Hello friends, we are here to come up with Basmati Rice Cultivation Income, Profits. The cost of cultivation, project repot. Basmati rice occupies a very special status in rice cultivation. It is well known for excellent cooking and eating qualities. However, Basmati varieties occupy around 20% per cent rice area in the State. Himachal Pradesh, J & K, Punjab, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Haryana, and western Uttar Pradesh are the main basmati rice growing states.
It has been in use in the dishes for many years. Nowadays, it is one of the most popular varieties of rice in the western part of the world. Basmati rice is rich in flavor and aroma. It contains high calorific value about 200 grams of when cooked contains calories of more than 200 and are thus the good source of instant energy.It is also good source of carbohydrates and proteins.Various varieties of basmati rice including royal rice and the very popular 11-21 rice are good sources of carbohydrates and they are lower in Fat and Gluten.
Basmati rice Cultivation Income, Project report, Yield, ProfitsÂ
It is also rich source of vitamins like niacin and thiamine. Whiledeficiency of these vitamins is not good for human health. As well as Iron is another important nutrient that basmati rice adds to our diet. Brown rice variety of basmati adds fiber to the diet. Hence basmati rice has a lot of export potential.
 Soil and Climate for Basmati rice cultivation
It is grown in all types of soils. But, soils capable of holding water for longer periods such as heavy neutral soils are most suited for basmati rice cultivation. It is grown normally in soils with soil reaction ranging from pH 5.0 to 8.0. Soils with saline or alkaline nature adversely affects its growth and productivity.
Normal climatic requirements for rice include 20 – 35o C temperature throughout the crop duration for its normal growth, the clear sky during day, low night temperatures for reduced maintenance respiration and equitable distribution of rainfall. Its varieties require prolonged high humidity, sunshine and assured water supply for optimum growth and development. If the crop matures in relatively cooler temperature we can get superior cooking and eating quality rice. High temperature during grain filling period reduces the cooking and eating quality of basmati rice like kernel elongation and non-stickiness of rice after cooking.
Basmati rice Varieties:
- Punjab Basmati 2
- Sumathi
- Super Basmati
- Basmati 386
- Pusa Basmati No. 1
- Basmati 370
- Pusa Basmati 1121
- Punjab Mehak 1Â
Cost of cultivation for 1-acre Basmati rice cultivation
Seed material cost:
Seed rate of 6-8 kilograms is necessary for 1 acre basmati rice cultivation. If the cost of good quality seed is Rs.300 per kilogram it may cost up to Rs. 2100 for seed material.
Land preparation cost:
The main field is dry ploughed before 3 weeks of planting and submerged with 5-10 cm stagnated water. After incorporating 5 tonnes of organic manure, the field should be properly leveled. Land preparation for rice is ploughing once and one time puddling. Field should be flooded 3 days before transplanting. Land preparation requires tractor along with human labor. All these cost up to Rs.2500 on an average.
Cost of sowing:
Seedlings which are 3 weeks old from nursery are transplanted in puddled condition.Generally, spacing of plants for rice is 30 cm between rows and 25 cm between plants. It can also cultivated by broadcasting. Generally, sowing during the month of July is recommended. Sowing either transplanting or broadcasting requires average of 4 labor per acre. It will cost around Rs.800.
Weeding cost:
As the basmati rice was grown under submerged condition weed growth is very minimal. Hand weeding compulsory should be done 2 to 3 times at 20 days interval starting from 20 days after planting. Generally, the farmer has to incur around Rs.3000. If it requires 5 labor for each weeding.
