಿದ್ದೆವು, ನಾವು ನೋಡಿ ತುಂಬಾ ಖುಷಿಯಾಯಿತು ನಮಗೆ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಇದ್ದರೆ ಕಳಿಸಿ ನಮಗೆ ಅನುಕೂಲ ಮಾಡಿಕೊಡಿರಿ.
    ತುಂಬಾ ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು.


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