Sunflower Cultivation Income, Yield, Project report

Introduction: Hello farmers we are back with great information on Sunflower cultivation income, yield per acre, net profits, project report, and cost of cultivation. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is the most popular oilseed crop that belongs to the familyAsteraceae. Sunflowers can be grown with little irrigation facilities. Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, Orissa, and Tamil Nadu are the major sunflower growing states in India.

A guide to sunflower cultivation income, project report, and yield  

It requires around 2.5 – 3 kilograms of seeds to cultivate in one acre. Approximately farmer can get a yield of 8- 9 quintals from one acre of Sunflower field. The average market price for Sunflower is Rs.3000- 4000 per quintal. The crop duration of Sunflower is around 3 – 4 months depending upon the variety it may differ.

Sunflower hybrid varieties for commercial farming

  • KBSH – 44
  • NDSH -1
  • DRSH -1
  • Other sunflower hybrid varieties

The cost of cultivation for 1-acre Sunflower

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The Cost of Cultivation of Sunflower.
The Cost of Cultivation of Sunflower.
The cost of land preparation

To cultivate Sunflower in one-acre land farmers need to spend around Rs. 900 to plough the field with a tractor as well as for preparing irrigation channels etc. farmer needs to employ one men labor. The cost of men labor will be Rs.300 per day.

The cost of Sunflower seed material

We need a seed rate of around 2.5 to 3.0 kilograms of seeds to sow Sunflower in one acre of land. In the market cost of one-kilogram of good quality Sunflower seeds is Rs. 250. Then to purchase 3 kilograms of Sunflower seeds farmers need to pay around Rs. 750. The cost of seed material may vary depending upon company and quality etc.

The seed treatment cost of sunflower

To avoid virus infestation Sunflower seeds should be treated with chemicals like thiomithaxem or imidachloprid. The cost of a seed treatment may vary around Rs. 160 – 180.

The cost of sowing of the sunflower crop

The cost incurred to sow one-acre Sunflower is Rs. 300 as it requires 2 human labors to sow a one-acre sunflower field (If the labor wage is Rs. 150 per head).

The cost of Sunflower thinning

After 10 -15 days of germination thinning operation should be done by removing unhealthy over crowing seedlings with the help of one human labor. So, money spent on thinning operation is Rs. 150.

The cost of Sunflower fertilizers and manures

In one-acre Sunflower field fertilizer management requires around Rs. 1880 in which around Rs. 800 was spent to apply farmyard manure and the remaining money of Rs. 1080 was used to purchase chemicals and to spray them.

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The cost of weeding

Weeds should be controlled in all growth stages by spraying herbicides and by practicing little inter cultivation. In a one-acre Sunflower field, weed management cost may extend up to Rs.1250 in both cost of herbicides, and the cost of inter cultivation was included.

The cost of plant protection measures

Major pests and diseases of Sunflower are the tobacco caterpillar, Bihar hairy caterpillar, Jassids, rust, charcoal rot, stem rot, head rot. On average it costs around Rs.1370 for the management of all these pests and diseases in a one-acre Sunflower field.

The Plant Protection Measures of Sunflower.
The Plant Protection Measures of Sunflower.
The cost of miscellaneous activities

It includes the depreciation cost of drip system, irrigation charges, and electricity charges, etc. involved in one-acre Sunflower farming. The cost of all these operations may extend up to Rs.830 averagely.

The cost of Sunflower harvesting

Harvesting should be done immediately when the crop attains proper maturity otherwise delay in harvesting leads to lodging and termite attack which reduces the yields. Harvesting requires 3 human labors per acre in Sunflower, where it costs Rs. 450 to pay the wages to the laborers.

The cost of Sunflower threshing

After separation of heads and proper drying threshing can be done manually or with the help of power operated thresher in both methods averagely farmer need to spend Rs. 750.

The cost of cleaning and packing of Sunflower

After threshing produce needs to clean before packing. This operation requires 2 human laborers. Thus, it needs Rs. 300 to clean and pack the produce of one-acre Sunflower.

The yield from1 acre Sunflower farming

Cultivating Sunflower in one acre of land by using hybrids with good irrigation facilities farmer can get around 8 – 9 quintals of yield. There might be little differences in yields depending upon various factors like variety, climatic conditions and pest, and disease incidence, etc.

The cost of transportation

To market his produce farmers need to transport his produce to the market from the place of harvesting. Towards this transportation as rental charges, we need to pay Rs.280.

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The total cost of 1-acre Sunflower farming

The cost of land preparation       –   Rs. 900 + Rs. 300

The cost of seed material           –   Rs. 750

The cost of seed treatment         –   Rs. 180

The cost of sowing                     –   Rs. 300

The thinning cost                       –    Rs.150

The fertilizer cost                       –   Rs.  800 + Rs. 1080

The cost of weeding                   –    Rs. 1250

The cost of plant protection        –    Rs.  1370

The cost of miscellaneous activities –   Rs. 830

The cost of harvesting                   –   Rs. 450

The cost of threshing                    –   Rs. 750

The cost of cleaning and packing     –  Rs.  300

The cost of transportation               –   Rs. 280

The cost of 1-acre Sunflower farming   – Rs.9, 890

Extra 10% of the total cost       – Rs. 989

The total cost of 1-acre Sunflower farming     – Rs.10, 879

The total cost incurred in 1-acre Sunflower cultivation

On average the total cost of cultivation involved in one-acre Sunflower, cultivation is Rs.10, 879. The cost involved in the cultivation of Sunflower may vary from the above-mentioned cost depending upon various factors like pest and disease incidence and weed incidence etc.

The total income from 1-acre Sunflower cultivation

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The Total Income from Sunflower Farming.
The Total Income from Sunflower Farming.

The market price for Sunflower dated on 25-10-2019 is Rs.3, 745 per quintal at Chitradurga market in Karnataka. So, for selling 8 quintals of Sunflower farmers will get a gross amount of Rs.29, 960.

The net profit from 1-acre Sunflower farming

The net income involved in 1-acre Sunflower cultivation is:

Rs. 29, 960 – Rs. 10, 879 = Rs. 19,081

So, by cultivating Sunflower in a one-acre farmer will get average net returns of Rs.10, 879.

Conclusion: During the time of late showers Sunflower can be cultivated as an alternate crop and farmers can get good returns by growing Sunflower during rabi and summer as the water requirements of sunflower is less.

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