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Cost of fertilizersfor 1 acre Basmati rice cultivation:
High doses of nitrogen application to Basmati varieties will cause excessive vegetative growth and height. It makes the crop more prone to lodging which results in poor yield. Apply 75 kg of superphosphate per acre prior to last puddling. Broadcasting of 18 kg urea/acre in two splits is recommended. The first dose should be applied three weeks and the second, at six weeks after transplanting. Apply the nitrogenous fertilizer when water is not standing in the field if possible. Organic manure has to be added to the field before last ploughing. The cost of this fertilizerapplication will be Rs.6500
Cost for plant protection measures:
It highly susceptible to stemborers namely yellow stemborer, white stemborer and pink stemborer. Diseases and insect pests cause a heavy loss in this crop. Neck blast disease in this crop is becoming increasingly severe. Sheath blight also causes considerable damage at endemic sites. False smut and sheath rot have emerged as new threats. Brown planthopper and yellow stem borer are some of the common insect pests of the high yielding varieties. Natural enemies of various insect pests in rice had great value in integrated pest management for sustainable rice production with replacement of need for pesticide input. By deploying effective bioagents like i.eTrichogrammajaponicumand T. chilonisin areas with pest infection, damage caused by stem borer and leaf folder can be reduced substantially. However pesticidal spray is necessary when incidence of pest and disease is severe. Cost of plant protection incurs up to Rs.3,200.
Miscellaneous activities cost:
Interest on working capital, the rental cost of land, irrigation cost, electricity cost and cost of family labor are included under miscellaneous cost. All these costs need around Rs.3500.
Cost of harvesting and threshing:
It should be harvested as soon as they mature i.e. when the ears are nearly ripe and the straw has turned into yellow color. Delayed harvesting may cause over-ripening and grains shattering. The harvested crop preferably should be threshed on the same or next day of harvesting. The delayed threshing will cause high shattering losses, reduced head rice recovery and ultimately reduces the market value. Mostly harvesting should be done 30-40 days after flowering. General yield varies around 22-25 quintals per acre. Harvesting can be done either mechanically or manually. Manual harvesting requires human labor for cutting along with tractor for threshing. In both modes of harvesting it costs up to Rs.2800 for harvesting.
Transportation cost:
Farmer has to spend around Rs.1000 for the transportation of produce to market.
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Total cost of 1-acre Basmati rice farming:
Cost of seed material: Rs. 2,100
Cost of land preparation:Â Rs. 2,500
Cost of sowing: Rs. 8,00
Cost of weeding: Rs. 3,000
Cost of Plant protection: Rs. 3,200
Fertilizer cost: Rs. 6,500
Cost of miscellaneous activities: Rs. 3,500
Cost of harvesting and shelling: Rs. 2,800
Cost of transportation: Rs. 1,000
Cost of 1 acre Basmati rice farming – Rs. 25,400
Extra 10% of total cost – Rs.2540
Total cost of 1 acre Basmati rice farming: Rs.27,940
It costs around Rs.27,940 for cultivating Basmati rice in one acre land. However, slight changes may happen in total cost of cultivation depending upon various factors like pest incidence, climatic conditions and other abiotic conditions.
Gross returns from 1 acre Basmati rice cultivation:Income returns in 1 acre basmati rice cultivation vary from region to region and market to market. The farmer can sell quintal Basmati rice at Rs.3405 at market on 09-09-2019 in Punjab on an average. A farmer can get 23 quintals of yield averagely from one acrebasmathi rice field. Therefore, 23 quintals × Rs. 3405 = Rs.78,315.
Net profit from 1-acre Basmati rice farming:
Net profit is calculated by subtracting the total cost of cultivation from gross returns. Then it is as said below
Rs. 78,315– Rs. 27, 940= Rs. 50,975
Therefore, the farmer can get a net income of Rs. 50,975 from 1-acre Basmati rice cultivation, if the crop was maintained properly. There might be little differences in costs depending upon the various factors like variety, market, labor demand, climatic conditions, and incidence of various pests and diseases, etc.
Conclusion: Yup, that’s all about Basmati Rice Cultivation income. As farmers bagging good returns with basmati rice cultivation, its cultivation is profitable for farmers.
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Sir basmati can be cultivated in udupi coastal belt. If so which variety and where can we order it from and what is the duration.
please can you send me this basmati project report
Hullo! Fantastic! I’m from Nigeria. I want try the Basmati rice cultivation in Nigeria. How can I get seeds?
I was inquisitive like you and bought rice from Punjab. I cultivated it in South Kerala, Elakulam in Kottayam Dist.
I have harvested recently and I had subjected the seeds with “vibration process” before sowing.
It grew well and should you be interested, I can forward the sample free of cost.
Yield was 60 times of the seed weight and to increase the yield I used ‘vibration process’.
Can we grow Basmati rice in chitradurga areas